Resource Scenarios

Resource Scenarios

1) It is the 4th week of classes and things are really starting to pick up. You are feeling relatively confident about your performance in most of your classes, but it seems that your Chemistry 120 class is beginning to move at a pace you are uncomfortable with. You are struggling and want to get help with this material before your grade in Chemistry begins to suffer; where are some places you can go to get help?

2) The first few weeks of living at UT have been great and everything that comes along with making the move to Big Orange Country has begun to settle in. Recently, though, you’ve started to experience some anxiety about balancing your classes and social life. In addition to being overwhelmed about how things are going here in Knoxville, you start to not feel like yourself and just want to sleep all the time. Who should you talk to?

3) College seemed like a good idea, that is, until you got here. You don’t know many people; all your friends from high school and your boyfriend/girlfriend go to other colleges and universities not nearby. You express feelings of homesickness to your parents over the phone and they suggest getting out and meeting new people, but you’re not sure where to get started. Where can you go, or what can you do, to make new friends in a new place?

4) Midterms are upon you and you feel terrible. You’re pretty sure that the other day you had a fever, but all you did was take some Advil and sleep all day, but now you have a cough that won’t quit. You are extremely uncomfortable and wish that you could go home to have Mom take care of you, but unfortunately that is not an option due to the three exams you must prepare for. What should you do?

5) Football is not your game, and actually, when you think about it, none of the sports that life here at UT revolves around really interest you. You begin to think that you might have made the wrong choice in coming to school here, because Knoxville doesn’t seem to have much to offer you. You’ve heard that there’s more to UT than athletics, but where can you go on campus to find these other options?

6) Back when you were in high school, in addition to your classes, you took part in Theater, played basketball, and served as your class Treasurer, but now that you’re in college you don’t do much besides walking back and forth across campus. You want to catch that Volunteer spirit, and see that inVOLvement is encouraged, but where do you begin to become a part of something on UTK’s campus?

7) Your Psychology 110 professor has assigned you your first college research paper, and it is on a subject you have never heard a thing about besides a short paragraph in the textbook. You try searching for information on your own, but begin to get discouraged when you don’t find much. Research for term papers has never been your strong suit, so where can you go to get some help finding useful information to write this paper?

8) After taking Anthropology 130 “Cultural Anthropology” you think you might want to major in Anthropology, but you don’t really know much about the subject other than you really enjoyed the class. You’re hoping that whatever subject you chose to major in will give you some direction as to a possible career after graduation. Where can you go to learn more about careers connected to the subject of Anthropology?

9) By the end of September you’re realizing that you might not have been as prepared for the calculus class you are taking as you originally thought. Your grades have not been anything to write home about and for the sake of your GPA you know you should get out of the class. Where should you go or who should you talk to about withdrawing from this course?

10) So for some unknown reason your password for e-mail and Blackboard is not working. You don’t remember getting any e-mails notifying you that it is time to update your password, so you have no idea what could be causing the problem. Who can you contact about this problem?

11) Your English 101 instructor announced to the class about a week ago that you could earn extra credit for the class if you went to see a particular speaker’s presentation. You remember that the speaker is coming tomorrow but do not remember where or at what time they are presenting. You really want to go and be able to earn those extra credit points, so how can you find the information you need without e-mailing your instructor or classmates?

12) You knew that college was going to require more work than high school did for the same grades, but you did not expect it to be this hard! You don’t necessarily think you need tutors, but you could sure use some guidance as far as some studying tips and maybe getting more organized. None of your new friends seem to be good examples to follow in these areas, so where can you get the guidance and assistance you need to get back on track to earn the grades you want?

13) You’ve gotten tired of the dining hall food sooner than you thought you would and now find yourself eating off-campus a lot with your suitemates. Also, you find yourself compelled to purchase all the UT gear you can find, and add a little orange to your wardrobe. Suddenly you discover that your monetary funds are running low, and mom and dad have decided not to supply you with the cash. Where can you go to find out about getting a part-time job on or nearby campus?

14) After a few months here in Knoxville you are feeling confident and interested in trying new things. You’ve seen advertisements around campus for the “Ready for the World” campaign and you know that somehow studying abroad is connected to this program. You’re pretty sure that you might be ready to get out of the country next year and experience something new. Where can you go to get more information?

Bonus: Mom and dad have done the unthinkable and have moved to a new house since you have gone off to college. Now you need to let UT know their new address so that your parents can still receive the information they need. Who should you contact to make sure your permanent address is correct?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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