Technology Helps People Meet Their Needs

|Lesson Synopsis: |

In this lesson, students focus on the role technology plays in people’s jobs, particularly in meeting basic human needs. .


|K.3 |History. The student understands the concept of chronology. The student is expected to: |

|K.3A |Place events in chronological order. |

|K.3B |Use vocabulary related to time and chronology, including before, after, next, first, last, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. |

|K.13 |Science, technology, and society. The student understands ways technology is used in the home and school and how technology affects |

| |people's lives. The student is expected to: |

|K.13A |Identify examples of technology used in the home and school. |

|K.13B |Describe how technology helps accomplish specific tasks and meet people's needs. |

|K.13C |Describe how his or her life might be different without modern technology. |

Social Studies Skills TEKS:

|K.14 |Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid |

| |sources including electronic technology. The student is expected to: |

|K.14B |Obtain information about a topic using a variety of valid visual sources such as pictures, symbols, electronic media, print material, |

| |and artifacts. |

|K.15 |Social studies skills. The student communicates in oral and visual forms. The student is expected to: |

|K.15A |Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences. |

|Getting Ready for Instruction |

|Performance Indicator(s): |

• Illustrate an example of how technology has changed the way people meet their needs. Write to explain how the illustration shows technology changed people’s lives. (K.3A, K.3B; K.13A, K.13B, K.13C; K.14B, K.15A)

• 1C

Key Understandings and Guiding Questions:

• Los avances de la tecnología cambian a las comunidades en el paso del tiempo.

— ¿Qué es la tecnología?

— ¿Cómo las personas usan la tecnología?

— ¿Cómo ha afectado la tecnología a las clases de empleo que las personas tienen y a la manera en que se satisfacen las necesidades humanas básicas?

— ¿Qué cambios tecnológicos necesitamos todavía?

|Vocabulary of Instruction: |

• comunidad

• tecnología

• cambio

|Materials: |

• Refer to the Notes for Teacher section for materials


• Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Then and Now

|Resources and References: |

• None identified

|Advance Preparation: |

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview website according to district guidelines.

5. Locate interviews completed by students in Unit 10, Lesson 3.

6. Prepare materials and handouts as needed.

|Background Information: |

Technology is anything invented by humans to solve problems. Technology is the application of processes, methods, or knowledge to achieve a specific purpose. Scientists and engineers develop technology with positive outcomes in mind such as increasing production and improving communication. Products of technology including computers, telephones, radios, and scientific equipment affect human conditions. Technology has changed the way many jobs in the community are performed. Technology makes work faster, easier, and more efficient. Many believe the influences are positive, but some consider the negative ramifications of technology. For example, citizens differ in their viewpoints of nuclear energy. Does it provide safe fuel, or do the risks of disaster override its potential?

|Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning Document |

Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.

|Instructional Procedures |

|Instructional Procedures |Notes for Teacher |

|ENGAGE – Uses of Technology |NOTE: 1 Day = 30 minutes |

| |Suggested Day 1 – 10 minutes |

|Explain that at the beginning of the year, students met many school workers and authority |Purpose: |

|figures whose jobs are right here in our elementary school. These school workers help us |The purpose of this section is for students to recall prior learning |

|meet our basic needs as part of their job. |regarding jobs in the school and to determine how technology is used in |

|What are some of the jobs in our school that help meet basic needs? |these jobs. |

|How do these jobs use technology? | |

| |TEKS: K.3B; K.13A; K.13B; K.15A |

|Students “turn and talk” with a partner to brainstorm jobs in the school and the | |

|technology. |Instructional Note: |

| |The last look at technology in the school was at the beginning of the |

|Teachers ask for responses and charts the ideas as student respond. Answers might include:|year. Students have gained skills across the spectrum of the |

| |curriculum, so their perception will be different. |

|The nurse uses digital thermometers, scales, and computers. | |

|Librarians use computers, In-Focus projector, TV/DVD, ID cards, and scanners. | |

|Teachers use computers, In-Focus projectors, CD players, interactive boards, walkie | |

|talkies, electric pencil sharpeners, laser pointers, and telephones. | |

|Cafeteria workers use scanners, microwave ovens, convection ovens, and computers. | |

|School building administrators may use electronic keys on outside doors, a security | |

|system, and automatic sprinkler systems. | |

| | |

|“Technology Walk About”: Take a walk around the school to observe technology. Students | |

|will likely find more technology than was listed in the brainstorm. Model chronology | |

|vocabulary when describing jobs and technology and how they have changed. For example: | |

|The cafeteria line has a new oven this year. It cooks food more quickly than the oven that| |

|was used in the past. | |

|EXPLORE – Interviews: Take Another Look |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 10 minutes |

|Remind students of the interviews they conducted previously with their parent or other |Materials: |

|adult. Explain that this was another way we explored the way jobs and technology help us |projector |

|meet our basic needs. |interviews completed by students in Unit 10, Lesson 3. |

| | |

|Remind students they looked at jobs that people perform in our community and compared the |Purpose: |

|jobs now to the jobs long ago. They learned that people meet basic human needs by working.|The purpose of this section is for students to gain a deeper |

|People work to earn money so they can buy or trade for food, clothing and shelter. People|understanding of the roles of jobs and technology in meeting our basic |

|in the community also work to provide goods and service to meet the needs of the people in|needs. |

|the community. | |

| |TEKS: K.3B; K.13A; K.13B; K.13C; K.14B; K.15A |

|Using a projection system, project student interviews from Unit 10, Lesson 3. Display each| |

|interview so that all students may gain the perspective of the entire set. |Instructional Note: |

| |Unit 10, Lesson 3 focused on work as a way to meet needs. Technology is |

|Through observation and discussion, students should conclude: |used to meet basic human needs in a more efficient manner. |

|People work to earn money to pay for the things their families need. | |

|Technology makes work easier, faster, and more efficient. | |

|Some jobs have changed entirely as a result of advanced technology. | |

|EXPLAIN – Talk A Mile A Minute |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 5 minutes |

|Divide students into pairs. Set the timer. |Purpose: |

| |The purpose of this section is for students to explain how technology |

|Students turn and talk a mile a minute to a partner about how technology helps people meet|helps people meet their basic needs. |

|their basic needs. | |

| |TEKS: K.13A, K.13B; K.13C; K.15A |

|When time is up, set the timer again for the next partner to talk. | |

|ELABORATE – Key Understandings and Guiding Questions |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 5 minutes |

|Facilitate a discussion focusing on Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: |Purpose: |

|What is technology? |The purpose of this section is for students to summarize their |

|How do people use technology? |understanding of the way technology has affected our lives and the way |

|How has technology affected the kinds of jobs people have and the way that basic human |basic human needs are met. |

|needs are met? | |

|What technological changes do we still need? |TEKS: K.3A; K.3B; K.13A; K.13B; K.13C; K.14B; K.15A |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|ENGAGE – Then and Now |Suggested Day 2 – 5 minutes |

|Display Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Then and Now Revisited. Facilitate a discussion to |Materials: |

|examine pairs of slides that illustrate jobs and the way technology has changed jobs over |Printed “Then” pictures (only) from the PowerPoint, including the titles|

|time. Model the use of chronology vocabulary when describing how a job was done in the |and dates. |

|past and how it is accomplished today. Ask these or similar questions: | |

|What is the name of the job represented by the slide? |Attachments: |

|How was this job done in the past? |Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Then and Now Revisited |

|How is the job accomplished today? | |

|Is the job easier? Is it accomplished more quickly? |Purpose: |

|Does this job help people meet its needs for food, clothing, and shelter? If so, how? |The purpose of this section is for students to review how jobs have |

| |changed over time and to use chronology vocabulary when describing the |

|After the discussion, display pictures from Teacher Resource: PowerPoint: Then and Now |change. |

|Revisited slides. Ask students to assist in placing slides in chronological order. | |

| |TEKS: K.3A; K.3B; K.13A; K.13B; K.13C; K.14B; K.15A |

| | |

| | |

|EVALUATE – Determine Mastery |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 25 minutes |

|Illustrate an example of how technology has changed the way people meet their needs. Write|Materials: |

|to explain how the illustration shows technology changed people’s lives. (K.3A, K.3B; |8 ½ X 11 piece of paper (1 sheet per student) |

|K.13A, K.13B, K.13C; K.14B, K.15A) | |

|1C |Purpose: |

| |The purpose of this section is for students to demonstrate learning by |

|Distribute paper. |completing the Performance Indicator. |

| | |

|Students draw a picture and write to explain how technology has changed people’s lives. |TEKS: K.3A; K.3B; K.13A; K.13B; K.13C; K.14B; K.15A |

| | |

|Encourage the use of chronology vocabulary in explanation. | |



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