Course - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

|Course |6200/6600 Principles of Business and |Unit A |Principles of Business |

| |Finance | | |

|Essential Standard |2.00 |B2 |24% |Understand the nature of business. |

|Objective |2.04 |B2 |4% |Understand applications and issues of |

| | | | |technology. |

|Essential |Why do many businesses use technology? |

|Questions |How are the common concerns of businesses using technology classified? |


I. Many businesses use technology to obtain information or to improve efficiency and productivity. The use of technology is often referred to as application of technology. Common applications of technology by businesses are:

A. Artificial intelligence (AI)

B. Computer-aided design (CAD)

C. E-commerce

D. Expert systems

E. Management information systems (MIS)

F. Robotics

G. Telecommuting

II. Common areas of concerns for using technology are:

A. Employment trends

B. Health and safety

C. Computer crime

D. Privacy



|1 |Business Application of Technology Introduction |Helps students begin to |Textbook |

| |Have students read Focus on Real Life on pages 274 and 280 in Intro to Business, |UNDERSTAND (B2) application of | |

| |6e, Thomson South-Western textbook. |technology by businesses | |

| |Facilitate a discussion using these questions: | | |

| |Will someone describe any technology he/she used outside of class, and why the | | |

| |technology was used? | | |

| |Will someone describe how the technology he/she saw can be used in a business? | | |

|2 |Business Application of Technology Reading and PowerPoint Presentation |Helps students UNDERSTAND (B2) |Textbook |

| |Present an overview of businesses application of technology. |how and why businesses use | |

| |Facilitate students completing Application of Technology by Businesses Organizer. |technology |PowerPoint Presentation |

| |Students may obtain information by reading pages 266-268, and 274-281in Intro to | |2.04, slides 1-11. |

| |Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western textbook OR by participating during | | |

| |presentation of PowerPoint Presentation 2.04, slides 1-11. | |Application of Technology |

| |For a review, allow students to complete a story starter using these topics: | |by Businesses Organizer |

| |artificial intelligence | | |

| |computer-aided design | | |

| |MIS | | |

| |e-commerce system | | |

| |expert systems | | |

| |robotics | | |

| |telecommuting | | |

| |Example: To use artificial intelligence, my fireplace would be programmed to turn | | |

| |on the by voice command. | | |

|3 |Very Important Business Terms Activity |Helps students UNDERSTAND (B2) |Very Important Business |

|[pic] | |the connection of terms with |Terms Activity |

| |Have students complete Very Important Business Terms Activity. |topic | |

|Instructional Activities continued on the next page. |



|4 |Deciding on the Appropriate Technology Application |Helps students EXPLAIN (B2) |Textbook |

|[pic] |NOTE: For the next task, students will use scenarios from Decision-Making |the possible impact of | |

| |Strategies and Make Academic Connections-Math on page 288 for questions 1 and 2 in|technology on various business |Is It Time to Change the |

| |the Intro to Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western textbook. |industries |Application? Activity |

| |Facilitate students completing Is It Time to Change the Application? Activity. | | |

| |Assign students to Think-Pair-Share groups to discuss their responses, and then | |Is It Time to Change the |

| |facilitate a class discussion. NOTE: Students should check how their responses are| |Application? Key |

| |similar and different. | | |

| |Observe what students are writing and discussing to determine if they explain the | | |

| |possible impact of the technology applications. NOTE: This activity is a formative| | |

| |assessment. | | |

|5 |What’s on Your Computer? |Helps students UNDERSTAND (B2) |What’s on Your Computer? |

| |Assign students to work in groups of four to six. |business application of |Rubric |

| |Assign each group one of the business applications of technology. |technology | |

| |Go over the What’s on Your Computer? Rubric with the students. NOTE: As part of | |What’s on Your Computer? |

| |the research completed by students, encourage them to find free videos that | |Activity |

| |demonstrate the technology. | | |

| |Facilitate students completing What’s on Your Computer? Activity. | |Resources to research a |

| |Allow groups to present responses. | |business applying |

| | | |technology |

|Instructional Activities continued on the next page. |



|6 |Concerns of Technology Use Introduction |Helps students begin to |Textbook |

| |Facilitate a discussion using these discussion questions: |UNDERSTAND (B2) common concerns| |

| |How has technology impacted our lives? |of using technology | |

| |How should we prepare for or respond to technological changes? | | |

|7 |Concerns of Technology Use Reading |Helps students UNDERSTAND (B2) |Textbook |

| |Present an overview of the concerns of using technology. |common concerns of using | |

| |Facilitate students completing Common Concerns of Technology Use Organizer. |technology |Common Concerns of |

| |Students may obtain information by reading pages 283-284 in Intro to Business, 6e,| |Technology Use Organizer |

| |Thomson South-Western textbook OR by participating during presentation of | | |

| |PowerPoint Presentation 2.04, 12-17. | |PowerPoint Presentation |

| |Facilitate a discussion using these questions: | |2.04, slides 12-17 |

| |How has technology impacted the work environment? | | |

| |How can technology impact your health? | | |

| |What are some possible implications associated with criminal activities using one | | |

| |of the technologies? | | |

|8 |Responding to Concerns of Using Technology |Helps students CLASSIFY (B2) |Textbook |

| |NOTE: For this activity, students are asked to talk with a family member, business|common concerns of using | |

| |representative, and another person about their concerns of using technology. They |technology |Space for displaying |

| |may also use the internet or articles. Use the Linking School and Home activity on| |responses from activity |

| |page 289 in the Intro to Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western textbook as a guide. | | |

| |Designate space for students to post collected concerns of technology use obtained| | |

| |from the activity. | | |

|Instructional Activities continued on the next page. |



| |Place a label for each concern of technology use in designated space. | | |

| |Possible Concerns of Technology Use Categories: | | |

| |Employment Trends | |Responses to Concerns of |

| |Health Concerns | |Using Technology Activity |

| |Computer Crimes | | |

| |Privacy Concerns | |Sticky-notes (possibly |

| |Facilitate students completing Responding to Concerns of Using Technology Activity. | |four per student) |

| |Have students write one example/situation of concern on a sticky-note and place it | | |

| |in the appropriate section to identify the category of concern for that technology | |Optional: internet and |

| |use. Observe where students place their sticky-notes. If students are struggling, | |periodicals |

| |assist them and consider having them post another concern. | | |

| |Facilitate a discussion using these items: | |Labels for each concern of|

| |Select several students to orally summarize the commonalities and differences of | |technology use |

| |each category. | | |

| |Select several students to share some responses. | | |

|L - [pic] –Literacy Strategy: The very important business terms activity is a writing assessment that allows students to write statements about why|

|each term is important to the content for which it is being used. Students are able to reflect on the terms in order to process their own thoughts and |

|learning of how the terms are important to the content area. |

|[pic] –Literacy Strategy: Think-Pair-Share is a cooperative learning strategy that encourages students to think about course content and then talk |

|about it with a partner. |

Instructional Support Material

|Textbook |Website |

|Intro to Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western |None |

|Handouts (included) |Other |

|Application of Technology by Businesses Organizer |PowerPoint Presentation 2.04 (separate file) |

|Very Important Business Terms Activity |Resources to research a business applying technology |

|Is It Time to Change the Application? Activity |Space for displaying results of Responses to Concerns of Using Technology |

|Is It Time to Change the Application? Key |Activity |

|What’s on Your Computer? Rubric |Sticky-notes (possibly four per student) |

|What’s on Your Computer? Activity |Optional: internet and periodicals in order to complete Responses to |

|Common Concerns of Technology Use Organizer |Concerns of Using Technology Activity |

| |Labels for each concern of technology use in order to complete Responses |

| |to Concerns of Using Technology Activity |

| |Assessment Prototypes (included) |

Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________

Application of Technology by Businesses Organizer

Directions: Provide responses for listed items.

|Computer Networks |

|Describe computer networks and possible types. |

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|Describe each type of business application of technology and include an example. |

|Artificial intelligence | |

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|Computer-aided design | |

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|E-commerce | |

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|E-commerce Models |

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| | | | |

|Expert systems | |

| | |

| | |

|Management | |

|information | |

|system (MIS) | |

Application of Technology by Businesses Organizer Continued

Directions: List the four interconnected main components of a Management Information System (MIS).


Application of Technology by Businesses Organizer Continued

|Name the four main categories of information used by businesses and describe how each would be used. |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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|Robotics | |

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|Telecommuting | |

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| | |

Name_________________________ Class ________________ Date _________

Very Important Business Terms Activity

Directions: In the right-hand column of table describe why the terms listed in the left-hand column are important to business applications of technology.

|Very important business terms |Why the term is important to the topic |

|Artificial intelligence (AI) [pic] | |

|Computer-aided design (CAD) | |

|[pic] | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Computer network | |

|[pic] | |

|E-commerce | |

|[pic] | |

|Management Information System (MIS) | |

|[pic] | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

|Very Important Business Terms Activity Continued |

|Robotics | |

|[pic] | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Telecommuting | |

|[pic] | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________

Is It Time to Change the Application? Activity

Directions: Provide information for the listed questions.

1. Use the scenario about The Kendall Manufacturing Company in the Decision Making Strategies on page 288 in Intro to Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western textbook, and then answer these questions.

a. What will most likely cause the company to use the new technology?


b. How would the human factor possibly impact the decision of using the new technology?


2. Use the scenario about Barkley Corporation in the Make Academic Connections-Math on page 288 in Intro to Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western textbook, and then answer these questions.

a. Calculate the possible cost difference between sending pieces of and electronic mail.



b. What will most likely cause the corporation to change mail service?


c. How could the cost of upgrading to the new system impact the corporation’s decision?


Is It Time to Change the Application? Activity Continued

d. How could market research about the possible receptiveness of electronic mail impact the corporation’s decision?



Is It Time to Change the Application? Activity KEY

Directions: Read designated scenarios and provide information for the listed questions in spaces provided.

1. Use the scenario about The Kendall Manufacturing Company in the Decision Making Strategies on page 288 in Intro to Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western textbook, and then answer these questions.

a. What will most likely cause the company to use the new technology?

The possible savings of $135.000 yearly in operation cost._____________________

b. How would the human factor possibly impact the decision of using the new technology?

Answers will vary. The impact of having trained staff will matter.

2. Use the scenario about Barkley Corporation in the Make Academic Connections-Math on page 288 in Intro to Business, 6e, Thomson South-Western textbook, and then answer these questions.

a. Calculate the possible cost difference between sending pieces of and electronic mail.

Sending 3,800 pieces of mail monthly at 44 cents each cost $1,672 and using the electronic mail system will possibly only cost $1,250 monthly. The difference could be a savings of $472. Answer may differ depending on the current postage fee.

b. What will most likely cause the corporation to change mail service?

The potential savings of $346 could cause the company to change mail service.

c. How could the cost of upgrading to the new system impact the corporation’ decision?

The cost of upgrading to the new system will help in deciding if the change is potentially financially worthwhile.

d. How could market research about the possible receptiveness of electronic mail impact the corporation’s decision?

The rate of potential customers’ willingness to receive electronic will impact the decision to change to the electronic mail system.

1. How could the computerization of our society and economy affect your ability to achieve your life goals?



Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________

Activity: What’s on Your Computer?

Directions: Complete the tasks for investigating one of the business applications of technology. These tasks may be completed in any order.

1. Research how businesses use the assigned application of technology. NOTE: This research must also include an interview with a business representative that uses the chose technology. Students should learn how the technology is use in the business setting. Possible questions to ask the business representative are:

a. How has technology impacted the function of the business?

b. How often does the business upgrade its technology?

c. How are users trained?

d. What are some expected future trends in using this technology?

2. Make a visual aid of the technology.

3. Present presentation and visual aid.

Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________

Rubric: What’s on Your Computer?

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Use of Class Time |Used time well during each |Used time well during each class |Used some of the time well |Did not use class time |

| |class period. Focused on |period. Usually focused on |during each class period. There|to focus on the project|

| |getting the project done. |getting the project done and |was some focus on getting the |OR often distracted |

| |Never distracted others. |never distracted others. |project done but occasionally |others. |

| | | |distracted others. | |

|Graphics -Clarity |Graphics are all in focus |Most graphics are in focus and |Most graphics are in focus and |Many graphics are not |

| |and the content easily |the content easily viewed and |the content is easily viewed |clear or are too small.|

| |viewed and identified from 6|identified from 6 ft. away. |and identified from 4 ft. away.| |

| |ft. away. | | | |

|Graphics - Originality |Several of the graphics used|One or two of the graphics used |The graphics are made by the |No graphics made by the|

| |on the poster reflect a |on the poster reflect student |student, but are based on the |student are included. |

| |exceptional degree of |creativity in their creation |designs or ideas of others. | |

| |student creativity in their |and/or display. | | |

| |creation and/or display. | | | |

|Graphics - Relevance |All graphics are related to |All graphics are related to the |All graphics relate to the |Graphics do not relate |

| |the topic and make it easier|topic and most make it easier to |topic. Most borrowed graphics |to the topic OR several|

| |to understand. All borrowed |understand. All borrowed graphics|have a source citation. |borrowed graphics do |

| |graphics have a source |have a source citation. | |not have a source |

| |citation. | | |citation. |

| | | | | |

|Attractiveness |The visual aid is |The visual aid is attractive in |The visual aid is acceptably |The visual aid is |

| |exceptionally attractive in |terms of design, layout and |attractive though it may be a |distractingly messy or |

| |terms of design, layout, and|neatness. |bit messy. |very poorly designed. |

| |neatness. | | |It is not attractive. |

|Mechanics |Capitalization and |There is 1 error in |There are 2 errors in |There are more than 2 |

| |punctuation are correct |capitalization or punctuation. |capitalization or punctuation. |errors in |

| |throughout the poster. | | |capitalization or |

| | | | |punctuation. |

|Grammar |There are no grammatical |There is 1 grammatical mistake on|There are 2 grammatical |There are more than 2 |

| |mistakes on the poster. |the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |grammatical mistakes on|

| | | | |the poster. |

|Points | | | | |

TOTAL _____________________

Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________

Common Concerns of Technology Use Organizer

Directions: Provide information and pictorial representation for each listed item.

|Employment trends |Computer crime |

|Health |Privacy |

Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________

Responding to Concerns of Using Technology Activity

Directions: For this activity, talk with a family member, business representative, and another person about situations when they were concerned about using technology. Organize information in the table including source of information and your response to concern.

|Concern of technology use |Source |Category |Student response |

| | | | |

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| | | | |


Note: These assessment prototypes are examples of the types of items included in the item bank. All items are comparable to the cognitive process of the understand verb. Questions require students to demonstrate that they understand the content. Assessment prototypes will not be used on the secured test, but questions in similar formats will be used.

The manager of Bennie’s Community Store buys products that will be sold to local customers from an online distribution company. This is an example of what type of technology application?

A. Artificial intelligence

B. Computer-aided design

C. E-commerce

D. Telecommuting


Donna processed reports on her computer that will allow her to determine which employees make the top salaries. This is an example of what type of technology application?

A. Artificial intelligence

B. Management information system

C. Robotics

D. Telecommuting


Amy had her computer station adjusted so that she would be comfortable while completing challenging tasks for long periods of time. This is an example of what type of concern for using technology?

A. Employment trends

B. Computer crime

C. Health

D. Privacy



List the components of a Management Information System (MIS)






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