Using Technology in the Management of Communicating with Parents of Young Children at School

Technology has helped me communicate with the parents of the children I teach. The parents are encouraged to watch powerpoints that the children complete daily. The children take home cds with the powerpoints and show their parents the things that they are doing at Prep. The parents have a better understanding of what the children do at Prep and are very supportive of the communication link via cd! This is a project that I completed to help investigate the means by which I could effectively communicate with the parents of the Prep children (aged 4-5 years). Most of the parents work full time and I needed to show them our class highlights while enabling the children to communicate with their parents using technology! I shared the results with a network of teachers around Queensland.

KidSmart Research Case Report

Tammy Holmes-Watts

Prep Highfields SS

Highfields Prep Class

This year Highfields was selected to be a phase in school for Prep. The Prep class consists of 25 children, five with learning support needs who are repeating from Preschool. The children are from middle class families where either one or both parents work and all except one child has a computer at home.

The school is well supported in the area of ICT as we are a part of the Toowoomba Maths Science Centre of Excellence and promote the use of ICT where ever possible throughout the school. We have a computer lab that is well maintained and supported and all classes have regular access to it on a weekly basis, including my Prep class.

Most of the children had experienced ICT in some way prior to joining the Prep program and were very excited about the Young Explorer in the classroom.

The Prep parents and school community are very supportive of technology and encourage the use of it where possible.

Implementation of KidSmart at Highfields Prep

The implementation of KidSmart into the Prep class was very easy. The groundsman, teacher aide and I put the outer casing together with a few tools. My teacher aide at the time (who is very computer literate) and I set up the computer following the instructions and installed the programs. We connected the computer up to the internet and to the school server to allow me to save onto the public access network so that others could look at my planning as I am a “phase in” teacher at Prep.

The few difficulties I have had with the KidSmart set up have been easy to fix simply by drawing on support from others or trouble shooting myself! I received the computer in the Christmas holidays so by the time the Prep children came for their information days the computer was up and running and a part of the room that they loved immediately.

I allowed the children to dabble with KidSmart and the software available. Initially, they played with the new computer and software themselves as some of them had computers at home and were happy using it themselves. After a few weeks I introduced programs weekly in a focused teaching and learning session. Generally these programs were introduced not based on the computer knowledge needed but on the relevance they had to the child negotiated curriculum that we plan together during that week.

Individually or in pairs, the children and I would look at aspects of the software when they were working on it during their computer time. During these times there were many incidental teaching and learning episodes where the children were exploring the software themselves and would ask questions or want things clarified. This occurred with teacher support.

Implications for Educational Programs

The suggestions I have for integrating the Young Explorer into the early childhood curriculum is to focus on the play based and child negotiated aspects with the ICT as then it is real life and valuable rather than forced time on the computer “playing games”. The KidsDesk software was wonderful for the children to explore independently if they clicked around and found something that they liked and were interested in. I also used this software as part of my focused teaching and learning sessions as a whole class integrating it into the child negotiated curriculum able to discuss technical concepts and language but used in a real life way to support their curriculum.

The children and I also used programs such as “Paint It”, “Jump Start” and websites found on the internet. These selections were based on the projects or interests that the children were involved in exploring as a part of Prep. My belief is that if the children are interested in it, that very little software is too difficult for them without support as they do not have the inhibitions about using technology that many of us do. Therefore in the Highfields Prep program there were no limitations on software as the children used the digital camera software with support to download photos they had taken to make daily PowerPoint presentations to share with their parents and friends.

My Inquiry/Investigation

As I was the teacher in a “phase in” Prep class I was concerned that the parents and the community would hear “play based program” and “child negotiated curriculum” and feel that the children were only playing during the day at Prep and not really engaging in “learning”. By term two the parents were very excited about the program and the topics that were being explored and projects being created but I still felt were unsure about what was going on during the day that engaged the children in learning. The majority of the parents also work or have small children which created difficulties for them, to come in on a regular basis to see the Prep class in action. Most of the parents stated that by the time the Prep children came home they were either exhausted or simply couldn’t remember or put into words what they had experienced during the day.

As I had purchased a digital camera after seeing the possibilities it could offer from the previous KidSmart participants I put forward the idea of using this and weekly power points created by the children with their photos and words.

Initially the concept was good and worked for a few weeks by playing the PowerPoint on a laptop close to the entry of the Prep room. But after a while things became busy and the PowerPoints were half completed and eventually not shown to the parents. Again when talking to the parents they still felt they needed to communicate with me either through face to face discussions or reading Prep newsletters.

It was then I decided to ask a selection of the parents to participate in a one month trial of either receiving the power point via email or on viewing it with their child on the Young Explorer or on the laptop that I regularly had in the room.

During this trial the parents reported that they had a better understanding of the Prep program and what their child was involved in during the day and that communication channels also opened up because the children and parents had a framework provided by the power point upon which to discuss the week and the events that had unfolded.

I therefore strongly encourage the use of the power point in the classroom to record the events that happen throughout the week. It has created many focused teaching and learning episodes in many different ways for all of the children. This is mainly because the children are taking and selecting the photos, completing the power points (with support) and there are purposes and an audience for the power point rather than something that is just done with little real life meaning which so often happens in a busy classroom.

Overall Learning For Teachers

I have learnt a lot through my participation with the KidSmart Project. Prior to the project I used the computer basically as a word processing tool to aid the children to complete signs and written pieces. Now I use ICT everywhere in my daily program with children performing the role of photographers and reporters using cameras, using software, creating PowerPoints, sending emails, researching websites just to name a few things during the day.

Therefore my learning by participating in this project is that your only limitation for you and your class is yourself, as there is generally someone around to help if you try something and can’t work it out. My confidence has grown enormously during the project particularly due to the reflections I was making about my own use of the computer and other ICT and the fact that every time we met for a cluster meeting I felt I needed to participate in sharing to give to those people who were sharing with me.

Also seeing what others were doing with different software and ICT was great as they explained how to use it or implement it and what made it successful for them.

The main learning was on the days where we actually were the students “playing” with different programs or trying things like claymation. These were things that I had heard about but didn’t dare try because they looked too difficult! Now I have used this knowledge to scaffold new learning on the computer and although I made some mistakes along the way I learnt a lot by simply having a go.

Learning Outcomes for Students

The ICT component of my program has been significantly enhanced and this is something that has snowballed and will continue to snowball as I keep trying new things without fear, knowing that eventually things that were difficult to grasp become easier the more they are used.

The Prep parents are very excited about the use of the ICT in the program and are constantly amazed at the way the children interact with the ICT in a very confident and relaxed way.

The children are beyond the expectations of the school based curriculum for ICT this year and this is due to my ability to integrate it into the program on a daily basis in a real life and therefore meaningful way in a child negotiated and play based curriculum.

Future Directions

I am entering the 2005 SmartClassrooms ICT Awards grant. I would purchase a laptop to further involve the children in planning and communicating with their parents and the community. I would like to use a data projector daily in the classroom to enhance learning so that all of the children can view things together on a bigger scale rather than just a few at a time. This year I have used one in the classroom when it has been available and have found it to be a valuable tool.

I am setting up a Prep web page on the school website and this involves the children as they share their work and create captions for photos and information presented in this format.

I will also continue on with the power points as a communication tool between parents and Prep children as well as myself and the parents to ensure they are aware of daily events as they enfold.

After completing the movie maker with the children for a local radio competition I will continue to use this as a method of gathering information for digital portfolios and to aid in the children reflecting on their own learning.

Finally, I am continually coming up with different ideas for the design of the Prep digital portfolios and how best to implement the portfolios in a purposeful way for both teachers, parents and children!

(Letters and questionnaires sent to parents requesting their participation in the research)

Dear Parents

I am asking a few of you to take part in a study using technology and communication. This year I have been asked to complete a project using the ‘Kidsmart’ computer in the classroom. The study that I would like to complete involves home and communication methods and how the computer can aid this.

I know that at the end of the Prep day that when the children arrive home or even on the way home most of them have forgotten what they have done during the day despite the many wonderful things that have happened. I know that as parents many of you, particularly those working (particularly some of the Dads) would like to know what they have done during the day/week to talk to them about this. I feel that not only would the study enhance your knowledge of the day but also enhance the children’s communication abilities.

What I would hope is that you will become involved in the project over the remainder of this term as a trial to see how things go. Your involvement would include taking home a copy or receiving an email of the class powerpoint made during the week to talk about the things that we have done with your child to see if it gives more insight into our Prep days.

The study will only involve you filling out two questionnaires, one at the start (attached to this letter) and one on completion of the study. With each powerpoint presentation that you view with your child I would like you to note the things that you discuss and if you feel it has made a valuable contribution to the communication about Prep between you and your child and also you and your understanding of what is happening during the day at Prep.

The powerpoints will be a diary of the children’s events of Prep during the day/week with a narration provided by them.


Tammy Holmes-Watts

Prep Communication Questionnaire 1

Date: ________ Family: _____________

Most of the questions are of a yes or no style but further comments would aid the study. (Please feel free to add more comments on the back of the page if you run out of room.)

Do you drop off or pick up your Prep child on a daily basis? Yes / No

Do you feel this impacts on your knowledge of what your child does at Prep? Yes / No

Please comment:


Do you think that you have a good insight into what your child does at Prep during the day? Yes / No

Please comment:


How do you think that this could be improved? (eg. More notes home, email messages to/from the teacher, Prep Web page)

Please comment:


Would you prefer the weekly powerpoint diaries to be emailed or on cd and why? (eg. easy to access on email at work, cd easier to use at home)

Please comment:


Prep Communication Questionnaire 1

How do you think that receiving the diary powerpoints will aid communication between you and your child and your knowledge about what they do during the day?

Please comment:


Do you think that your Prep child has exceeded your expectations in the area of technology this year? Yes No

Please comment:


Do you have any concerns or questions about the study?


Further Comments:


Thank you for your time

Tammy Holmes-Watts

Prep Communication Questionnaire 2

Date: ________ Family: _____________

Most of the questions are of a yes or no style but further comments would aid the study. (Please feel free to add more comments on the back of the page if you run out of room.)

Did you feel that the use of the power point aided your knowledge of the Prep program? Yes / No

Please comment:


Do you think that you have a better insight into what your child does at Prep during the day/week due to the power point presentations? Yes / No

Please comment:


How do you think that the power point presentations could be improved? Please comment:


Would you like to continue using the weekly power point ? Yes / No

Please comment:


Would you prefer to have the power points emailed or on cd and why? (eg. easy to access on email at work, cd easier to use at home etc.)


Do you think that receiving the diary power points has aided your communication between you and your child and your knowledge about what they do during the day?

Yes / No

Please comment:


Do you think that your Prep child has exceeded your expectations in the area of technology for this year after viewing the power points?

Yes / No

Please comment:


Did you have any concerns or questions about the study?

Yes / No

Please comment:


Any Further Comments:


Thank you for your time

Tammy Holmes-Watts


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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