Swan Hill Sporting Car Club

center-495300Dusty Digest. 00Dusty Digest. 317500238125Swan Hill Sporting Car ClubNewsletterAugust 20150Swan Hill Sporting Car ClubNewsletterAugust 2015Editor’s Note381006223000G’day all.August was a huge month. For a while there after last months’ newsletter I was wondering what I was going to do to fill the space this time but with the assorted reports here I don’t reckon ‘fluffing it out’ will be an issue. From the working bee to realign the Start/Finish area to the adoption of a couple of Official Policies regarding use of the Club Car and entry to the Pit area, to the 2-day Multiclub event that not only saw racing return to the full track after the previous months’ rain affected Motorkhana but also the debut of the new Start/Finish line with not just 4 cars on track at once but frequently 6, it was all happening!A huge thanks to the Hulls and associated catering heroes who kept us fed and coffeed over the weekend. You guys rock and we look forward to seeing you again next month for VCAS and the Junior Development Day. And BE AWARE ALL ENTRANTS!!! Due to the wonderful age of litigation in which we live Swan Hill Sporting Car Club has had to introduce a Pit Pass Policy. Now don’t panic, it won’t cost you anything. But it does mean when you’re filling in your driver/passenger paperwork at the start of the event, you’ll need one more signature to get your Pit Pass wristband and without one of these, you don’t get in to the pits. And if you’re under 14, you just don’t get into the pits, Period. I know it sucks but if someone gets reversed over by a driver with belts and helmet on and no rearward visibility, we get sued, no more racing, and this would SUCK MUCH MORE. So be warned; our resident Pit Bull will be at the gate all weekend checking wristbands and YOU DON’T WANT TO GET CAUGHT IN THE PITS WITHOUT ONE.We have also nutted out a club policy for use of the club car, since we are currently down to one. There’ll be a copy of it somewhere in this newsletter when I can find somewhere to put it.And later in the year, November to be precise, we’ll be running a Khanacross demo at the Ouyen Show. This is Staceys’ (other) baby so more details later.4131945165100005461635612775Rob00Rob546735030797500With thanks to Ted, Lynne, Chris and all other contributors, here’s how the last race meet went… Officials Perspective August 8th?and 9th?2015.?333375044259500Our track for the July meeting was basically a pool of water, so with the thought of keeping the show on the road we went up on the hill out of the wet. After some discussion a single track was marked out with the stop paddock one side of the temporary pits and the start paddock on the other side.?After a bit of a shaky start we were under way and it worked very well. Just about at all times, two cars were easily able to be accommodated. So with that experience under our belts it was thought, what about if we could do the same on our existing track,?i.e.?separate the stop and start areas. Maybe we could handle more cars??With our well attended working bee, a?lend?of?Coburns’?grader, hire of chain digger and rearranging?of?a few?– alright a lot of -?tyres we were ready. 0209550000So, on Saturday?August 8th?we started off tentatively getting two cars going on each track. John Schellens and I agreed that we should build up to it. Within an hour we managed our first time ever running three cars on each track. From then on it seemed easy. Because it?was all going so quickly, the staging person and the timer need assistance. With three cars on each track?the staging person is calling in numbers about every forty seconds. After a number of hours on my own, instead of saying Lane 1, car 14, I was saying Lane 14, car 1! ?It was much better when there was someone else there to take a turn.? Sometimes I let the cars go across the track a bit late or they dawdled and had to wait for the finishing cars. It seems that once the competing cars have gone over or under the bridge it is too late to send the cars across the track.???David Johns was our CAMS provided Steward and he made a few suggestions. We have thought we may be able to stack up another pair of cars behind the cars on the start line.?Sunday went just as well and with less cars, it was almost drive in off the track and get directed straight out again without stopping.?There were a number of new things we tried this weekend. Numbers were one of them. A great idea, easy for the staging marshal and easy for the timers.?Anyway, we will review our performance and fine tune if we can but first thoughts are that it worked brilliantly with little stress on any officials.?Ted PaynterFrom the Timing Crew04953000As the assistant race timer I would just like to start off by saying that the new start lines are great.? We can now have up to six or more cars on the track at once?giving drivers?more track time. This keeps?us?busy, but with a lot less stress.?The new caution lights have been great so far and I can’t wait to see more of them around the track,?as this makes the track safer for other drivers already out there.?Interestingly?one of the chequered flags?slipped down the rope during the day?and was flapping around over the finishing sensor causing it to?trigger falsely.?John will now have his work cut out for him?to make?changes to?the?TrackMaster?program?in order to:?Allow personalised numbers to be stored in the main database so we don’t have to constantly type them in for every event.?Embed the code for the new caution lights into the?TrackMaster?program so we don’t need a separate control?for them.?222885043751500?Either adding more columns or?automatically?deleting slower times Usually we set up the finishing sensors the night before an event because they are much easier to align in the dark.?This time however we could not get one sensor to respond.?On further inspection it turned out that one of the wires inside the sensor had come out.?This?was soon fixed and the sensor was soon up and running?again.?Cindy?Brunning?From the Catering Crew.?Just a quick few words from the catering tent. We had two big days of catering. Weather was not too bad; not much wind to bother our tent.?The pies, pasties and sausage rolls were a hit, something new as well as Dawn Alexander’s lamingtons and muffins.?Neil Albert – I hope you enjoyed them on Sunday when you were at work!?Linda Trotter was a big help on Saturday as we were pretty busy. We appreciated the extra help.??Greg Hull on the?bbq. ‘Good job Greg’.? Soups were tasty. Thanks to all who made them. Tanya?McGillvray’s?vegie?soup and Tom?Paynter’s?pumpkin soup went down a treat.?Thanks Ted Paynter for organising the shower. Just wonderful!?A big thank you to the?McGillvray?family for donating the pie warmer and steamer for the dim?sims?at the weekend.?Cheers,?952532702500Donna Hull.??President Report August 8th and 9thWhat a weekend and how proud should the members of SHSCC be, we really turned one on. Catering a huge selection of fantastic food, a new start line allowing huge numbers of runs by anyone who wanted to do them, and even beyond our expectations we easily and safely ran 3 in each lane all day. It was harder to keep a queue in the lanes than it was to run them and it was much easier on our officials who really felt an ease of operation.Spectators (you know the ones we never had?), the car park was 3 deep on Sunday and they were entertained by the number of cars we could put through, the general chatter was “this is fantastic and we loved it”. We gained at least one new member on the day and there are 2 more coming out next month to join in, that is 3 new cars to the grid and we need them to be able to take a breath. Adam Smith and myself as well as Kevin Jobling and Rob Field went head to head, only changing from Lane 1 to Lane 2 for just under a hour and I can tell you none of us were holding back, you would have thought sheep stations were on the line. I can say that was some of the best fun I have had in a long time and by the end we 88908572500were totally spent, it was 1.45pm and we were toast! Got home and collapsed, how the hell do they do Bathurst? Rob and Greg Field who came up from Melbourne must have thought they were driving back to Perth, must have been tired when they got home but I bet they are still smiling thinking of it. They’re last words were “we will be back in November” and I hope so, great guys loved the runs against you.Now a BIG THANK YOU to all that made this happen. You know you do not just turn up, unlock the gate and this sort of weekend just happens, it is lots of work to get the track ready. The thing was flooded 2 months back and more water and rain kept it wet but with tractor work and rolling, more tractor work and more rolling it was great. Same for the setting up of catering, timing lights, bins, fire wood, tyres, and bollard fencing, there were people putting in hard throughout the week leading up to it. Then the running on the day, Time Keepers, Marshals and Club Chief to run it, an Event Secretary to stress out with your paper work, even a couple who were sent up by Cams as Chief Steward from Geelong and so on and if I missed any it is not intentional THANK YOU.19907254127500We did have one unfortunate problem; we have been battling the exposure to liability of people in the pit area and came up with the solution of using a form to cover liability to enter the pits, accompanied by a green wrist band to show you where compliant. We are aiming to keep children out of harm’s way as a driver with helmet on and belts done up does not have a lot of side vision when moving around the pit area. We covered it at the drivers briefing but as this was the first time we had done it we did not have signs up and not all were aware. Anyway this did cause some bones of contention and we will work hard to smooth them out. We did sign the entries in on the Sunday.I am hoping to talk with all involved and make this system fair and simple for all but it was not the intent of the club to upset anybody and we would hate to do so. We will be talking about it at our next general meeting, if you have anything to add to that please let me know. president@.au.Race Report August 8th and 9th 2924175281940The weather was great, nice breeze, no rain and a very comfortable 15’ to 17’ temp, at least outside the car.Saturday saw 22 entries but with the new start line you could hardly tell we had any. If you looked out to the track there was lots to see with 6 cars running and 2 on the start line most of the time, we can now say that worked and we love it. But with success does come failure and we saw one blown engine with lots of knocking, one blown head gasket, two fried clutches and one (Mr Dust) lost cylinder. Personally I am amazed Mr Dust has kept it all inside the engine this long - the thing just lives on the limiter, but they will all be back and ready to go soon.The track was quick and did reward the brave. Jobbo brought out one Commo on Sat and one on Sunday with the times not showing a clear winner there, both did quite well. You will have think back to which you enjoyed more Jobbo. Looking at the results everyone went quite well and the number of runs shown did not really represent your entire day, as John the time keeper did have to keep clearing them with people getting way more than the 10 runs per lane that the software could account for.00The weather was great, nice breeze, no rain and a very comfortable 15’ to 17’ temp, at least outside the car.Saturday saw 22 entries but with the new start line you could hardly tell we had any. If you looked out to the track there was lots to see with 6 cars running and 2 on the start line most of the time, we can now say that worked and we love it. But with success does come failure and we saw one blown engine with lots of knocking, one blown head gasket, two fried clutches and one (Mr Dust) lost cylinder. Personally I am amazed Mr Dust has kept it all inside the engine this long - the thing just lives on the limiter, but they will all be back and ready to go soon.The track was quick and did reward the brave. Jobbo brought out one Commo on Sat and one on Sunday with the times not showing a clear winner there, both did quite well. You will have think back to which you enjoyed more Jobbo. Looking at the results everyone went quite well and the number of runs shown did not really represent your entire day, as John the time keeper did have to keep clearing them with people getting way more than the 10 runs per lane that the software could account for.-14287528575We are coming to terms with the permanent number system on cars and I must say the field was looking pretty neat with lots of cars having names and numbers on the glass, not to mention how much easier it is to call them out to the time keepers. So if you have not asked for your number yet please do so or we might just have to allocate you one soon.00We are coming to terms with the permanent number system on cars and I must say the field was looking pretty neat with lots of cars having names and numbers on the glass, not to mention how much easier it is to call them out to the time keepers. So if you have not asked for your number yet please do so or we might just have to allocate you one soon.51435024320500Here are the Saturday results and as we are not allowed to publish times on Test and Tune days, no numbers only places here but if you want track data email me and I can send it to you. president@.au If you are wondering how scoring works you need to have completed 2 laps in each lane to get a result so the people at the end of the list must not have managed to get 2 laps in each lane for whatever reason (2 clutches and a motor)..?Sort by overallNumberFirst NameLast NameClassVehicleColourBy ClassOverall17ChrisGibsonEMitsubishi LancerBlack1199AdamSmithEFord Falcon UteBlue2211GregFieldENissan BluebirdBlack139RobertFieldENissan BluebirdBlack242KelvinJoblingEHolden CommodoreWhite35420DarbyAndersonDMitsubishi LancerBlue3664BarryMiddletonDMitsubishi LancerBlue4753NeilAlbertPHyundai ExcelBlue188JackHawkinsCHyundai ExcelSilver19888ColinO'BrienDHolden Commodore VNRed5104TysonBuckleyJFord TelstarGreen11112DanielMcDonaldPMitsubishi LancerGreen21213RobKing-GeePMitsubishi LancerSilver31340NeilDonnanPMitsubishi LancerSilver41421GlennMcGillrayCHyundai ExcelSilver21588LiamCarmichaelJHolden Commodore VSWhite216666RossTrotterEHolden CommodoreMaroon/White41718KelseyTrotterLToyota SedanRed/White1183StephenBarrJMitsubishi SigmaRed3195DanielCampbellJHolden CommodoreWhite15RodneyStevensonPMazda SedanMaroon/Yellow10GlenKing-GeePMitsubishi LancerSilverSort by classNumberFirst NameLast NameClassVehicleColourBy ClassOverall17ChrisGibsonEMitsubishi LancerBlack1111GregFieldENissan BluebirdBlack1353NeilAlbertPHyundai ExcelBlue188JackHawkinsCHyundai ExcelSilver194TysonBuckleyJFord TelstarGreen11118KelseyTrotterLToyota SedanRed/White11899AdamSmithEFord Falcon UteBlue229RobertFieldENissan BluebirdBlack2412DanielMcDonaldPMitsubishi LancerGreen21221GlennMcGillrayCHyundai ExcelSilver21588LiamCarmichaelJHolden Commodore VSWhite2162KelvinJoblingEHolden CommodoreWhite35420DarbyAndersonDMitsubishi LancerBlue3613RobKing-GeePMitsubishi LancerSilver3133StephenBarrJMitsubishi SigmaRed31964BarryMiddletonDMitsubishi LancerBlue4740NeilDonnanPMitsubishi LancerSilver414666RossTrotterEHolden CommodoreMaroon/White417888ColinO'BrienDHolden Commodore VNRed5105DanielCampbellJHolden CommodoreWhite15RodneyStevensonPMazda SedanMaroon/Yellow10GlenKing-GeePMitsubishi LancerSilver28575158686500A good range of entries across the classes here and well done Neil Albert leading a large field of Class P in the WRC weapon, see Facebook if you are not sure why I called it that. Jack Hawkins continues to impress in his Hundi and I have it on good authority that a 2 car team is on the go in that household (looking forward to that Glenn), and Neil the Lancer invasion could be being met by Hyundai soon. Tyson Buckley also had a great day and drove very well, good on you Tyson it is great to see young drivers doing a mature job behind the wheel. Looking through the photos of the weekend shows that for the most part cars are finding race lines and keeping it on the track, the field is looking very impressive overall and got to say loving it.Have to welcome the team in the Silver Lancer, bummer with the clutch you were all doing quite well there for a while, but that’s the joys of motor racing.Ross Trotter finally got to drive his car and looked to be going well, he was in 666 and had a devil of a time (ok dad joke I know).4057650142240The Mallee Family Care tent set up for the weekend00The Mallee Family Care tent set up for the weekendOn to Sunday. We can show results for Sunday as it was a race day but I could only fit overall results here. If you want to see lap times click on the link here, The numbers are based on the best 2 passes in each lane and you can see there are some tight competitions going on here.Sorted by OverallNumberFirst NameLast NameClassVehicleColourTotalClassOverall17ChrisGibsonEMitsubishi LancerBlack422.31119RobertFieldENissan BluebirdBlack425.672299AdamSmithEFord Falcon UteBlue429.313311GregFieldENissan BluebirdBlack4354464BarryMiddletonDMitsubishi LancerBlue448.6115420DarbyAndersonDMitsubishi LancerBlue453.06262KelvinJoblingEHolden CommodoreWhite453.18578JackHawkinsCHyundai ExcelSilver457.741822BrodieRobertsPVW GolfWhite462.491912DanielMcDonaldPMitsubishi LancerGreen464.29210888ColinObrienDHolden Commodore VNRed470.431121GlennMcGillrayCHyundai ExcelSilver475.4921273TomPaynterENissan SkylineRed483.7461343CalebStewartPFord UteBlue504.32314Sorted by ClassNumberFirst NameLast NameClassVehicleColourTotalClassOverall17ChrisGibsonEMitsubishi LancerBlack422.311164BarryMiddletonDMitsubishi LancerBlue448.61158JackHawkinsCHyundai ExcelSilver457.741822BrodieRobertsPVW GolfWhite462.49199RobertFieldENissan BluebirdBlack425.6722420DarbyAndersonDMitsubishi LancerBlue453.062612DanielMcDonaldPMitsubishi LancerGreen464.2921021GlennMcGillrayCHyundai ExcelSilver475.4921299AdamSmithEFord Falcon UteBlue429.3133888ColinObrienDHolden Commodore VNRed470.431143CalebStewartPFord UteBlue504.3231411GregFieldENissan BluebirdBlack435442KelvinJoblingEHolden CommodoreWhite453.185773TomPaynterENissan SkylineRed483.74613Sunday was a great day, we hit it hard from the get go and it was on. Barry Middleton did very well, he has now come to terms with his car and it is showing, I have never seen such a smile on his dial. It was great to see - after all we are all only trying to have fun, and when it all just works that is fun. 952570929500Brodie Roberts gave it a good crack in his nine iron (VW Golf) sorry Brodie, just had to have one more! Saturday night might have had a lot of golf banter but seriously a very nice looking car and was doing some good times, well done Brodie.Robert and Greg Field also did very well and by the end of the weekend had it down, they were flying and a run against either was going to be tough, just see Jobbos’ post on Facebook.Daniel McDonald looked good all day, he is going well. Looks great on the track and his car is looking good with more signage each time out, well done but shame about the head gasket.What about Caleb Stewart, first time out on the track in his ute. A tyre off the rim did not stop him, found another and back out again, then packed up and off to have a baby (at least Stacey did). Well done to you both and Jordison Estelle - 09/08/2015.There were lots of other stories from the weekend but all in all it was fantastic and I cannot wait for the 19th and 20th of Sep to come round, VCAS round 9. It would be nice if SHSCC could take out one or 2 places wouldn’t it ladies and gents.See you thenCGThis Month’s Tip.Bring lots of fuel, if you are thinking 20 litres bring 30, that was the big problem in August.Check your tyre pressures and if you have a slow leak get a tube fitted. Congratulation to Stacey and Caleb on the birth of their baby daughter Jordison Estelle - 09/08/2015Well done and perfect timing Stace!President: Chris Gibson president@.au 0422036369Vice President: Neil Albert vicepresident@.au 0408307073Secretary: Lyn Andrew secretary@.au 0408378271Event Secretary: Lynne Paynter eventsecretary@.auHead Scrutineer: Kiel Tripcony chiefscrutineer@.auNewsletter Editor!: Robert Goff stateyman@.auNEXT GENERAL MEETING-WEDNESDAY 2 SEPTEMBER7:30PMLAZY RIVER MOTOR INN.Please forward any agenda items to Chris Gibson (President) or Lyn Andrew (Secretary).Minutes from last month’s meeting can be found on the club website. .au1125220252222000-219075-3111500Meagan from Get Reel Productions has a special offer for club members. A personal profile video where she will attend the track or another location and guarantee a minimum of 2 hours filming focused solely on the individual’s car, driving etc. The completed video is compacted into a 20-45 minute highlight reel complete with music, titles and special effect overlays. Normally priced at $250, Meagan is offering a 50% discount, available to club members for $125. Bookings are essential, please contact Meagan on?0438 615 077 meagan@Meagan will be at our upcoming VCAS/Junior Development weekend!!!4686300746125By the way, here’s that copy of the new Club Car policy I promised00By the way, here’s that copy of the new Club Car policy I promisedIf you want to take advantage of this offer, now would be the time!!!CLASSESIn simple terms if it just came off the rood it is class PIf you have done anything to it and the engine is below 1600 or 1.6 L it is class CIf you have done anything to it and the engine is above 1600 or 1.6 L but under 2000 or 2 l it is class DIf you have done anything to it and the engine is above 2000 or 2l it is class EIf you are aged from 14 to 18 as of Jan the current year you are in class J regardless of the car you are driving.L Ladies also regardless of car.S Specials (Custom built cars and excessively modified sedans)W Production Based 4WD or AWD (no tyre restrictions apply)Below are the more detailed answers10. CLASSES (Drivers will be graded into the following classes)P Standard Production (2WD, Road Tyres Only, No Modifications allowed)C 0-1600cc Modified (2WD, No Firewall Modifications, Similar Engine Only (Make & No of cyl)D 1601-2000cc Modified (2WD, No Firewall Modifications, Similar Engine Only (Make & No of cyl)E Over 2000cc Modified (2WD, No Firewall Modifications, Similar Engine Only (Make & No of cyl)J Juniors – Aged 14 -18yo as of 1st January 2015L LadiesS Specials (Custom built cars and excessively modified sedans)W Production Based 4WD or AWD (no tyre restrictions apply)- Refer the VCAS 2015 Standing Regulations for full detailsWhen a vehicle is fitted with forced induction the swept displacement shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.7 to determine its nominal capacity. 6.3 When a vehicle is fitted with a rotary [Wankel-type] engine the swept displacement shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.8 to determine its nominal capacity. 6.4 When a vehicle is fitted with a rotary [Wankel-type] engine and forced induction the swept displacement shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.8 x 1.7 = 3.06 to determine its nominal capacity. Here are a couple of random items…For a non-road-registered series production-based automobile any cable-operated release bonnet mechanism must be disabled and replaced with at least two fasteners which hold the bonnet closed. (Bonnet pins)Shall display a blue triangle of sides 150mm indicating the location of the battery.With visible towing points (capable of accepting a 40mm OD cylindrical test object) fitted forward of the front axle and rearwards of the rear axle and capable of towing the automobile on a sealed surface with its wheels locked;Please go to and have a read if you have question great please ask Me or the scrutineers if we do not know we will find out for you.Chris Gibson-5334000004905375000Calendar of Events. September Saturday 19th- VCAS Round 9 Scrutineering 8.30am racing from 10.30 am. Saturday Social Night BBQ at the club house camping and shower available. Sunday 20th Come and try day Junior Development Day and Test and tune. All welcome scrutineering 9.00am racing from 10.00am October Sunday 18th Test and Tune scrutineering 8.00am racing from 9.00am November Melbourne Cup Weekend Saturday Oct 31st Practice with Test and Tune scrutineering 12.00pm racing from 1.00pm, Social Saturday Night BBQ. Club house camping and shower available. Sunday Nov 1st-VCAS Round 11 Scrutineering 8.30am racing from 10.30am Hosted by Cerberus Car Club at Swan Hill December? 5th Christmas Party. Details to be advised. 13th Test and tune scrutineering 8.00am racing from 9.00amWe Love Our Sponsors-6667524765Jumbuck RemovalsFor all your removal needs please contact Ross Trotter at Jumbuck RemovalsClub Sponsor.Jumbuck Removals sponsors the club monthly incentive award.27044654762500 Lyn Andrew Photography.Photos taken at each race event are available for purchase. $20 for copy of all the pictures taken of your car that day with at least 5 edited pics if you supply the USB. $30 for the above if I supply the USB.-266700251460 Head Office – 40 McCallum Street Swan Hill? Victoria 3585Visiting – (Tiptoe Podiatry) 25 Albert Street Kerang? Victoria 3579(03) 5032 4646 Earthmoving specialises in earthmoving and excavations including dam construction, road construction, irrigation, subdivision and general earthworks thoughout Victoria.365125-142049500 Details Contact:Gary SavilleLocation: Nyah, VictoriaTelephone:03 5030 2234Mobile:0427 302 957Email:gary@.au29527502159000Country Tracks 4WD Accessories & Exhaust Centre is located in Swan Hill and is renowned for offering a comprehensive range of accessories from the most credible and respected brands in the industry.? There are accessories for any 4WD vehicle and any type of 4WD user. Customers have the option of having the accessories fitted on the premises, thereby saving them valuable time and money. ?14 Chapman Street, Swan Hill VIC 3585(03) 5032 1448 only use the latest state of the art cameras. We offer a broad range of packages to suit all styles and budgets. Our work speaks for itself, please take the time to look at our sample works provided on this site.-10477523495333121056515 -11366524130Lazy River Motor Inn with over 2.5 acres and lots of parking. Great for race cars on trailers!!! 188 Murray Valley Hwy Swan Hill Phone Phone 5032 2123 .auWe buy all types of scrap metal in all of Swan Hill, Kerang and the surrounds. Call us and we will come to you.Swan Hill Scrap Metal buy all types of scrap metal, we can pick up from your business, farm or home. All metals including steel, farm machinery, engineering offcuts, data and electrical cable, aluminium, copper, lead batteries, brass or anything metal. Call us and we will do the hard work for you. We are open from Monday to Friday and are available on Saturdays by appointment only. 3768725-14287500(03)503249803Quin Drive Swan Hill-7556553975Club BirthdaysLuke Thompson8/8Darby Anderson28/8Toby Carmichael25/800Club BirthdaysLuke Thompson8/8Darby Anderson28/8Toby Carmichael25/8Buy, Sell or Swap2.0 l, FWD ’88 Celica – Unreg, un RW but mechanically good A fine Autocross weapon to take on these pesky Lancers and Hyundais! See Rob 0415 782 904$800-ish?Black CV8 Monaro Model – only given to Holden employees when the Monaro/Commodore came out. With certificate of authenticity, display base, opening doors, bonnet, boot, working steering etc. See Rob0415 782 904$75-ish?Blue VH Commodore console, auto, good condition, just a couple of scuff marks from drivers’ seatbelt See Rob 0415 782 904$50-ish?WANTED: Pair of cheap, used 4 point harnesses See (you guessed it) Rob 0415 782 904WANTED: Other ads for Buy/Swap/Sell..! Or will otherwise have to rename it ‘Help Rob Pay For His Race Car Bits’!!!Licence Structure and PathwayThe Licensing and Accreditation Guide is a reference guide for new and current CAMS Accredited Officials containing information on the National Officiating Program; licence application, upgrade and maintenance; training and development; policies and procedures. Click the link below to download:Licensing and Accreditation Guide 2013-2014 (pdf) -3124201206500?The CAMS Accredited Official licensing structure has two parts: Graded Officials Licences and Non Graded Officials Licences.Graded Officials Licences have six grading levels and are available to all CAMS Accredited Officials to achieve. Non Graded Officials Licenses have two types: Specialist Licence holders are those that hold professional qualifications and are registered medical service providers. Appointed Licence holders are those that have been appointed by the management of CAMS.??The diagram below shows the licence pathway and the available disciplines in which to specialise at Bronze level. Each of the disciplines in blue have an associated training module, as does General Official (Introductory Module), Club Chief and Silver level. For more information on training modules, visit Training.An official may hold different levels for different disciplines of officiating at any one time (e.g. they could be a Gold Steward and also a Bronze Rally Official). The graded levels are defined as follows:TraineeFor those with no current motor sport officiating experience who are capable of working under direct supervision at all events.General OfficialFor those with motor sport officiating experience who are capable of working under indirect supervision at all events.Club Chief (Club Level Specific)For those with motor sport officiating experience working without supervision, capable of performing the role of Clerk of the Course/Event Director, assuming a team-leader role (except Chief Scrutineer) or Chief Steward role at Club/Multi-Club events (excluding race, rally and off road events).BronzeFor those officials qualified to officiate without supervision, capable of performing the role of team-leader (may take responsibility for other officials), officiating as Chief up to and including State level events and act as General Official at any level event.SilverFor those officials with motor sport officiating experience qualified to work without supervision, capable of assuming a team-leader role (and taking responsibility for other officials), officiating as Chief up to and including National level events, and act as a General Official at any level event.GoldFor those officials with motor sport officiating experience qualified to work without supervision, capable of assuming a team-leader role (and taking responsibility for other officials), officiating as Chief up to and including International level events, and act as a General Official at any level from Day Clothing.Drivers need to be aware that there are minimum standards for clothing on race day and that clothing standards are part of the scrutineering process. That means that if you are not dressed in your race gear when the car is being scrutineered, then you will have to produce what you are wearing. Below is a summary of what can and cannot be worn when racing. If these standards are not met then you will not pass scrutineering and will not be able to race. HelmetMust meet Australian standards. In good condition. No cracks, dents or deep scratches and it cannot be painted. The lining must be in good condition. Fasteners need to be in good condition. ClothingDrivers and passengers must be dressed in clothing that covers them from neck to ankle to wrists. The clothing can not be nylon. For example, long sleeved Visy tops cannot be worn. FootwearFootwear can be either shoes or boots. Both need to have a leather upper but can have elastic sides. For example, pull on work boots are ok but nylon sneakers are not. Leather upper sneakers/runners are ok. Please follow the link for more in-depth explanation. CLICK HEREClub Apparel.Polo Tops, Sweats and Hoodies are now available to order from Blue Sky in Swan Hill with club logo. Please allow adequate amount of time for them to take enough orders to do a run. Prices for the clothing will depend on the size. Logos are available for embroidery on the back (large) and on the front. General Official’s Course- the club needs more Official’s. The first step in the process is to complete a General Official’s Course. Can you please make contact with Lynne Paynter who will advise C.A.M.S. and start the ball rolling. Web SiteSwan Hill Sporting Car Club now has its own web site .au Please have a look around the site and see what it has to offer. You will notice that there is a forum section. Please register and take part in the forum/s that are of interest to you. 42862508572500One last reminder – texting while walking can be dangerous, especially in the mud..! ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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