Social Studies Unit 3: Turn of the Century America

Social Studies Unit 3: Turn of the Century America


Chapter 7 Lesson 3: Cattle Ranchers (pgs. 238-241)

Time Period:

• 1865-1980

Texas Cattle

• In the 1860’s ranchers raised and sold ___________________________________ that lived on the Texas plains

• __________________________, Mexican cowhands, taught their methods of herding on horseback to other cowhands and ranchers in the Southwest

Demand and Supply for Cattle

• Cattle was in greater ________________________, the amount of something people want to buy at certain prices, in the eastern and northern United States ($4 in Texas versus $40 in the east and north)

• _______________________________ is the amount of something that people want to sell at certain prices

• Prices for goods are set by using _______________________________________

• The more supply the _______________________ the cost

• The less the supply the ____________________________ the cost

The Cattle Drives

• Ranchers sent their cattle to ______________________________- towns where the railroad tracks begin or end

• The cattle were loaded onto trains and shipped to cities in the north and east

• Cowhands had to lead the cattle hundreds of miles from the ranches in Texas to the railheads- _______________________________________

• These cattle drives took weeks or months to complete

• Used trails where water and grass were available

o ____________________________- San Antonio- Kansas City

o ____________________________- San Antonio- Newton, Abilene, or Ellsworth

o _____________________________- Bandera- Dodge City or Ogallala

o Goodnight-Loving Trail- Fort Concho- Pueblo, Cheyenne, or Denver

Life on the Drives

• Cattle drives was dangerous, boring, and dirty

• 10-14 hours per day on horseback

• Slept on the ground

• Had to guard the heard at night to protect from thieves and animals

The End of the Drives

• Invention of ____________________________- twisted wire with a sharp barb, or point, every few inches

o Blocked the cattle trails

• Growth of railroads

o Railheads were nearby to ship cattle

• Not enough grass to feed all the cattle

• A terrible winter in 1886-1887 killed thousands of cattle

Chapter 8 Lesson 1: The Rise of Big Business (pgs. 258-265)

Time Period

• 1865-1900

A Time of Invention

• New inventions saved people time, money, and ___________________________.

Inventions for Home and Work

• 1872- Elijah McCoy- invented an _______________________- allowed trains and machines to run longer by dripping oil over moving parts

• 1875- E. Remington and Company- made a sold ________________________- saved office workers time

• 1867- Margaret Knight- made paper bags with a bottom- were able to hold more

• 1876- _________________________________________- invented the telephone

o Used by businesses to talk to workers on different floors

o Used by people at home to talk to family and friends many miles away

• 1877- _____________________________- invented the phonograph (record player)

• 1879- Thomas Edison- invented the electric light bulb

o _________________________________________________________

o Allowed factories and shops to stay open after dark

Big Business

• 1865- Henry Bessemer- invented a process to make steel (Bessemer Process)

• Made steel much ________________________ expensive to produce

• Andrew Carnegie built a factory to use the Bessemer Process to make steel rails for railroads

• Carnegie also bought fuel companies, __________________________ , and ships- this allowed him to lower the price he paid for getting fuel for his factories as well as shipping costs


• John D. Rockefeller- formed the Standard Oil Company (1870)

o Made products such as fuel and lamp oil

o Standard Oil Company was a _____________________________, a business where many people own shares, or parts, of the business

• Corporations pay part of their ________________________, the money earned after all costs are paid, to the share owners

Companies Grow Larger

• Corporations grew larger by selling stocks to raise money

• Corporations were able to build factories and buy expensive machines with the money

• Small businesses could not afford to purchase machines or build factories

• Standard Oil Company grew by buying more oil companies

• Rockefeller bought the companies to reduce ________________________- when more than one business tries to sell the same good or service

• Competition allows prices to remain low and quality high for consumers

• Standard Oil Company became a ___________________________ because it bought so many companies

• A monopoly is a company that has no competition

Workers’ Lives Change

• Machines were used to speed up the process of producing goods

• The goods could be sold at lower prices

• Many people bought the items

• Businesses made more goods and hired more workers

• Factories had ___________________________ working conditions and many workers were injured or killed in accidents

The Labor Movement

• Workers were paid poorly and struggled to pay for a home and food.

• Worked for ______________________ hours each day

• Many _______________________ had to work to help their families earn money

• Workers would be fired for complaining about their working conditions

• ________________________________, an organization of workers that tries to improve pay and working conditions for its members, were formed

• 1869- The Knights of Labor was formed- the 1st large labor union

o Wanted to:

▪ make safer working conditions

▪ _____ hour work day

▪ Stop hiring children

• Unions used _________________________(when workers refuse to work) to try to force businesses to make changes

• 1886- American Federation of Labor (AFL) formed- large group of trade unions (organizations of workers who do the same type of job- such as plumbers or steelworkers)

o _____________________________ elected President of AFL

o Wanted:

▪ Better wages

▪ Safer conditions

▪ Shorter workdays

• First labor unions _____________________________

o Businesses fired strikers

o People were hurt or killed in fights between police and strikers

o Monopolies blocked progress for workers

Chapter 8 Lesson 2 Immigrants in America (pgs. 266-269)

Time Period

• 1880-1924

Arriving in America

• About ____________ million immigrants moved to America between 1880-1924

• Before 1880 immigrants came from ______________ and western Europe (Ireland, Germany, England, Sweden, Denmark)

• After 1880 immigrants came from southern and ____________________ Europe (Italy, Russia, Hungary, Greece, and Poland)

• Immigrants came for work and to escape war or ______________________, unfair treatment or judgment

• Jews in eastern Europe were hurt or killed because of their __________________

Immigration Stations

• Ellis Island

o _____________________________ immigrants arrived here

o In _____________________________________

o Government asked immigrants where they planned to work and live

o Examined by doctors for diseases

o Almost all were allowed to enter

• Angel Island

o __________________________________

o ____________________ and ________________ immigrants arrived here (1850’s)

o Faced _____________________ prejudice

o Had to stay for week, months, or years before entering U.S.

o About 25% had to return to their home countries

Living in a New Country

• Immigrants settled near family and friends

• Entire neighborhoods were made up of one ____________________________, a group of people who share the same culture

• Immigrants spoke their native language, practiced their religion, and kept their countries customs

• Immigrants worked in dangerous steel mills, noisy and dirty factories

• They worked long hours for ________________________ pay

• Lived in ____________________________

o _______________________ built apartment buildings,

o crowded

o unsafe

o often had no windows

o several families lived in _____________________ small apartment

Hard Times for Immigrants

• Immigrants faced prejudice because people were frightened by unfamiliar languages and customs

• Employers like immigrants because they worked hard for little money

• People wanted to _______________________________ immigration because they were afraid of losing their jobs to immigrants

Laws Against Immigration

• 1882- ___________________________________- kept out almost all new Chinese immigrants

• 1921 and 1924- Congress passed laws that greatly lowered the number of Europeans and kept out most Asians from the U.S.

• Immigrants over came hardships to help the U.S. become one of the richest and fastest growing countries in the world

• Immigrants built railroad tracks, ______________________________, and worked in factories

Chapter 8 Lesson 3 Growing Cities (pgs. 272- 275)

Time Period

• 1880-1924

Moving to Cities

• Cities in the U.S. grew quickly in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s because most jobs were in the cities

Good Locations

• Factories were built across the country in cities that were ________________ to natural resources or transportation routes

• Railroads and canals made it easy to ship raw materials and finished goods into and out of cities

Chicago Booms

• Chicago grew quickly because of its location near transportation routes, natural resources, and _____________________________________

• Factories cut logs into timber

• Mills turned wheat and corn into food

• ____________________________________, a fenced area where large numbers of animals such as cattle and pigs are kept until they are used for food, were also located in Chicago

Changes in Cities

• 1885- The first _________________________, very tall building, was built in Chicago

• Skyscrapers were possible because the _____________________ frames could be taller than buildings with heavy iron or brick frames

• Electricity also changed cities

o Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla thought of new ways to make electricity and send it through wires

o Electric elevators

o Electric lights

o Electric signs

o Electric powered streetcars and subways (rapid transit)

• Big city problems:

o Noisy and crowded

o People lived in __________________, poor crowded part of the city

o Buildings were built cheaply and ________________________

o Were ____________ safe

o Could catch fire easily

o Many had no fire escapes

Helping Each Other

• Reformers and immigrants helped each other find jobs and housing

• Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr

o Opened _______________________________

o First ___________________________- a community center for people in cities

o Taught people English

o Gave medical care

o Helped people find jobs

o Had clubs for boys and girls

o Had a nursery for babies while parents worked

Chapter 9 Lesson 1 New Territories (pgs. 296-301)

Time period

• 1867-1914

The Nation Expands

• The nation found new ways to expand

Alaska and Hawaii

• 1867- Secretary of State ______________________________ convinced Congress to purchase Alaska from Russia

• Many Americans thought it was a terrible idea (“Seward’s Folly”)

• 1896- miners found ______________________ in Alaska

• The __________________, forests, and __________________ were worth much more than its gold

• 1912- Alaska became a territory

• 1959- became the 49th state

Hawaii joins the United States

• Late 1800’s- Americans who had set up sugar and pineapple plantations owned most of the land and businesses in Hawaii

• Hawaiian’s were unhappy

• _____________________________________________ wanted power and land returned to native Hawaiians

• 1893- Wealthy Americans led a revolt and forced the queen from power

• Americans in Hawaii asked to join the U.S.

• 1898- became a U.S. territory

• 1959- became the _________________ state

The Spanish-American War

• 1898- U.S. Navy ship Maine exploded in Havana harbor, Cuba

• American newspapers blamed Spain

• ___________________________________ asked Congress to declare war on Spain

• U.S. Navy sank most of Spain’s fleet in the Battle of Manila Bay in the Philippines

• War shifted to Cuba

Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

• ___________________________________, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy, supported ______________________________ (the building of empires by adding colonies)

• He quit his job and formed the ________________________________, a voluntary group that went to Cuba to fight

• They were joined by the _____________________________, a group African American soldiers

• The Rough Riders and Buffalo Soldiers won the famous battle- The Battle of San Juan Hill

• 1898- Spain surrendered and gave ___________________________, the Philippines, and Guam to the U.S.

• _________________________ became independent

Building the Panama Canal

• 1901- Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt became President

• Wanted to build a canal to ________________________ the time it took ships to get from the east coast to the west coast of the U.S.

• Isthmus of Panama was narrowest place in Central America

• Panama was part of ________________________

• Colombia would not allow U.S. to _________________ land

• Roosevelt helped people of Panama win independence from Colombia

• New leaders of Panama allowed U.S. to build the __________________________

• Building the canal was difficult, dangerous, and ______________________

• Took _______ years to complete

• Opened in August ___________________

• Took ships ________________________ instead of months to travel from the east coast to the west coast

Chapter 10 Early Aviators (pg. 332)

• 1903- Kitty Hawk, North Carolina- ________________________________ made the 1st successful airplane flight

• Showed Americans that flight was possible


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