MICROBIO590S -Parasitology EXAM 1

Take Home Exam is due April 18, 2012 no later than the beginning of class.

Please type your answers and keep in mind that the exam is a non-collaborative effort.

You answers must be in your own words – this means no copying directly from papers and websites or from your neighbors.

If you have major questions do not hesitate to contact me. I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can!

For each of the following terms, give a full definition AND give a parasite species for which the term applies (2 points each).

1. Feeder organelle-

2. Paroxysm -

3. Metacercaria-

4. Gravid Proglottid -

5. Bradyzoite -

6. The newest development on the Malaria vaccine front is the progress from the Phase III clinical trial for the RTS,S vaccine. Please explain why this vaccine is considered such an important step in Malaria vaccine progress. See files posted for background related to Exam 3. Use as many specifics as possible ie: What is the target group? What were the specific outcomes? What was the study group size? In your opinion is this really a great achievement? (10 points)

7. You are one of the newest members of a team of researchers whose goal is to develop an even more effective, safe new vaccine against Malaria. Explain your strategy for designing this next generation of vaccines. Use as many specifics as you can to explain your strategy. For example, would you design an attenuated, subunit, or DNA vaccine? What stage?

Use the slides listed under file VaccineBackground and other files posted for background information. (10 points)

8. Essay: Compare and Contrast the two diseases Hydatidosis and Cystercercosis. In your answer identify the causative agent for each disease, briefly outline the major features of the parasite life cycle, then describe the major symptoms and/or pathology characteristics of the disease. (10 points)

9. Discuss the problem of drug resistance in Malaria. Include in your discussion how this emerged, what have been the responses, and what is the current status. What you would do as a researcher to improve this alarming situation, and why? (8 points)

10. Compare and contrast the tegument of trematodes and cestodes. Discuss differences and similarities in structure and function. Use sufficient detail to explain your answer. (4 points)

11. ESSAY: Compare and Contrast the diseases caused by the three Schistosoma species mentioned in class. Think about this as a complete discussion. Outline a generalized life cycle to help in your discussion. Be specific when indicating the similarities and differences in morphology, life cycle stages, different hosts, location in hosts, symptoms, distribution of disease, diagnosis. Why has eradication of Schistosomiasis not yet occurred (please give some specific example to support your point of view)? (15 points)

12. A friend of yours just learned that she is pregnant. She has three cats and has heard that cat feces can be a source of an infection that can be harmful to her developing fetus. She knows you took MICROBIO590S, so she comes to ask for your advice. (5 points)

A. Which parasite and life cycle stage is she worried about? ___________________________

B. Does she have to get rid of her cats now? ____________________________

C. What sage advice could you recommend for her at this important time in her life?

13. Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmoidum vivax are two apicomplexan parasites that cause different forms of Malaria in humans. Discuss how these two different forms of Malaria can be distinguished from one another. Include at least 5 features of difference.

Which form of Malaria would you rather have? (8 points)

14. Compare and contrast intestinal coccidian disease with extra-intestinal coccidian disease. Use specific parasite examples to support your discussion including information pertaining to the life cycles. (10 points)

15. We discussed enhanced transmission of parasites with the examples of Toxoplasma gondii and a number of trematodes (you provided some nice examples). Pick another parasite that we covered in class and describe how that parasite might be enhancing its own transmission – though this property has not yet been reported. You would be reporting this property for the first time! Please provide enough detail for me to evaluate your answer. (4 points)

16. A number of you are graduating this Spring 2012…congratulations. Think about what you have learned from MICROBIO590 thus far through the lectures, videos and related readings. Identify 2 main features/items that you think will contribute to your success in the career options your will be pursuing after graduation and WHY. For those of you who will still be around…..indicate how 2 items covered/learned may contribute to your future success in your remaining classes or your future career options and WHY. (6 points)


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