MS Cole's PAGE - Great Depression PowerPoint Sample

Notes/Study Guide: Chapter 3(In other words, the information that will allow you to ace the next test)What causes wind? _______________________________________________**What is matter? STUFF OF EVERYTHING – atoms is the _________________________________________ on an object.Mass: the amount of _____________________ in an object. Volume is the amount of _________________________ that matter occupiesHigh pressure means sinking air and what type of weather? ___________________Low pressure means what type of weather? _______________________________Which atmospheric layer does weather occur? _____________________________How is the rusting of iron similar to burning? ______________________________________________________________Air is made up of:~75% _________________~ 21 % ________________~ 1% _____________________~ 1% _____________________Less than 1 % ________________________Water vapor is water in the form of a __________.When water vapor condenses out of the air to form tiny droplets of liquid water or ice crystals, _______________________rmed.Does pure air exist? Only in a __________________. There are particles of dust, smoke etc. in the air_________________________ is a system of parts that are not visible including air, wind, and energy.Events in one part of the atmosphere affect other parts of the atmosphereEnergy from the ______________drives the motions in the atmosphere (for example, a hurricane) Why do hurricanes happen in the summer? ____________________________________________________________________________________________AIR PRESSURE *Note* much of this is counterintuitive (the opposite of what you might think).Does air have mass? ____________, it is made of ____________________.Density is: the amount of _________________ in a given ________________.Can you feel air pressure? Low air pressure can cause ____________________________ because of the difference in pressure between sinus cavities and the surrounding air. It can cause joint pain in people with arthritis.BAROMETERS: an instrument used to measure air pressure (when the barometer goes up, the air pressure is high – this is correlated with nice weather) barometer – airtight metal chamber: Mercury barometers: Most weather reports use inches of mercury. (see page 80 – figure 2 - of your textbook for a good picture)The National Weather Service indicate air pressure in __________________.30 inches of mercury = __________________________.As you travel up a mountain, there is less air pressure at the top, because the ______________________________________, therefore the air _________________ at the top decreases. Why is it harder to breath up there? __________________________________, so you get less oxygen in each breath.LESSON 3 Layers of the AtmosphereMain 4 layers of the atmosphere: _________________________, ___________________, ______________________, _______________________Which layer has water toward the top forming thin, feathery clouds of ice? __________________________________Which layer has the ozone layer? ___________________________Why do scientist say, “Good up high, bad nearby” about the ozone? In the stratosphere, ozone protects us from _________________________ In our layer, the troposphere, ozone is ________________________ and is harmful to our health.Which layer protects us from meteroids? ______________________Which is broken up into two sublayers (the ionosphere 80km – 400km and the exosphere 400km – space): ________________________Energy travels to the Earth as _____________________________________. Energy from the sun travels to the earth in the form of _____________________________ and ______________________. (Also, a small amount arrives as UV light).Visible light: includes ________________________________Radiation: _______________________________________________Infrared: wavelengths that are longer than red lightUltraviolet radiation: ______________________________ with wavelengths that are _______________________ than wavelengths for violet light.________________________: dust particles and gases in the atmosphere disperse light in all directions.Blue sky! Light has been scattered by gas molecules. These gas molecules scatter _________________________________________ – (which are those in the (blue/indigo/violet) side.Earth surface radiates some energy back into the atmosphere as ___________________________________. It does not immediately travel back to space:Absorbed by water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. (these become the ________________________________ that hold heat in the earth’s atmosphere. TRANSFERAll substances are made of tiny, moving particles.The faster they move the more energy they have.Temperature, then, is the __________________________ amount of energy of motion on each particle of a substance.Thermal energy – the ___________________________ energy of motion in the particles of a substance.So: If the temperature is the same for tea in a cup and a greater amount of tea in a pot, do they have the same thermal energy? (No, because the pot has more mass)Two types of temperature scale:freezingboilingCelsius0°C100°CFahrenheit32°F212°FTo convert from °F to °C here is the formula: Convert to Celsius by: T(°C) = (T(°F) - 32) / 1.8Convert to Fahrenheit by: T(°F) = T(°C) × 1.8 + 32KNOW how to convert Celsius into Fahrenheit and vice versa. (Use a calculator)Heat: thermal energy that is transferred from a _______________________________________________.Heat is transferred in 3 ways:Convection: transfer of heat by the ________________________________ (fluids are liquids and gasses)Conduction: transfer of heat between 2 substances that are ______________________________________Radiation: direct transfer of energy by ____________________________________________________. (Most of the heat you feel from the sun travels to you as infrared radiation.HEAT: thermal energy that is transferred from a hotter object to a cooler one. Radiation, conduction, and convection work together to heat the __________________________Upward movement of warm air and downward movement of cool air form ______________________________________. Heat is transferred mostly by ________________________________ in the atmosphere.WIND:(fun fact) Air is a ________________________!Differences in ________________________ cause the air to move.Wind: the movement of air parallel to the earth’s surface.Winds: move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.Global winds: occur over a large areaLocal winds: occur over a smaller areaGlobal convection currents: the temperature differences between _______________________________________________________produce giant convection currents.Know the GLOBAL WIND BELTS: Doldrums: ___________________________________ where warm air risesHorse Latitudes: two calm areas of sinking air (30° N and 30° S of the equator)Trade Winds: blow from the horses latitudes toward ______________________________________________________________: blow from west to east, away from the horse latitudes (between 30° and 60° north and south)Polar Easterlies: _________________________________________. ................

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