If We Only Knew Then…

If We Only Knew Then...

A Chance To Rewrite Our Future History


Michael Horn

How many times have we heard someone else, or even found ourselves, saying, "if we only knew then what we know now"? How many times have we heard the terms "20-20hindsight" or "Monday morning quarterbacking"? But would we really do things differently now if we knew how things might turn out later, especially if we knew that, by not acting on what we now know, that "later", that future, was going to turn out to be extraordinarily painful and unpleasant? You would think so, especially when you reflect on perhaps that most plaintiff, personal pleading, "Why didn't somebody tell me?"

Keeping those mental tongue twisters in mind, and to find out if "somebody" actually has told us, let's take a few moments to consider the equally complex matter of the Billy Meier UFO contacts from Switzerland. More and more people, world wide, are now becoming aware of the Meier case and, as they do, many obvious questions and challenges arise, such as, "what if it's a hoax?" Now, even though I have already published an answer, in the form of abundant proof derived from 25 years of research, concluding that the case is absolutely authentic (), this question, unlike our initial ones, deserves a direct answer.

I'd Be First In Line

So, if the case is ever proved to be a hoax I will be the first one in line asking how he did it. I will want Meier, or the person who has conclusively proved the hoax, to tell me the details and to show me how this one-armed man accomplished the longest-running, most impenetrable deception imaginable, one that's lasted more than 62 years (I am unaware of anything that can, in the same context, even be called a UFO contact case). I will be fascinated to learn how, in 1964, he managed to take clear, daytime photos of up to eight UFOs hovering over an ashram in India, had his story covered in a newspaper there and how an impeccably credible witness (a retired UN diplomat, no less) came forward, some 35 years later, to vouch for his story, his character, the UFOs and even the extraterrestrial woman that the diplomat personally observed with Meier.

I'd also like to know how over 100 witnesses (some of whom also photographed the UFOs) have likewise been completely fooled into believing they saw something they didn't, how 15 people (including Meier) have all passed lie detector tests and how some 17 people (including an undercover policeman), who witnessed the recording of the UFO sounds, were either all fooled or complicit in the fraud. I'd really like to know all that.

It would be absolutely fascinating to learn the secret behind how, after Meier lost his left arm in 1965, the quantity, quality and variety of his physical evidence exponentially increased. I'd salivate over seeing the original, meticulously crafted, various different metallic models of UFOs that he (or someone else) must have crafted for use in all his photos, films and video. Then I'd want to see the elaborate sound equipment (also never found or detected in years of investigation) that he used to generate the sounds of the UFO, which, like the other physical evidence, have remained irreproducible for decades. Of course I'd give anything to know how Meier made the metal alloy samples that multipatent holding IBM chemist Marcel Vogel thoroughly examined and confidently concluded were completely beyond anything known to him and not made on this earth.

Show Me The Money

Naturally, since Meier only has one arm, I'd expect that the person or persons who assisted him would come forward because they could really clean up by selling their stories and then going to work for major special effects companies in Hollywood. (Gee, I wonder why that hasn't already happened long ago?)

Once we had all the physical evidence explained out of the way, I'd want Meier to let me in on the tricks he used to fake all the prophetically accurate information (covering a wide range of scientific and world event-related areas), years, even decades, before "official" discovery or occurrence. I know that I could make a fortune selling stock tips and such if I had the system, or equipment, Meier used for his remarkably accurate prognostications.

Yes indeed, I'd be at the head of the line wanting to see how he did it all but, based on the claims that Meier's hoaxed everything for "the money", I don't understand why he hasn't already cashed in, sold his own story, gone to work in Hollywood, etc. I guess the $1,000,000 that Universal Studios offered him (as part of a movie deal) to duplicate his own photos and films, with their special effects department at his disposal back in the 1980s (when $1,000,000 was really worth something) wasn't enough, he must have been holding out for more, right? Oh, you didn't know that not only Universal but also MGM and Coppola made offers for his life story that he declined because they were going to "commercialize it", i.e. crap it up with "exciting" stuff to make it more "interesting" and marketable?

Of course, still assuming some sort of inexplicable hoax, if money wasn't his motive, I can't wait to find out what was. Fame certainly wasn't, people have tried to kill him 19 (documented) times. Has any other "hoaxer" ever been subjected to that? The first bullet that misses would be the big incentive for a career change for most people. Now some

people say that he's in it to form a cult. Really? A man can presumably produce stunning, still irreproducible, UFO photos, films, video and other physical evidence and, instead of getting fabulously wealthy off of it (isn't that the meaning of life, at least in America), he wants to gather together a group of knuckle-headed kool-aid drinkers? To do what with, exactly? Give him far less money (and way more trouble) than he can get with his nifty little, alleged, "special effects"?

Exit The Clowns

And the hoax theory isn't helped by the humiliatingly inept performance of the geniuses at CFI-West, the international professional skeptics' organization, who, in February 2001, claimed Meier's photos and films were "easily duplicated hoaxes" and then took over three years to prove ... that they couldn't duplicate them with any current technology available to them! To make sure that no one remained unaware of the depth of their ineptitude, they then actually went on international radio and *publicly refused to have their little photos of models tested, slowly sinking their credibility into a much deserved, irretrievable oblivion. Add to that sorry mix skeptic James Randi's subsequent public retraction of his claim that the case was a hoax and, well, so long skeptics.

While I'm asking questions, why has such a huge part of the opposition to the Meier case come from members of the so-called "UFO community", who were fast and furious in denouncing Meier's photos because they were "too good to be true"? (Talk about a "nowin" situation!) And does anyone really think that continuing to beat the drum for the Roswell case, real as it may have been, will ever amount to anything but a run around the circle, much to the delight of the powers that be? Could anything be more futile than trying to make the case (without any remaining evidence) and at the same time more ridiculous than needing the government's admission/approval?

Yes, I'd want to know the answers to all those questions.

Measuring the Truth

Now, let's keep in mind that, to the vast majority of people, the whole subject of UFOs (and anyone and anything associated with them) is still considered to be very fringe and not relevant to their lives or understanding. While awareness is growing, despite an official or unofficial cover-up and marginalization of the topic, you certainly don't find UFOs being regarded as worthy of serious discussion across the broad spectrum of the media. But the fact that something is not recognized as being credible by the media, or the masses, is certainly no measure of its truthfulness or worth. History is full of long neglected, even worse, long persecuted people of quality, vision and greatness, as well as misplaced praise and reverence for the most mediocre, and patently wrong, people and ideas. Do we really need to provide examples of that when surely a television is at near at hand?

So, the fact that the Meier case is less about UFOs and extraterrestrials than it is about us and (as I intend to show) our future survival, is not yet appreciated or understood by most

people, unfortunately including many who consider themselves "experts" in the field of UFOs. Hopefully, that is about to change.

The Prophetic Information

With our mental tongue twisters somewhere still in mind, since they relate to the idea of advanced knowledge of the future, we might as well draw a couple of distinctions regarding prophecies and predictions. It should be made clear that, according to the Plejaren, prophecies refer to events that are likely to occur unless people take full selfresponsibility for their lives and, in so doing, change things towards the positive. Predictions, on the other hand, refer to events that cannot be prevented, such as cosmic events and prophecies that have progressed too far to any longer be changed. Both prophecies and predictions are made based on a clear understanding of the laws of cause and effect.

Now, the compelling information that I referred to earlier comes from specific prophecies and predictions presented to Meier over the past 50 years, and published by him years, and even decades, in advance of "official" discovery or occurrence. But before I focus on two main documents, Contact 251 (February 3, 1995) and the Henoch Prophecies (from Contact 215, February 28, 1987), which contain the more ominous information, I draw your attention to the following excerpt regarding the moons of Saturn, taken from Contact #150 dated October 10, 1981, which confirms advance information from Meier later proved to be accurate. Since the numbers of moons given don't appear to agree at first with the latest discovery (Satun having 33 moons), please carefully read the distinction explained by, and to, Meier, some 23 years ago, regarding the objects that are considered to be actual moons and those that are not. Also note that, at the time of the contact, Meier was himself unaware that scientists had discovered a few more moons than he thought they knew about:

"Billy: That is clear to me, but while we are talking about heavenly bodies, I would have a question regarding Saturn. As you know, the American space probe `Voyager' is traveling past Saturn and sends photos to Earth. With that, the scientists will again be astonished, as already with Jupiter, because without a doubt, they will have to see on the photos that this not fully matured pygmy-sun is circled by more moons than has been assumed up to now. As far as I know, up to today it is maintained that Saturn would have only 10 or 12 moons, although truthfully there are 29 of them, if I do not count the adonids, I would be interested to know if all these moons will be discovered by probes and by the transmitted photos.

Quetzal: This will be so - and some more. As you were already able to notice on your big journey, at the very place, 29 moons circle around Saturn, which actually have to be considered as such. With approximately 15 years, these should be discovered in their total number by probes. They will probably not be that many and more, which can be discovered up to this

number, because since your journey to Saturn, earthly scientists have discovered several additional moons, but which you probably missed in the course of the last few years. After the discovery of the moons around Jupiter, the scientists are counting on finding several undiscovered moons also around Saturn, nevertheless, there will still be a surprise for them.

Billy: You think about the adonids?

Quetzal: That is correct. These miniature planets, called adonids, as you say correctly, are so small, that from the Earth they can not be noticed and seen, at least not for the time being, because the necessary instruments to do so do not exist yet. A great portion of these miniature planets will certainly be registered by various probes, which will cause some confusion among the scientists.

Billy: I can easily envision that, because it is a substantial number, which circles Saturn besides the few small wandering adonids, which only pass by the planet from time to time, I can fully understand that they are not visible from the Earth, because on the average they prove to have a diameter of only approximately 10 to 15 kilometer, if I remember correctly and what Ptaah and Semjase explained to me during the year 1975.

Quetzal: That is correct, but it also should be known to you where these adonids came from and how they got to Saturn.

Billy: Naturally, at that time, Semjase said that the miniature moons would be larger pieces from the exploded planet, Malona, the rotational course of which was between Mars and Jupiter, before it was destroyed and torn to thousands of pieces by an explosion, caused by unreasonable human beings living there. While the greatest portion of the destroyed planet circles the sun as Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, a few small groups of adonids have separated themselves and, due to the expansion forces of the planet's explosion, were thrust into space, while a larger group of those came into the gravitational field of Saturn which, since then holds them as miniature moons, which means also, that these are not actual moons of the incomplete sun-planet, but are only immigrated foreign bodies of adonid-size, while the actual number of Saturn moons only totals 29."

The above is just one of literally dozens of examples of specific, detailed scientific and/or world event-related information provided to, and published by, Meier. You can find a lot more at (See: Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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