The Human Body

The Human Body

Human Body Systems

A. Integument System

1. Functions of the Integument system

• Help maintain homeostasis

• Sense organ

• Produce essential vitamins

• Protects the body from physical and chemical damage

2. Organs of the Integument System

• Skin is the main organ

• Hair, nails, and some glands are also a part of this system

• Melanin is a pigment that colors the skin.

3. Diseases/Injuries that Affect the Integument System

• Skin cancer can result from ultraviolet light damaging the skin cells.

• As people get older, their skin changes. Wrinkles appear as the skin loses its elasticity. These changes happen more quickly when the skin has been repeatedly exposed to ultraviolet rays.

B. Skeletal System

1. Functions of the Skeletal System

• support the body, provide a framework for the body tissue

• covers and protects internal organs

• work with muscles to make movement possible

• some bones make blood cells (red marrow)

• store calcium and phosphorous that the body needs

2. Organs/structures of the Skeletal System

• The adult human skeleton contains about 206 bones

• Two Main parts (pg. 900)

1. Axial Skeleton – includes the skull and the bones that support it, such as the vertebral column, the ribs and the sternum

2. Appendicular Skeleton – includes the bones of the arms and legs

• Joints are found where two or more bones meet (pg. 901)

• Ligament is a tough band of connective tissue that attaches one bone to another

• Tendons is tough connective tissue that connects bones to muscles

• In moveable joints, the ends of the bones are covered by cartilage

• Some joints have fluid filled sacs called bursae. They act to decrease friction and keep bones and tendons from rubbing against each other. (ex. Shoulder and knee)


• 2 Types of bone Tissue

1. Compact bone – layer of hard bone helps add strength

2. Spongy bone- adds strength to bones without adding to much mass

3. Injury and Disease of the Skeletal System

• Osteoporosis – the loss of bone density causing the bones to become porous and brittle

• Arthritis – an inflammation of the joints which can be caused by infection, aging, or injury

C. Muscular System

1. Functions of the Muscular System

• Allows your body to move, without muscles bones could not move

• There are more than 600 muscles in the human body

• Nearly half of you body mass is muscle

• When a muscle contract, the cells in the muscle shorten, as the muscle shortens it pulls on the bone to which it is attached

• Muscles can only pull bones, they cannot push for this reason muscles always work in pairs

2. Organs/structures of the Muscular System

• There are 3 main kinds of muscle

1. Skeletal muscle – attaches to and moves your bones, allows voluntary movement

2. Smooth muscle – found in the walls of your internal organs and blood vessels, it is considered an involuntary muscle because you do not control it

3. Cardiac muscle – makes up the heart and is an involuntary muscle

3. Injury or Diseases of the Muscular System

• A muscle spasm is caused when a muscle contracts quickly and involuntarily

• A muscle cramp is a strong and persistent spasm that does not relax

• The use of anabolic steroids pose a threat to numerous body systems, both physical and psychological health may be affected.

D. Digestive System

1. Functions of the Digestive System

• To change the food you eat into molecules that your body can use for energy

• The process of breaking down food is called digestion

• There are two stages of digestion

1. Mechanical digestion – the physical breakdown of food it prepared the food for chemical digestion

2. Chemical digestion – process of changing food on a molecular level using enzymes

• Peristalsis – involuntary waves of muscle contraction that starts in the esophagus and continues to the large intestine, this keeps food moving in one direction throughout the digestive system

2. Organs/Structures of the Digestive System


3. Injury/Diseases of the Digestion System

• Ulcers – they are caused when stomach acid digests the lining of the stomach causing a hole

• Diarrhea results when the large intestine fails to absorb water from the waste material causing the feces to remain very watery

• Acid reflux disease is the passage of gastric contents into the esophagus which causes heartburn on a regular basis

• Cirrhosis of the liver which primary results from the excess alcohol consumption

E. Endocrine System

1. Functions of the Endocrine System

• The internal control of the body is directed by two systems, the endocrine and nervous system

• The endocrine system is made up of a series of glands, called endocrine glands

• These glands release chemicals directly into the bloodstream these chemicals relay information to other parts of the body

• It helps maintain homeostasis in the body

F. Nervous System

1. Functions of the Nervous System

• Allows living things to communicate with their environment and with all the cells of their body

• Brain is the control center for the entire nervous system

2. Organs/Structures of the Nervous System

• Neurons are cells that conduct impulses throughout the nervous system

• Neurons consists of 3 regions

1. Dendrites – branchlike extensions that receives impulses and carry them toward the cell body

2. Axon – carries impulses away from the cell body and toward other neurons, muscles, or glands

3. Cell body – main body of the cell


• Neurons fall into 3 categories

1. Sensory neurons – carry impulses from the body to the spinal cord and brain

2. Interneurons – in brain and spinal cord they process incoming impulses and pass response impulses on to motor neurons

3. Motor Neurons – carry the response impulses away from the brain and spinal cord to a muscle or gland

• Myelin sheath – insulates the axon helping speed up nerve impulses

• Central Nervous System (CNS) = brain and spinal cord

• Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) = all the nerves that branch off the spinal cord

3. Injury/Diseases of the Nervous System.

• Multiple Sclerosis – myelin sheaths surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord are damaged, which affects the function of the nerves involved

• Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) damages the spinal cord and results in the loss of functions as mobility or feeling.

• Frequent causes of damage are trauma (car accident, gunshot, falls, etc.) or disease (polio, spina bifida, etc.)

• The spinal cord does not have to be completely severed in order for a loss of function to occur. Most people with SCI still have an intact, but damaged spinal cord.

G. Respiratory System

1. Functions of the Respiratory System

• Allows gas exchange, or respiration, (to get oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide)

• Respiration includes all of the steps involved in getting oxygen to the cells of your body and getting rid of carbon dioxide.

2. Organs/Structures of the Respiratory System


3. Injury/Diseases of the Respiratory System

• Asthma – certain airways in the lungs become constricted because of sensitivity to certain stimuli

• Emphysema – when lung tissue loses it’s elasticity, greatly reducing the efficiency of gas exchange

• Lung cancer – cancerous cells in lung tissue, 75% caused by smoking

H. Circulatory System

1. Functions of the Circulatory System

• To transport blood, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, hormones, and waste products to and from the cells in your body

• Blood is a tissue made up of fluid, cells, and fragments of cells

• The fluid portion of the blood is called plasma.

2. Organs/Structures of the Circulatory System

• Red blood cells carry oxygen to body cells (44% of blood)

• White blood cells play a major role in protecting the body from foreign substances (1%)

• Hemoglobin is an iron containing protein molecule that helps carry oxygen on the RBC’s.

• Hemoglobin can also carry some carbon dioxide after it releases the oxygen

• Arteries are large, thick-walled, muscular, elastic blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

• Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels that connect the branches of arteries and veins.

• Veins are large blood vessels that carry blood from the tissues back toward the heart

• The main function of the heart is to keep blood moving constantly through the body.

• All mammals have hearts with four chambers.

• The two upper chambers of the heart are the atria

• The two lower chambers are the ventricles


3. Injury/Diseases of the Circulatory System

• Heart disease is the leading cause of death in North America

• Anemia is the most common blood disorder, in this disorder the blood can not carry enough oxygen

• Symptoms of anemia are being tired, pale and feeling cold

• Leukemia is a type of cancer the affects the blood, it is caused when the body produces too many WBC.

I. Excretory System

1. Function of the Excretory System

• To remove waste materials from the body and help maintain homeostasis of body fluids.

• Lots of chemical reactions take place in cells all the time and some of these reactions produce waste products

• It is the job of the kidneys to remove wastes from the blood

• Cleaning of the blood happens in three steps

o 1. filtration

o 2. absorption

o 3. secretion

2. Structures/Organs of the Excretory System


3. Injury/Diseases of the Excretory System

• Kidney stones are formed when there is a build up of calcium in the kidneys which form solid stones

• The most common cause is not drinking enough water

• Infections in the urinary tract can sometimes move into the kidney, serious infections can cause the kidneys to fail

• In cases of kidney failure, dialysis is used to artificially filter the blood

J. Reproductive System

1. Function of the Reproductive System

• The main function of the organs, glands, and hormones of the male reproductive system is to produce sperm and deliver them to the female.

• The female reproductive system had three main functions.

1. produce eggs

2. to receive sperm

3. to provide an environment in which a fertilized egg can develop

2. Structures/Organs of the Reproduction System

• Eggs are the female sex cells

• Sperm are the male sex cells


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