Anticoagulation Reversal Handout - EMCrit

[Pages:9]Anticoagulation reversal

Vitamin K antagonists and New Oral Anticoagulants Robert Orman, MD


How does warfarin work? We know its a vitamin k antagonist, but what does that mean? What's really getting antagonized?

Lets start with the vitamin K dependent clotting proteins II, VII, IX and X.. Theyre almost ready to face the world and start clotting blood, but not quite yet. They need vitamin K to reach maturity. Vitamin K is involved in the carboxylation of these proteins, or you can think of it as building them. Vitamin K is then oxidized and becomes inactive, but the body is able to recycle vitamin K. The enzyme vitamin K epoxide reductase reactivates vitamin K it so it can carboxylate (build) more clotting proteins. Warfarin inhibits this recycling enzyme. Warfarin is called a vitamin K antagonist but its really not antagonizing vitamin K at all, it just keeps the body from recycling vitamin K and creates a state of vitamin K depletion, which leads to factor II, VII, IX, X, protein C and S depletion.

How is warfarin reversed?

Days to reversal: Stop the drug Of all the options of warfarin reversal, this has the least side effects but is also the slowest.

If no more warfarin is ingested, how long does it take for things to come back to normal? 1) The half life of warfarin is 40 hours, so its effect is going to linger even after its

stopped. 2) Different clotting factors are going to come back on line at a different rate. Some

recover quickly and some at a glacial pace. If your patient is therapeutic, it will probably take a few days for the INR to drop below two and almost a week for it to get to 1. Just as the anticoagulation response to warfarin is variable, so is the response to cessation. It can take days and days and days.

A day to reversal: Give vitamin K Exogenous vitamin K will bring clotting factors back faster than simply waiting for warfarin effect to wear off. There are misconceptions about vitamin K so lets look at some vitamin K fact and fiction:

1) Subcutaneous vitamin is a reasonable option. Fact or Fiction?

Fiction. Sub Q vitamin K is slower than oral and IV vitamin K and, in some studies, no better than placebo. The 2012 ACCP guidelines recommend PO or IV vitamin K. Nowhere is sub Q recommended.

2) IV vitamin k can cause an anaphylactoid reaction. Fact or Fiction?

Fact, but it's not really the vitamin K, its the diluent.

Its not the vitamin K but the diluent (castor oil) that causes the reaction. There is some vagary as to how frequently vitamin K associated anaphylactoid reaction occurs. What we know comes mostly from case reports, but a 2002 retrospective study found an incidence of 3 in 10,000. Giving the IV vitamin K slowly may decrease the likelihood of reaction. Theres no evidence that the dose of IV vitamin K dose changes the likelihood of anaphylaxis To put the 3 in 10,000 number in perspective, thats a similar reaction rate to something we give much more commonly than IV vitamin K: IV contrast.

3) Giving vitamin k can cause warfarin resistance. Fact or Fiction?

Fact. Higher doses of vitamin K may lead to transient warfarin resistance. The low doses used to correct a high INR in a non-bleeding patient, such as 1-2mg, are unlikely to cause resistance. Higher doses, such as 5 or 10 mg that we use in life threatening bleeding to completely reverse INR, are more likely to cause resistance that can last up to 1 - 2 weeks.

4) Vitamin K dosing is a precise science. Fact or Fiction

Fiction. The dosing of vitamin K is an imperfect science at best. There are recommendations from the ACCP regarding how much vitamin K to give for what INR but, even using these guidelines, we will undershoot, overshoot, and sometimes land on the target INR.

Should you use IV or PO vitamin K?

In the bleeding patient, we want to completely reverse the INR and do it quickly. This means high dose IV vitamin K (5-10 mg). There is no evidence to say one dose is more effective than another. I personally use 10 mg because, in the actively bleeding patient, I want to blast the clotting system back into action. There may be more sustained warfarin resistance down the road, bur our concern in this patient is dead versus not dead.

If you're not in a hurry, PO is an excellent option. By 24 hours, INR will be the same after administration of low dose IV or PO vitamin K, but IV vitamin K starts working much faster than PO. Oral vitamin K is going to have a slow, steady effect over 24 hours while IV has a more significant impact on INR in the first few hours.

ACCP guidelines What type of vitamin K to give and when to give it

For an elevated INR with no bleeding, INR just over 3, do nothing and continue regular dosing INR 10 hold warfarin give 1-2.5 mg PO vitamin K These doses depend on your individual patients risk factors and can be adjusted accordingly

At our shop, we have a middle ground. For patients with INR of 6 to ................

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