Connecting the Institute with the Policy Agenda in ...

MIT Washington Office Annual Report 2014-15 – DRAFT (9/15)MIT Washington OfficeThe Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Washington, DC, Office was established within the Office of the President in 1991. The office reports to MIT’s president and works closely with the vice president for research and other senior administrators. The staff of the office for MIT fiscal year 2015 included William Bonvillian, director; Philip Lippel, assistant director; Kate Stoll, senior policy advisor starting in September 2014; Helen Haislmaier, program coordinator; and Lisa Miller, office representative. The mission of the MIT Washington Office is to support the science and technology advocacy activities of MIT’s president, other senior officials and faculty in Washington, DC, and to extend MIT’s historic role, as one of the nation’s premier research universities, in providing leadership on national science and technology issues. The Washington Office facilitates a two-way exchange of information and ideas between MIT and Washington institutions, including executive branch agencies, offices and departments; Congress; and university, industry, and science organizations. Connecting the Institute with the Policy Agenda in Washington, DCMIT helped design the model of the federally backed research university, and continues to support a strong federal role in science and technology research and development. Washington Office staff members engage with key officials from the legislative and executive branches of the federal government and with other national figures on Federal policy issues regarding science and technology, education, and other core Institute concerns. They also help identify and then work with appropriate campus experts to inform specific policy discussions. With Congressionally mandated budget limitations restricting all federal discretionary spending for the current federal fiscal year and appropriations proposals for the following year, R&D funding levels remained a core concern for the Washington Office. Additionally, the office supported MIT’s major national policy initiatives on energy, online education, advanced manufacturing, and the convergence of the life, engineering, and physical sciences. These policy initiatives, important in themselves, also help federal decision makers envision how science and technology investments could help resolve great challenges we face nationally and internationally. The office also assisted in laying the groundwork for federal interactions regarding the recently announced campus initiatives on the environment and on innovation, each of which also addresses broad societal challenges. The sections below review first the overall funding situation for federal research, with brief funding summaries for each of the five major research agencies that support most of MIT’s research. Individual policy initiatives are then reviewed, followed by a discussion of the office’s work with MIT students interested in science and technology policy issues.Science Research and Development Support The “Sequestration” Challenge to Federal Research BudgetsThe “Budget Control Act” (BCA, Public Law 112-25, passed by Congress in 2011),imposed strict limits on the discretionary portion of the Federal budget for the federal fiscal years from 2012 through 2021, forcing spending to be reduced by $917 billion below previous official projections. When the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction established under the act failed to identify an additional $1.5 trillion dollars in savings over that period as mandated by the BCA, automatic cuts were triggered in a decade-long process termed “sequestration,” starting with $105 billion cut in federal FY2013. A compromise agreement finalized in January 2014 modified the overall levels for the FY2014 and 2015 federal discretionary budgets (covering the period from October 2013 to September 2015). The agreement provided a partial rollback of the sequestration cuts for those two years, but extended the overall BCA through FFY2023. As of the end of MIT’s fiscal year, no similar agreement was in sight for FFY2016 or beyond, so federal budgets are scheduled to revert back to full sequestration levels as of October 1st 2015.Federal research and development support is part of the discretionary budget and thus subject to sequestration. The initial cuts in 2012 and 2013, followed by stagnant budgets for 2014 and 2015, make it challenging for the federal government to maintain its historic role as the predominant supporter of university-based R&D. Restoration of adequate funding levels for the federal R&D agencies and preservation of their broad funding authorities were major efforts for the MIT Washington Office.But R&D support in Washington, whether in Congress or the executive branch, is not served particularly well by only making what could be called the “dial-able” argument - dialing up increases in R&D funding solves all science and technology challenges. As scientists understand well, additional funding does create additional science opportunities, and cuts and stagnation damage the talent base that can achieve those advances. As growth economist Paul Romer has argued, increasing the number of scientific “prospectors” and the research they undertake does indeed increase scientific yield. However, that line of argument provides no “pictures” of what the societal opportunities could be from additional investment. The Washington Office working with MIT leaders has focused on not simply making the “dial-able” argument, although there is truth in it, but in also making arguments about problems that could be solved and challenges could be achieved.By the end of MIT’s fiscal year, there was only limited progress for the argument that federal support for research should be treated more like an investment not a simple expenditure. This was largely because the Budget Control Act protected certain core political positions for each major party from sequestration. Entitlement programs supported by the Democratic Party are largely immune, and, for the Republican Party, no tax increases would be required. Instead, the entire 10-year sequestration cut is equally divided between federal defense discretionary programs and non-defense discretionary programs. These programs account for less than 40% of the total federal budget, but include nearly all federally funded research and development activities. The FY13 sequestration requirements forced significant cuts in R&D funding for that fiscal year, although they were, as noted, modified in 2013 for FY2014 and 2015 by Congress.R&D Funding by AgencyAlthough FY2016 remained highly uncertain, consolidated appropriations bills for the end of federal fiscal years 2014 and all of 2015 restored well over half of the R&D funding initially cut by sequestration, with most R&D agencies ending up above FY2012 pre-sequestration funding levels. Preparation of FY2016 appropriations bills conforming to the full sequestration levels has been the major focus of Congress throughout the year. For the first time in six years, members of both the House and Senate Appropriations committees have completed work on all their FY2016 bills.?The full House has passed measures which would provide funding for Department of Defense S&T programs, Department of Energy R&D programs, NASA, NOAA, the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the National Institutes of Health.? But Senate work on the appropriations bills has stalled because of partisan disagreements about overall spending limits. Congressional Republicans are working to the overall FY 2016 sequestration limit set by the 2011 Budget Control Act, but want to raise defense limits while further reducing non-defense discretionary spending. Congressional Democrats support the President’s position that the sequestration limits for both defense and domestic spending must be raised. In general, R&D appropriations in both chambers are below the Administration’s FY2016 request, but at or above FY2015 levels. Republican congressional leaders have made it clear they do not want to shut down the government, and want to forge a new two-year agreement on overall budget levels so Congress doesn’t have to face a shut down during a Presidential (and Congressional) election year. But with significant political barriers to negotiations with their Democratic counterparts remaining as the year drew to a close, it seemed increasingly likely that a continuing resolution, extending 2015 budget levels for at least a few months and perhaps the full year, was the only option available to avoid a shutdown. The chart below, prepared by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, compares funding provided by the FY2015 appropriations legislation to major R&D agencies with the prior year’s funding, the Presidential Budget Request, and the levels proposed by the House and Senate for FY2016, which are still pending. It is followed by discussion of funding at the five major federal R&D agencies that MIT engages with.FY2015 and Pending FY2016 Federal R&D Funding by R&D Agency:Source: AAAS, R&D Policy ProgramNational Institutes of Health (NIH)In FY2015 the NIH budget remained below pre-sequester levels despite a $150 million (or 0.5%) increase over FY2014 for a total budget of $30.1 billion. Most NIH institutes saw a mere 0.3% increase in their budgets, well below the rate of inflation. The National Institute on Aging received a 2.4% increase, and Congress provided a 1.1% increase to the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, primarily for Alzheimer’s research. The National Cancer Institute, NIH’s largest institute, received a 0.55% increase. The NIH component of the President’s BRAIN initiative received a $25 million boost, to $65 million. House and Senate appropriations bills pending as the year ends would provide significant 3% and 6% increases respectively. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)The FY2015 omnibus bill provided $18 billion for NASA, an increase of $364 million (or 2.1%) over FY2014 levels. This exceeded the President’s budget and the recommendations of the appropriators. The biggest winner was Aeronautics Research with a 15% increases. The Science Mission Directorate received a nearly 2% increase, including a $160 million boost over the President’s request for Planetary Sciences to a total of $1.44 billion. Not less than $100 million of this budget must be spent on the mission to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. Space Technology received a $20 million dollar boost, a 3.5% increase. Education received a 2.1% boost to $119 billion, and maintained $40 million for the Space Grant program. The provision prohibiting NASA from participating in bilateral activities with China remained in place. NASA would receive .6% and 1.6% increases respectively in the pending House and Senate Appropriations bills for FFY2016.Department of Energy (DOE)DOE technology programs in efficiency, renewables, fossil energy, and nuclear energy all saw FFY2015 increases in new budget authority, though the increases for efficiency and renewables are smaller than requested by the President’s budget. The Office of Science (OS) and the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy were flat-funded at $5 billion and $280 million respectively. In the OS’s Office of Fusion Energy Science, appropriators trimmed U.S. cash and hardware contributions to the international ITER project by $49.5 million, but rejected the Administration’s proposed cuts to the domestic fusion program. Instead they gave domestic researchers a slight increase, including $22,260,000 for research and operations at MIT’s Alcator C-Mod tokamak in FFY15. The funding bill specified that C-Mod should remain in operation through FY16, while planning commenced for its "orderly shutdown" thereafter.Under appropriations bills pending at year end, DOE’s Office of Science (OS) would receive a .7% (House) or 1.5% (Senate) increases, far short of the Administration’s requested 5.4%. Within OS, the President’s Budget requested increases for most offices, varying from 14.8% for Advanced Scientific Computing Resources to 2.9% for High Energy Physics. But the request for Fusion Energy Sciences would maintain level contributions to the international ITER construction project at $150 million while reducing ongoing plasma science research activities by $47.5 million (13%). Funding for C-Mod would be reduced by $4.3 million, allowing 5 weeks of experimentation in the tokamak’s final year of operation. The pending House appropriations bill would flat fund FES while the Senate proposal would reduce its budget by $198 million or 43% relative to FFY2015. The Senate would as cut the budget for current fusion research as well as defunding ITER construction.The President requested a 16.1% increase for ARPA-E, but pending legislation would keep the Agency’s budget flat at $280 million. (House) or provide a 3.9% increase (Senate). National Science Foundation (NSF)With a of 2.4% increase in FY2015 over 2014, to $7.344 billion, the National Science Foundation fared better than most agencies. The total is $89 million above the president’s request and includes a $125 million increase for NSF’s research accounts. The administration had recommended flat research funding, but had requested a $43 million increase for educational activities. Congressional funding for priority agency-wide programs in materials and smart manufacturing, cyber-enabled education, and secure computing remained essentially flat while sustainability research decreased by $35 million. Cognitive Science and Neuroscience – NSF’s contribution to the interagency “Brain Initiative”-- more than doubled, to $29 million as the program continued to ramp up rapidly. Within that total, NSF’s six research directorates grew in FY2015 by $125 million, or 2.8%, to $5.93 billion. In contrast, the Obama administration had proposed no boost for research. The increase will allow the agency to double, to $29 million, its spending on cognitive and neuroscience in light of the administration’s ambitious cross-agency “Brain Initiative” plan to develop neurotechnologies to better explore brain function. NSF had requested a 6.3% boost for its education directorate, to $890 million; Congress provided a 2.4% increase, to $866 million. Pending FY2016 appropriations bills would give NSF only small increases. Senate legislation would provide a .5% overall increase. The corresponding House bill offers a 1.3% increase and includes controversial guidance regarding the distribution of funds among NSF’s six research directorates. While the appropriators did not specify funding levels for each directorate (as House Space, Science, and Technology Committee did in pending NSF re-authorization legislation), if enacted the guidance could force major cuts to two directorates, Geosciences and Social, Behavioral and Economic sciences. Department of Defense (DOD)While DOD’s budget proposed a significant cut for FY2015 in basic research across the DOD research agencies, Congress rejected that cut, increasing basic research by 5% over the prior year to $2.16 billion. Applied research was funded at $4.64 billion, .8% below the prior year. Concerning technology development, final FY2015 funding was $5.3 billion, 6.4% above prior year funding. Overall, the above three “S&T” funding categories were increased by 3.4%. Although FY2016 appropriations outcomes are still pending and subject to budget negotiations, House and Senate bills propose 2.0% and 4.6% increases in defense “S&T” programs.MIT Policy InitiativesMIT faculty and administrators remained deeply involved with national policymakers in a series of ongoing policy initiatives and studies. These initiatives have significant science and technology aspects, and provide concrete examples of the importance of federal research support. Future Postponed ReportThe Washington Office worked with Prof. Marc Kastner and a committee of 30 MIT senior faculty members on a new initiative to highlight potentially transformative scientific opportunities which are not being adequately explored in the current federal funding environment. The first-year efforts under this initiative culminated with the April 27 release of the MIT report The Future Postponed: Why Declining Investment in Basic Research Threatens a U.S. Innovation Deficit. The report lays out the critical importance of federal investment in science research to grow the U.S. economy, develop better therapies and cures, stay competitive internationally, and solve global challenges. The Future Postponed faculty committee, representing every school at the Institute and numerous disciplines, worked with a skilled science writer to develop the report. Upon release of the report, select members of the community traveled to Washington DC in April to tell stakeholders and policy makers the important story of why investment in basic research is critical for the future of the nation at a major forum hosted by the AAAS, and in sessions with White House and House and Senate staff. The report discusses fifteen case studies of prospective science and engineering advances, from infectious disease, to batteries, to Alzheimer’s, to cybersecurity. It tries to make concrete how research investment can create new opportunities to better society, as validated by a respected committee of scientists. This is a story the scientific community has not always told well – what our society won’t get if we continue to disinvest in basic research? The Future Postponed gained national attention in the national press including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, and the Los Angeles Times, and was widely circulated on Capitol Hill. Can this new way to telling science’s story be broadened beyond MIT? Led by Prof. Kastner, the Science Philanthropy Alliance of six major foundations is continuing to have outstanding scientists develop case studies, using them to seek research support from philanthropists. The APLU is now considering a complimentary effort to use these case studies with Congressional leaders and other policymakers.ConvergenceThe MIT Washington office continued to support the “convergence” research model across life, engineering and physical sciences for biomedical research, drawing on the MIT 2011 white paper Third Revolution: Convergence Of The Life Sciences, Physical Sciences And Engineering. The Precision Medicine Initiative announced by President Obama in the State of the Union address utilizes this convergence model, as do research efforts at NIH, DARPA and NSF in support of the President’s Brain Initiative. DARPA’s new Biological Technologies Office also now uses a convergence model to support breakthrough research. To further advance this research model, the Washington Office conducted interviews with convergence leaders in the policy sphere to gather information on best practices and began planning a follow up report, expected to be developed in 2016. In support of this next convergence report, a new committee of convergence researchers at MIT, led by Prof. Philip Sharp, Prof. Tyler Jacks, and former President Susan Hockfield, formed to discuss the goals and vision of the next report. The group focused on the need to examine the most promising opportunities that could derive from convergence research in the health sciences. The team plans to host two major workshops with convergence experts around the country culminating in a major white paper that will provide a roadmap for the future of convergence research and its potential to positively impact health care in the U.S and more broadly. Advanced ManufacturingMIT’s active engagement in the nation’s manufacturing policy continued this year, with Washington Office staff working together with campus experts to support President Reif in his role as steering committee co-chair for the federal Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) 2.0. Reif delivered key AMP2.0 recommendations to President Barack Obama at the White House on October 26, 2014, sharing the stage with co-chair Andrew Liveris, the president and CEO of Dow Chemical Co. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Presidential Science Advisor John Holdren, and National Economic Council Director Jeff Zients, who also participated in the committee’s final meeting and White House briefing. They were joined by 16 other AMP leaders, including industry CEOs and university presidents. The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology approved and published the committee’s the AMP 2.0 report, which outlined a series of recommendations for renewing advanced industrial production in the U.S. in an effort to address the loss of manufacturing production and jobs that has occurred over the last three decades.“To reverse that trend, and to compete in an intensely globalized world, we need to take a big leap forward, fueled by innovation — and we need an innovation system that can deliver new manufacturing technologies and processes to get us there,” Reif said in remarks to the President. He reiterated the point later in a public forum on the report held at the National Academies later that day. MIT Prof. Krystyn Van Vliet, who was co-chair of the technology analysis group for the AMP2.0 report effort, also presented at the NAS forum. The AMP2.0 report recommends new ways of enabling innovation, training workers, and aiding the U.S. business climate, extending these three “pillars” for bolstering industrial growth that were established by the original AMP committee in 2012 under the leadership of Liveris and then-MIT President Susan Hockfield. To enable innovation, the report calls for prioritizing advanced manufacturing technologies, developing advanced manufacturing technology strategies and cross-agency R&D coordination, creating a standing university-industry consortium to guide federal actions, developing better standards and information-sharing mechanisms in manufacturing, and establishing a strong governance structure for the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation.To build a skilled workforce for advanced manufacturing, the report outlines measures from new programs in skill certification and job training to a campaign to portray the image of contemporary manufacturing. Specific programs and strategies addressing workers from diverse backgrounds are discussed, including how to utilize the skills of returning veterans, encourage apprenticeships programs for middle-skills workers, and retrain experienced workers from declining industries. To improve business conditions for U.S. manufacturers, especially small and midsize firms, the report proposes providing tax incentives and better access to capital to companies seeking to scale up advanced manufacturing operations and improving the flow of information about technologies, markets, and supply chains among all U.S. stakeholders. The White House subsequently announced new measures responding to most of the concepts outlined in the AMP2.0 report. MIT continued to engage with the White House, federal agencies, and its AMP2.0 partners to assist in the implementation of these measures. The expansion of the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI) was a central activity for the advanced manufacturing community. Congress showed bipartisan approval for this new Administration initiative when it included the Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act (RAMI) in a year-end budget deal passed in December. While RAMI formalized the NMMI and gave the Department of Commerce some coordination authority, Congress has not yet appropriated dedicated funding for manufacturing innovation institutes (MIIs), which are the major nodes in the Network. But federal agencies continued to fund MIIs aligned with their missions. The Department of Defense, the lead sponsor of three MIIs as the year began, announced three new MII competitions this year. MIT faculty and staff assumed significant roles on teams competing for each of them. The Department of Energy also announced its intent to lead its third institute. The DOE competition had not formally begun at year end, but MIT was in preliminary discussions with potential teammates. The President’s FY2016 budget, released in February, proposed doubling the NNMI once again, with eight additional institutes. This would bring the federal investment to $500 million a year in federal funding, with industry and state cost-sharing more than doubling the total NNMI budget. Innovation Initiative - “Innovation Orchards”In December, an Advisory Committee chaired by Professors Vladimir Bulovic and Fiona Murray released a preliminary outline for the MIT Innovation Initiative. This report, responding to a call from President Reif in October 2013, is largely focused on education, entrepreneurship and applied research at MIT itself (see). In May, Reif unveiled a new dimension to the initiative in a Washington Post op ed (). Calling for a new kind of “innovation orchard,” he emphasized the need for regional and national policy elements to fill a gap he identified in the national innovation system. He noted that startups in non-IT fields face major challenges in scaling up to a point where their technologies are prototyped, demonstrated, tested, accelerated and de-risked, and placed in range of follow-on financing mechanisms. The Washington Office then began preparing a detailed evaluation of federal and regional programs supporting early-stage technology innovation, and working with a team at MIT exploring potential models for “orchard” and “accelerator” spaces. This group is considering new innovation institutions that could be stood up by MIT and partners to fill this gap in Massachusetts and the surrounding region. Online Education InitiativeWith Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) continuing to draw attention from education policymakers, MIT’s senior leaders continued to take a national role in discussions of the role MOOCS and other online tools in higher education. Dean of Digital Learning Sanjay Sarma and Prof. Karen Wilcox initiated the Online Education Policy Initiative (OEPI), a major study of the national learning science aspects and implications of online education, in August with support from the Carnegie Foundation and NSF. Chancellor Barnhart represented the Institute at the December 2014 White House College Opportunity Summit, announcing a commitment to expand the use of MITx courses to help develop a cadre of high school science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teachers skilled in the use of educational technologies. These teachers can then in turn better prepare their own students to transition into college and succeed academically along the path to STEM careers. In April 2014, President Reif and Harvard President Drew Faust hosted an online education summit in Cambridge with guests including senior officers from colleges and universities across the country and leading academics in the field. Under-Secretary of Education Ted Mitchell and other federal education officials joined Presidents Reif and Faust in discussions of online learning on and off campus, including a discussion moderated by John Hockenberry which was later broadcast nationally on PRI’s “The Takeaway.” The Online Education Policy Initiative extends the work of the Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of MIT Education, which President Reif had charged with capturing an integrated understanding of how online access is changing teaching and learning on campus, to the national community. Washington Office staff worked with Prof.’s Sarma, Wilcox, and other participating faculty to structure this exploration of teaching pedagogy and efficacy, institutional business models, and global educational engagement strategies and to involve federal education leaders in the study, which is scheduled to conclude with a final report in early 2016.Important input to the OEPI was obtained through a May 2015 workshop, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, which brought fifty practitioners from the learning science and online learning technology communities together to discuss emerging ideas about online pedagogy. A forthcoming report from that workshop aims to answer a critical question about online education – what are the learning designs and models that can optimize learning in both online education and blended education that incorporates both face-to-face and online featuresMIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) The MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), widely recognized as the first and the foremost campus-wide energy program at a U.S. academic institution, returned to Washington in May to present The Future of Solar Energy, the seventh multidisciplinary “Future of” study released since the initiative was launched in 2006. The study was released at the National Press Club with in-depth follow-on discussions at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Department of Energy, and an alumni release event co-hosted by the MIT Club of Washington. Key recommendations and analyses included a renewed focus within DOE’s solar research portfolio on new photovoltaic (PV) technologies utilizing abundant materials, the necessity of continued cost reduction in PV as market penetration increases (since the marginal value of non-dispatchable electricity will decrease), and the suggestion that tax credits for solar deployment should be based on the desired outcome (the production of electricity) rather than the input (the cost of purchasing and installing solar systems). The Washington Office also assisted MITEI in coordinating its future activities with the DC energy community. A study of The Utility of the Future: Preparing for a Changing Energy Sector is now underway, and additional studies are under consideration.Agency ActivitiesNational Institutes of HealthEven in these times of tight budget constraints, NIH received significant attention in the press from fiscally conservative members who say NIH is a key investment in the nation’s health. In July the House of Representatives passed the 21st Century Cures bill, which would boost NIH funding by $8.75 billion over five years and epitomizes the surge in support for biomedical innovation. However, finding acceptable funding offsets for this boost remains a challenge and the bill has not yet been approved in the Senate.The President’s Precision Medicine Initiative, announced at the State of the Union address in January 2015 and featuring a convergence research model, has generated excitement in the biomedical community. It proposes $130 million in funding to the NIH for development of a voluntary national research cohort of a million people. The President’s BRAIN initiative continued to be a point of pride for both NIH and Congress. In the first round of awards, MIT researchers received more NIH BRAIN awards than any other university. The Washington Office worked closely with biomedical science coalitions and university associations like United for Medical Research, AAU, and APLU to advocate for strong NIH funding on Capitol Hill, including the provisions for increased funding in the 21st Century Cures Act.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)MIT Professor Dava Newman was confirmed as the Deputy Administrator of NASA in April. Support for the Commercial Crew program and regulation of commercial spaceflights was a topic of great debate in Congress, which proposed cuts to that program in favor of other priorities. NASA also had to work around three failed private sector launches to supply the International Space Station. The Washington Office worked with the newly created Coalition for Aerospace and Science to advocate for strong NASA funding. Additionally, the scientific community responded to Congressional pressure to boost planetary sciences and exploration funding at the expense of earth sciences at NASA. The Washington Office met with several Massachusetts Congressional offices to advocate for the Space Grant, an education and outreach program funded by NASA. Department of Defense (DOD) On November 15th, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced that DOD would undertake a major new effort to address a worsening threat environment, the Defense Innovation Initiative. Hagel stated that America’s potential antagonists are continuing to update their militaries, and push their tactical capabilities, requiring a major United States response. Hagel later resigned, and President Obama soon announced that Ash Carter would replace him. Carter, who was a research fellow at MIT from 1982 to 1984, was confirmed by the Senate in February, and strongly endorsed the new emphasis on innovation. At the center of this effort is the Long Range Research and Development Plan (LRRDP) announced by Undersecretary Frank Kendall in October. The LRDDP is focused on “high-payoff enabling technology investments that could provide an opportunity to shape key future US materiel investments [and] offer opportunities to shape the trajectory of future competition for technical superiority.” Five working groups are tasked with identifying key technology opportunities in specific areas: Space Technology, Undersea Technology, Air Dominance and Strike Technology, Air and Missile Defense, and other Technology-Driven concepts. The working groups aim to establish technology development programs based on these opportunities within five years. Ideally, DOD hopes that Defense Innovation Initiative R&D will respond to the 21st century threat environment by pushing defense technologies into the future, with a new generation of “technology offsets” replacing the precision, stealth and UAV offsets the department has relied on for defense superiority in recent decades.The Washington Office arranged extended meetings and technology briefings on campus for leaders of the DII. MIT researchers met with DOD Assistant Secretary (Act.) Steve Welby on January 22 and were preparing for a July 2015 visit by Undersecretary Frank Kendall and his senior staff. The office also developed a background paper on the initiative to assist MIT faculty. Lincoln Lab has also been deeply involved in this DOD project. Department of Energy (DOE)MIT engaged deeply with DOE this year as the agency emphasized new approaches to counter global climate change and move towards a low carbon energy future. In addition to its role in the MITEI activities described above, the Washington Office worked with faculty and staff in consulting roles as DOE reorganized its technology efforts. We consulted with EERE’s Clean Manufacturing Office on programs to use advanced manufacturing technology to drive down the cost and increase the performance of new energy technologies. In February, the Department established a new Technology Transition Office (TTO) to better use DOE assets, including the National Laboratories, to help commercialize these technologies. MIT engaged with the TTO, and with DOE’s new “Cyclotron Road” tech transition pilot program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. MIT nuclear fusion experts advised Undersecretary for Science and Energy Lynn Orr and other senior DOE leaders on new technology advances that could dramatically accelerate the timescale and reduce the cost for the development of fusion as a practical energy source. Washington Office staff also served as advisors to DOE’s Quadrennial Technology Review process. National Science Foundation (NSF)The National Science Foundation continued to face unusual pressure from its authorizers in the U.S. House of Representatives, with the little sign that the rift between majority and minority leadership in the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology might close. Committee chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) continued to seek more direct Congressional oversight of the Foundation’s budget and proposal review procedures, while ranking member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) defended NSF’s independence and the integrity of its current peer review process. Smith also continued his inquiry into selected individual NSF grants, bringing to over 60 his requests for staff access to detailed proposals and review information. In February, Smith attacked 13 NSF awards which he viewed as questionable.The America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015, which Smith introduced in April, incorporated most of the contentious provisions of the 2014 Frontiers in Innovation, Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST) Act. In a repeat of the committee action on the earlier bill, COMPETES was approved in May on a 20-16 party-line vote after an angry, partisan, 6-hour Committee markup session the previous week. MIT and most other research universities, along with the major university associations and scientific societies, found themselves in the uncomfortable position of opposing a bill which would reauthorize funding for several major research agencies as well as the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The Obama Administration also objected strongly to the bill. Troubling provisions included modifications to NSF’s highly respected peer review system to require the NSF Director’s approval of each research award; a new “national interest” review standard; individual authorization levels for each directorate, rather than the traditional two allocations for educational activities and research activities; and low authorization levels for NSF’s directorates for geosciences and for social, behavioral, and economic sciences, which would sharply curtail research awards in those areas. The full House, which had failed to act on FIRST earlier in the year, narrowly passed COMPETES in May. The Senate Commerce, Justice, and Science Committee showed little interest in the measure, instead holding preliminary hearings in preparation for its own attempt to reauthorize COMPETES. In an attempt to build bridges, President Reif met Smith on February 26, 2015 and invited the Chairman to visit Cambridge. At MIT fiscal year end the Washington Office was working to set up late summer meetings with campus researchers in fields of personal interest to Smith.In January, the Foundation introduced new transparency and accountability guidelines intended to address some of the Science Committee’s concerns regarding oversight. The guidelines emphasized NSF program manager’s responsibility for ensuring that award abstracts include a clear, accessible description of the research to be performed, its significance, and how it “serves the national interest, as stated by NSF's mission: to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity and welfare; or to secure the national defense.” In one particularly notable MIT-related development, in May, NSF Director France Cordoba headlined a dedication ceremony for the Advanced LIGO project, a $205 million upgrade to the LIGO gravity wave detectors in Hanford, Washington and Livingston, Louisiana, funded through NSF’s Major Research Equipment and Facilities Program. The seven-year upgrade was completed on schedule in September under the leadership of MIT Kavli Institute senior research scientist David Shoemaker, and is widely expected to lead to the first direct detection of gravitation waves and initiate a new realm of astronomical observations. Cross Agency Issues – Intellectual PropertyPatentsAs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, patent holders, and litigators continued to adjust to major patent reforms introduced via the American Invents Act of 2011 and now being implemented, Judiciary Committee members in both houses of the U.S. Congress pressed for further changes to the patent system. Curbing abusive patent demand letters, a practice known as “patent trolling,” has been a particular topic of continuing legislative efforts. In February, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee introduced, H.R. 9, the Innovation Act. The bill was nearly identical to a measure passed by the House in the previous Congress, which universities including MIT opposed along with much of the biotech, pharmaceutical, entrepreneur and venture capital community. The opponents argued that in their zeal to eliminate patent trolls, both versions of the Innovation Act did not protect legitimate inventor interests and thus threatened to weaken the entire patent system. University organizations led by AAU and APLU sought changes in provisions on fee shifting and joinder, which they argued could reduce the ability of universities to develop their intellectual property through licensees and leave them vulnerable to extended lawsuits regarding activities over which they have little control. The Senate Judiciary Committee drafted its own reform bill, the PATENT Act (S. 1137), which was introduced in April, after consulting with numerous stakeholders including university experts. The university groups concluded that the PATENT Act offered a more balanced approach to address patent trolling abuses than the House’s Innovation Act, and would be less harmful to the rights of legitimate patent holders. Both bills were passed out of their respective committees, but at year end neither had been brought up for a floor vote. Developing MIT “Citizen Scientists”The Washington Office continued to provide opportunities for MIT faculty and students to engage in the policy process, and develop as “citizen scientists,” long a part of the office’s mission. Support for MIT Student GroupsThe MIT Washington Office supports MIT students seeking opportunities and insights in science policy. We support the development of “citizen scientists” in several ways and with multiple student groups. The Science Policy Initiative (SPI), a primarily graduate student group, continues to be a strong collaborator with the Washington Office. We also engage with the Graduate Student Council, specifically their Legislative Action Subcommittee, and the Undergraduate Student Council on issues related to federal policy. Science Policy Weekly News UpdateWhen Congress is in session, The Washington Office sends weekly Science Policy News Updates through the MIT Alumni Office Legislative Advocacy Network, and subsequently sends the newsletter to interested MIT students in the Science Policy Initiative, and the Graduate Student Council Legislative Action Subcommittee to keep them abreast of current events in DC. The newsletter covers such issues as federal R&D policy, STEM education, and appropriations. MIT senior faculty and administrators received a more detailed weekly “Federal Update” newsletter on federal R&D support and education developments. Science and Technology Public Policy “Boot Camp”William Bonvillian, Washington Office Director, worked with a committee of graduate students elected by the Science Policy Initiative to teach a four-day intensive course on federal science and innovation policy during the Independent Activities Period in January. The course, begun in 2007, was oversubscribed, with over 30 students competitively selected to participate. Students actively engage in the discussion-based course and more than half complete course papers for credit toward MIT’s Science and Technology Policy Certificate program.Internships in Washington, DCThe Washington Office Hosted four interns throughout the year, including one MIT undergraduate during the summer. Intern projects included analysis of the House Energy and Commerce Committee 21st Century Cures roundtables and hearings, interviews of Convergence stakeholders, a report on the new DOD Defense Innovation Initiative, and a survey and analysis of existing federal and regional innovation pipeline intermediaries and resources. In coordination with the Department of Political Science and the Technology and Policy Program, 17 MIT students completed internships in Washington DC, including one in the Washington Office. As part of this program, the Washington Office arranged for a series of meetings with Senator Markey, leaders at OSTP, DOE, NSF, DOD, NIH, CIA, the State Department, Georgetown Law School, and the Supreme Court. Congressional Visits and Executive Agency VisitsThe Washington Office collaborated with SPI to plan two trips to DC. In March, 23 MIT students participated in Congressional Visits Day where they met with a total of 51 Congressional offices including 7 members of Congress. In these meetings students spoke about the importance of robust and sustained federal investment in R&D, high-skilled work visas, and policy issues relating to their individual research. Several staffers followed up with the students to get more information on specific issues like superfund sites, climate change, and undergraduate research. Over 20 students visited federal agencies and nongovernmental organizations in October during the Executive Visits Days. Students met with staff at the White House OSTP, the Department of State, NSF, DOE, EPA, ARPA-E, USAID, and others to learn about federal policy and explore career options. Coalitions and Working Groups The Washington Office amplified its activities through cooperation with other universities and stakeholders in the R&D and innovation enterprise. Participation in the following associations, organizations, and working groups is an essential part of those efforts.Ad Hoc Group for Medical ResearchAd Hoc Tax GroupAmerican Council on EducationAssociation of American Universities, Council on Federal RelationsAssociation of Public and Land-Grant Universities, Council on Governmental Affairs Coalition for National Science FundingCoalition for National Security Research Coalition for Plasma Science Coalition for Aerospace and ScienceCouncil of Graduate SchoolsCouncil on CompetitivenessCouncil on Governmental Relations Energy Sciences CoalitionFusion Energy Sciences Day National Association of Independent Colleges and UniversitiesNew England Council Personalized Medicine CoalitionResearch! America STEM Education CoalitionTask Force on American Innovation The Science CoalitionUnited for Medical Research ................

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