Russian Revolution Webquest

Russian Revolution Webquest

Go to: atlas/country/russia.html

1. Locate St. Petersburg, Stalingrad and Moscow on the map of Russia.

2. St. Petersburg is located south of which famous country triplets?

3. Moscow is located where in relation to St. Petersburg and Stalingrad?

Go to:

4. Read the definition of tsar specifically for Russia and summarize it.

Go to:

5. Read the definition of autocracy and summarize it.

Go to: hanbury/eande.html

6. Read the account of Nicholas and his wife. Does this change the impression of him that history gives you? Why or why not?

Go to:

7. Open the album and look at some of the pictures. Are the family members cold-hearted imperialists or seemingly loving? Why do you think so?

Go to: russia/rushis06.htm

8. Briefly explain what you understand about the causes of the Russian Revolution.

9. What is a Duma and what do you think is its political function?

10. When Nicholas attempted to remove the Duma, the people were upset and became revolutionary. What did Nicholas do to exacerbate the situation?

11. What problems did World War I cause in Russia?

12. If you were living as a peasant in Russia in 1917, do you think you would have been involved in the Revolution? Why or why not?

13. What was St. Petersburg called in 1917?

Go to: russia/rushis07.htm

14. Under Lenin’s New Economic Policy, what happened to Russia?

15. During the Soviet Era, what happened to Art and Literature, Religion and Political Parties?

16. By the end of the 1930’s life in Russia was:

a. As good as life under Lenin

b. As good as life under Nicholas

c. Better than life under both Lenin and Nicholas

d. Worse than life under both Lenin and Nicholas

17. Did social and economic conditions after the war improve, worsen or stay the same?

18. When Stalin died in 1953 did social and economic conditions after the war improve, worsen or stay the same?


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