Target of Opportunity

General Knowledge Examination

1. Name Germany's two primary allies of World War II.

Japan and Italy

2. Define the word "consecutive.”

One after the other in order

3. Name all of the continents.

Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America

4. What is the square root of 144?


5. What was the primary reason for the American Civil War?

The succession of the Confederate States

6. What is the official language of the United States?

The United States has no official language

7. What are the two primary languages of Canada?

English and French

8. What is the cube root of 27?


9. If 142=X. What is the value of "X"?


10. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

11. What was the last state to join the United States?


12. From what country did the United States purchase the land known as the Louisiana Purchase?


13. What form of government did Germany have before and during World War II?


14. What large body of water borders Israel?

Mediterranean Sea

15. Name four countries in Europe.

England, Germany, France, Bosnia, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Holland, Russia, Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria

16. Write the molecular make-up of Carbon Monoxide.


17. Give the scientific definition of "matter.”

Any substance with mass

18. Define the word "infinite.”

Without end

19. Where in nature is chlorophyll found?

Plants. This is what gives plants their green color

20. How many states are there in the United States of America?


21. When was the Declaration of Independence first signed?

July 4, 1776

22. Name the last eight Presidents of the United States in descending order.

Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy

23. What is the significance of October 29, 1929?

The date of the Stock Market crash. The Depression of the 1930s began.

24. What is the largest state in the United States?


25. Name the first three Presidents.

Washington, Adams, Jefferson

26. Name the President during the American Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln

27. What is the cube root of 8?


28. What incident caused the United States entered World War II?

Japan's bombing of the naval base in Pearl Harbor

29. How many sides does a trapezoid have?


30. What was the new weapon of mass destruction in World War I?

Nerve Gas

31. Name four countries on the South American continent.

Chili, Surinam, French Guyana, Guyana, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, Brazil

32. Who invented the electric light bulb?

Thomas A. Edison

33. Who invented the phonograph?

Thomas A. Edison

34. What is the most powerful weapon in the United States' military arsenal?

The Hydrogen Bomb

35. What is the primary power source of a modern submarine?

Nuclear Reactor

36. Name the three largest countries in North America.

USA, Canada, Mexico

37. Name three countries that were allied with the U.S. during World War II.

Canada, England, Australia, France, Poland, Russia, China

38. Name three forms of communication.

Radio, Video, Phone, Print,

39. Who theorized the equation "E=mc2"?

Albert Einstein

40. Name four countries in Asia.

China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Russia, Mongolia, Nepal, Iran

41. Name the planets in order starting with the one closest to the Sun.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

42. Name two literary works by William Shakespeare.

All's Well That Ends Well, As You Like It, The Comedy of Errors, Cymbeline, Love's Labours Lost, Measure for Measure, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, Troilus and Cressida, Twelfth Night, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Winter's Tale, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Henry VIII, King John, Richard II, Richard III, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Timon of Athens, Titus Andronicus, The Sonnets, A Lover's Complaint, The Rape of Lucrece, Venus and Adonis, Funeral Elegy.

43. How far is the Sun from the Earth?

93,000,000 Miles

44. What is the largest desert in China?

The Gobi Desert

45. Name the Oceans of the world.

Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Antarctic

46. What is stated in the 1st amendment to the Constitution?

Freedom of the Press

47. What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called?

The Bill of Rights

48. Name five countries on the African continent.

Nigeria, Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Niger, Zaire

49. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

Freed the slaves.

50. When was the war of 1812 fought?

The war was fought from 1812-1815.

51. What is the highest mountain in the world?

Mount Everest

52. Which President was elected to four terms as President of the United States?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

53. If 1002=X. What is the value of "X"?


54. What is stated in the 2nd amendment to the constitution?

The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

55. What is 100% of 1286?


56. What year was President John Kennedy assassinated?


57. What city and country were the targets of the first and second atomic bombs?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

58. What is the official language of Brazil?


59. If you take a test with 5000 questions, how many would you miss in order to score 72%?


60. Within 5%, how much of the earth's surface is covered by water?


61. What four States in the United States come together to meet at a single point?

Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico

62. How many Vice-Presidents does the President of the United States have?


63. What are the three branches of the United States government?

The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial

64. Where is the Bering Strait?

Between Alaska and Russia connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.

65. What is 18% of 200?


66. Name three states of "matter.”

Gas, Liquid, Solid

67. What years was the American Civil War fought?


68. Write the equation for determining the area of a circle.


69. Write the equation for determining the area of a square?

Area = L × W

70. Which war did the dropping of the Atomic bomb bring to an end?

World War II

71. What war were Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles with nuclear warheads first used?


72. Where is the Statue of Liberty located?

New York Harbor

73. What did the Lewis and Clark expedition hope to find?

A water passage to the Pacific Ocean

74. What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?


75. How many feet are there in a mile?


76. What will lower the freezing point of water?

Adding certain chemicals such as salt.

77. What form of government does the United States have?


78. What state is the well-known city of "Anchorage" located?


79. How many feet are there in a meter?


80. Define the word "Capitalism.”

An economic system which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits.

81. Where is the World Trade Center located?

New York City

82. On what continent is the country of India located?


83. Where is the longest unguarded border between two countries?

USA and Canada

84. What happens to a volume of gas as it is compressed?

It is heated.

85. What is necessary for sound to travel?

A medium.

86. What is the speed of light?

186,000 miles/second

87. What are the two most populated countries on Earth?

China and India

88. Write the mathematical equation for determining the circumference of a circle.


89. Define a "right triangle.”

A triangle that has a 90° as one angle

90. What does the Vice-President do when the Senate is in session?

The Vice-President is the "Speaker of the Senate.”

91. What is needed for a fire to exist?

Heat, fuel, oxygen

92. What is another word for "Iron Oxide"?


93. What color is oxygen?

It is colorless

94. What is an electron?

The smallest part of the atom that orbits the nucleus.

95. What causes rain?

The atmosphere becomes fully saturated with moisture.

96. How many states were there when the United States declared its independence?


97. What is the most populated city in the United States?

New York City

98. What is the job of a lawyer?

To protect the rights of there clients with regard to the Constitution.

99. What is the sq./ft of a room that measures 720 inches × 560 inches?

2800 sq./ft

100. What will change the boiling point of water?

A change in atmospheric pressure

101. How many meters are there in a Kilometer?


102. What is an "alloy"?

A combination of metals that have specific qualities

103. What will happen to a metal rod when it is heated?

It will expand

104. What is the periodic table?

The chart that lists all of the elements and there atomic weights.

105. What is the mathematical equation for "speed"?


106. Define the term "light year"?

The distance that a beam of light will travel in one year.

107. Why does smoke rise?

Smoke is lighter that the surrounding air because it has been heated, expanded, and is therefore less dense.

108. Give the chemical make-up of water.


109. What is the lightest element?


110. If 4.5 × 0.5= X. What is the value of "X"?


111. What large military action was the United States involved in during the 1960s?

The Vietnam War

112. Are X-rays visible light?


113. What is the measurement of electrical current?


114. What percentage of the atmosphere is oxygen?

Approximately 20%

115. What is the measurement of light intensity?


116. What colors are used to make the color "black"?

Black is the lack of color or light.

117. Why does a compass needle point North?

Due to the magnetic field of the Earth and the iron deposits in the north.

118. What is measurement of electrical power?


119. If -52 + 52 = X, what is the value of "X"?


120. Name a state where the Rocky Mountains are located?

Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico

121. What is a verb?

A part of speech indicating word that shows action.

122. How many Senators are there from each state?


123. What is the minimum age to run for President of the United States?


124. What war was called "The war to end all wars"?

World War I

125. Name a single-cell organism.


126. Define the word "Astronomy.”

The study of the Stars and other celestial bodies

127. What is a noun?

The part of speech that is a person, place, or thing.

128. To the fourth decimal point, what is the value of π?


129. What bird is the symbol of the United States?

The Bald Eagle

130. What is the largest planet in our solar system?


131. How many quarters are there in $10.00?


132. How many numerals are there?


133. What continent is the country of Bosnia located?


134. Who was the 16th President?

Abraham Lincoln

135. What city is the Library of Congress located?

Washington, DC

136. What primary method does the government use to raise money?


137. To which planets does the Space Shuttle fly?


138. What year did man first go to the moon?


139. In what year did World War II end?


140. What is the largest animal in the world?

The Blue Whale

141. Lightning is an example of which kind of electricity?

Static Electricity

142. What effect does the sun heating the surface of the Earth have on weather conditions?

It causes the weather.

143. Are there currents in the oceans?


144. How fast does the Earth rotate on its axis?

Once ever 24 hours

145. Define the word "invertebrate.”

An animal without a backbone.

146. Does the color "Black" absorb light better that the color "Red"?


147. What is 550% of 100?


148. Can a liquid, as a rule, be compressed?


149. What is the responsibility of the "IRS"?

To collect revenue for the government through taxation.

150. What do the initials "U.S.M.C." mean?

United States Marine Corps

151. What year did the Pilgrims land on Plymouth Rock?


152. Who invented the first self-propelled boat?

Robert Fulton

153. Who was Adolph Hitler?

The dictator of Germany that started World War II.

154. Who was Joseph Stalin?

The first dictator of Russia under Communism.

155. Who shot President Abraham Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

156. What decade was the Korean War?

The 1950s

157. Who invented the Telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

158. What great achievement did Neil Armstrong complete?

He was the first man to walk on the moon.

159. What is the basic ingredient of paper?

Wood pulp

160. Define "FBI.”

Federal Bureau of Investigation

161. If 129 ÷ 3 = X, what is the value of "X"?


162. Name two types of currency.

Dollars, Pound notes, Francs, Marks, Rubles, Pesos, Euros

163. Is steel a pure element?


165. What type of heavenly body is the Sun?

A medium sized yellow star.

166. Does the moon produce its own light?


167. Of all of the elements on the periodic table, which one is the best conductor of heat?


168. What was "D-Day"?

The Allied invasion of Europe at Normandy France on June 6, 1944.

169. What is a "Solar Eclipse"?

The moon orbits directly between the Sun and the Earth.

170. What is the value of "0"?


171. Define the term "bounced check"?

A checking account that has insufficient funds to cover the amount that a check was written.

172. Aircraft are make primarily of which type of metal?


173. Define the word "biology.”

The study of life.

174. What are the two major political parties in the United States today?

Republicans and Democrats

175. What does an engineer do?

Design and build projects.

176. What is a "radio"?

An electrical device that receives incoming radio signals and converts the signal into useful information.

177. What was the primary reason the Pilgrims came to America?

To practice their religion without persecution.

178. What kind of information does a book called an "Atlas" have?


179. What act of aggression brought the United States into World War II?

The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

180. Name two methods of producing electricity.

Generators, Batteries, Solar Cells, Thermocouples, Fuel Cells

181. What kind of reaction allows a battery to produce electricity?


182. What makes terrorism effective?

Public fear

183. If 112 = X, what is the value of "X"?


184. Define "CIA.”

Central Intelligence Agency

185. Is hydrogen flammable?


186. Who was J. Edgar Hoover?

The Director of the FBI for approximately 40 years.

187. Was an assassination attempt ever made against President Ronald Reagan?


188. Is cancer a contagious disease?


189. Who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the Earth?


190. Who is on the front of the $5.00 bill?

Abraham Lincoln

191. How old does a citizen of the United States have to be to vote in an election?


192. What year did the United States enter World War II?


193. What is the primary disadvantage of a nuclear powerplant when compared to a fossil fuel powerplant?

The nuclear waste products pose a waste disposal problem.

194. How many pounds are there in 10 tons?

20,000 lbs.

195. What is an adjective?

A part of speech indicating that a word modifies a proceeding noun.

196. Who was General Robert E. Lee?

The commanding general of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War.

197. Define the word "independence.”

The ability to rely on oneself for survival.

198. Define the word "freedom.”

The right to make the personal choices and to live as we see fit.

199. Is a squid considered to be a vertebrate?


200. How many ounces are there in a quart?


201. What are the three different methods of heat transference?

Convection, conduction, and radiation

202. What kind of information does a book called an "Thesaurus" have?

A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms.

203. What is an "incline plane"?

A simple tool that allows a weight to be lifted by adding a horizontal component to a vertical action thereby giving a mechanical advantage.

204. What is the significance of July 20, 1969?

Man first walked on the moon.

205. How long is a presidential term?

Four years.

206. Before President Grant became President of the United States, he was famous for doing what?

He was the General that took troops into the south and burned Atlanta.

207. What are the two houses of Congress?

The House of Representatives and the Senate

208. What President gave authorization to drop the atomic bomb on Japan?

President Harry S. Truman

209. Which has more heat, a nail that has been heated to white-hot state or a bathtub full of luke warm water?

The bath tub of luke warm water because the water will have more influence in changing the temperature of the nail than the nail will have of changing the temperature of the water.

210. Concerning the Nixon administration, what was "Watergate"?

A hotel in Washington, DC.

211. Who first discovered the moons around Jupiter?


212. What kind of government does Cuba have?


213. Who was Louis Pasteur?

A French doctor that found a vaccine for rabies, small pox and discovered the method of pasteurizing milk.

214. What function do the kidneys perform in the human body?

They clean the blood.

215. What President served two non-consecutive terms as President?

Grover Cleveland

216. Define “Socialism”

A system of government in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively by the state and political power is exercised by the state. This is the basic building material for communism.

217. Define “Communism”

A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by

the revolution of the poorest and most uneducated class of working people.

218. Define “Democracy”

A system of government in which the people—not one class, an autocrat, or a select group—share in directing the state's activities. The idea that natural rights could not be taken from the people developed the concept of a social contract in which sovereignty rests with the people, who undertake reciprocal obligations with a ruler i.e. President and rulers violating this contract may be removed.

219. Who was the first President of the United States to be impeached?

President Andrew Johnson


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