1. Publication consent - European Commission

Public consultation on the review of the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020There are approximately 80 million citizens with disabilities in the EU, who often face barriers that prevent them from fully participating in all aspects of life on an equal basis with others. In its commitment to eliminate these barriers and improve the life of people with disabilities, the EU became a party to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN Convention). Implementing the Convention is an ongoing process and it is a shared responsibility of the EU institutions and the Member States. The EU can only act within the powers conferred to it by the EU treaties. A first review of the EU's implementation of the UN Convention, done by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, recognised the progress achieved until now, but also provided some recommendations for the future.At EU level, the UN Convention is implemented through the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020. This Strategy has identified eight main areas for action at EU level: Accessibility, Participation, Equality, Employment, Education and Training, Social Protection, Health and External Action. Having reached the halfway point in its implementation, the European Commission launches this public consultation in order to assess its impact and to ensure EU policy remains tailored to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities.This questionnaire asks for your opinion on what has been achieved so far at EU level, your views on the challenges faced by all persons with disabilities and how the European Union should address them. We appreciate all replies from citizens, organisations, public authorities, businesses, academics and other stakeholders.We will use the findings of this public consultation to assess the progress made under the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and to identify gaps to be addressed at EU level to ensure the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in pleting the survey should take about 20 minutes. Please return this document by 18.03.2016 to the following email address: EMPL-C3-CONSULTATION@ec.europa.eu Fields marked with * are mandatory.Please note that the questionnaire will only use your full contribution if your name or that of your organisation (if you answer on behalf of an organisation or institution) is provided. If you choose not to provide the name, you have the option of submitting a general comment only.If you do choose to provide us with your name or your organisation's name, you can still opt for your answers to remain anonymous when the results are published.*Yes, I will provide the nameNo, I prefer to provide a general comment only (go to Q 4.5)The data protection statement relating to this survey is available online.1. Publication consent Contributions received from this survey may be published on the European Commission's website, with the identity of the contributor. Do you agree to your contribution being published under your name?*My contribution may be published under the name indicatedMy contribution may be published but the name should be kept anonymousI do not wish any of my contributions to be published2. Profile of the respondent Please mark the options that apply to you.2.1 Are you replying:*As an individual citizen, on behalf of myself onlyOn behalf of an organisation (go to Q 2.11)2.2 What is your name?* [free text] 2.3 I am in the age group:*Under 18 years19-30 years31-49 years50-65 yearsOver 66 years2.4 What is your gender?* Female Male OtherNo Answer2.5 Do you have a disability, that is, a long-term impairment which in interaction with various barriers may hinder your full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others?*Yes (skip Q 2.7)No (go to Q 2.7)No answer2.6 Has your disability been formally recognised?*YesNo2.7 No,* I take care of (a) person(s) with disabilities as a family member or as a non-paid carerI take care of persons with disabilities as a formal carer (it is my paid job)I work with or employ a person with disabilitiesI have no personal connection with disability issuesOther [free text up to 200 characters]2.8 What is the country of your nationality?* [free text]2.9 In which country do you live?* [free text] 2.10 Are you currently in employment, education or training?* I work in the private sectorI work in the public sectorI do paid work in a civil society organisation (including disability organisations)I do unpaid work (such as volunteering) I am in education or trainingI am retiredI am unemployedNo answer(Questions 2.11 to 2.16 are for organisations only, skip if you are an individual)2.11 What is the name of your organisation?* [free text]2.12 What type of organisation do you represent?* Private sector Public sector Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)Disabled People's Organisation (DPO) - reserved for organisations in which persons with disabilities are in leadership positions or are members of the boardOther [free text up to 200 characters]2.13 At what level does the organisation work?*International levelEU level National level Regional or local level2.14 Is your organisation in the EU's Transparency Register?* YesNo (go to Q 2.16)2.15 What is the Identification Number?* [free text](See Transparency Register): 2.16 Does your organisation employ persons with disabilities?*YesNo3. Your views on the current situation of persons with disabilities 3.1 Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:*Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagreeDon't knowPersons with disabilities can fully participate in everyday activities as other citizensPersons with disabilities enjoy the same rights as other citizensPersons with disabilities face discrimination in their everyday activities because of their disabilitiesEU citizens with disabilities find it more difficult to move to another Member State than other EU citizens3.2Out of the following problems, which ones do you find more important for persons with disabilities?* [between 1 and 5 choices] Lack of access to the built environmentLack of access to transportLack of access to Internet and communication technologiesLack of access to other goods and servicesLack of equal opportunities in the labour market Lack of equal opportunities in education Lack of support for parents of children with disabilities (such as appropriate education provision or therapeutic services) Lack of equal access to healthcare (doctors, hospitals, etc.), including age-appropriate support for children Barriers to free movement within the EUDiscrimination (including double discrimination, such as towards women with disabilities and children with disabilities)Difficulty living independently (for instance predominance of care in large residential institutions and/or lack of services in the community)Difficulty participating in political and public lifeDifficulty participating in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sportDifficulties stemming from the design of employment legislation or social protection schemes (such as the loss of disability allowance when entering the labour market, independently of the wage)Difficulty being heard in matters that affect themLack of disability-related training for service professionals who might deal with persons with disabilities throughout their professional lives (such as teachers, doctors and lawyers)Poverty and low incomeBarriers to the recognition and exercise of legal capacityMistreatment (such as violence, abuse or neglect of liberty and dignity) 3.3 Are there particular challenges that you can identify for children with disabilities that are different from the challenges faced by adults with disabilities? [free text up to 300 characters]3.4Have you personally experienced any of the problems mentioned in the previous question (3.2)?*YesOnly indirectly, through the experience of family membersOnly indirectly, through the experience of friendsOnly indirectly, through the experience of co-workersNoNo answer3.5Are there any other areas where you think the lives of persons with disabilities could be improved?Yes [free text up to 200 characters]NoNo answer3.6Are you aware of the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020?*YesNoNo answer4. The impact of implementing the European Disability Strategy for the period 2010-2015 4.1 Five years after the adoption of the Strategy, how has the situation of persons with disabilities improved in the following priority areas defined in the Strategy?*Very muchTo a good extentTo a certain extentSlightlyNot at allAccessibility of goods and services including public services and assistive devices.Participation in society by:- enjoying the benefits of EU citizenship;- removing administrative and attitudinal barriers to full and equal participation;- providing quality community-based services, including access to personal assistance.Equality:Fighting discrimination on grounds of disability.Employment:Earning a living on the open labour market.Education and training:Inclusive education and lifelong learning for pupils and students with disabilities.Social protection:Decent living conditions.Health:Equal access to health services and related facilities.External action:Promote the rights of persons with disabilities within the EU external action.No answer4.2 Which factors were more determining in achieving progress, even if limited?* (Multiple choice possible)EU policy actionThe use of EU fundingDevelopments at national levelPrivate initiativesPublic opinion/ changes of mentalityEconomic conditionsNew scientific discoveries and/or technological changeInterest groups and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) advocacyBusiness lobbyingOther political activity which impacted disability policyDon't knowIf you would like to add something or give examples: [free text up to 300 characters]4.3 Please rate your overall satisfaction with what has been achieved in the last five years (2010-2015) to improve the situation of persons with disabilities:*Very satisfiedSatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedDissatisfied Don’t know4.4 Which do you think are the main obstacles for a quicker progress?* (Multiple choice possible)Lack of human and financial resourcesLack of political willLack of adequate legislationLimits to EU competence for actionLack of involvement of persons with disabilitiesLack of awareness among the non-disabledThe economic situationLack of social pressureStigma associated with disabilityLack of policy makers' understanding for the specificity of disability-related needsOther [free text up to 100 characters] 4.5 General comment: [free text up to 1500 characters] ................

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