– Changing lives one graph at a time

20161. Assume that the United States economy is currently in a short-run equilibrium with the actual unemployment rate above the natural rate of unemployment.(a)Draw a single correctly labeled graph with both the long-run Phillips curve and short-run Phillips curve. Label the current short-run equilibrium point P.(b)Assuming no policy actions are taken, will the short-run Phillips curve shift to the right (upward), shift to the left (downward), or remain the same in the long run? Explain.(c)If the Federal Reserve Bank wants to lower unemployment, what expansionary open-market operation should it use?(d)How will the open-market operation you identified in part (c) affect each of the following?(i)Federal funds rate. Explain.(ii)Real interest rate in the short run.(e)Given your answer in part (d)(ii), what is the effect on real gross domestic product (GDP) in the short run? Explain.20141.Assume that the United States economy is currently operating below the full-employment level of real gross domestic product with a balanced budget.(d)Using a correctly labeled graph of the loanable funds market, show the effect of the $100 billion increase in government spending on the real interest rate.(e)Based on the real interest rate change in part (d), what is the effect on the long-run economic growth rate? Explain.20131.Assume that the United States economy is operating at full employment.(b)Assume that personal savings in the United States increase. Using a correctly labeled graph of the loanable funds market, show the impact of the increase in personal savings on the real interest rate.(c)Based on the real interest rate change identified in part (b),(i)will interest-sensitive expenditures increase, decrease, or remain unchanged?(ii)what will happen to the rate of economic growth? Explain.2.Assume that the country of Fischerland is experiencing a recession and produces only consumer goods and capital goods.(d)Identify a fiscal policy action that the Fischerland government can take to address the recession.3.Inflation and expected inflation are important determinants of economic activity.(a)Draw a correctly labeled graph of a short-run Phillips curve.(b)Using your graph in part (a), show the effect of an increase in the expected rate of inflation.(c)What is the effect of the increase in the expected rate of inflation on the long-run Phillips curve?(d)Given the increase in the expected rate of inflation from part (b),(i)will the nominal interest rate on new loans increase, decrease, or remain unchanged?(ii)will the real interest rate on new loans increase, decrease, or remain unchanged?(e)Assume that the nominal interest rate is 8 percent. Borrowers and lenders expect the rate of inflation to be 3 percent, and the growth rate of real gross domestic product is 4 percent. Calculate the real interest rate.20111.Assume that the United States economy is currently in a recession in a short-run equilibrium. (a)Draw a correctly labeled graph of the short-run and long-run Phillips curves. Use the letter “A” to label a point that could represent the current state of the economy in recession.2011 B1.Assume that the economy of Meekland is in a long-run equilibrium with a balanced government budget.(c)Using a correctly labeled graph of the short-run and long-run Phillips curves, show the effect of the fall in consumer confidence on inflation. Label the initial long-run equilibrium point A and the new short-run equilibrium point B.(d)If the government and the central bank do not pursue any discretionary policy change, how does the fall in consumer confidence affect government transfer payments in Meekland? Explain. (e)Draw a correctly labeled graph of the loanable funds market in Meekland and show the effect of the change in government transfer payments you identified in part (d) on the real interest rate.20101.Assume that the United States economy is currently in long-run equilibrium.(d)In order to finance the increase in government spending on national defense from part (b), the government borrows funds from the public. Using a correctly labeled graph of the loanable funds market, show the effect of the government's borrowing on the real interest rate.(e)Given the change in the real interest rate in part (d), what is the impact on each of the following?(i)Investment(ii)Economic growth rate. Explain.2010 B1.A country's economy is in a short-run equilibrium with an output level less than the full-employment output level. Assume an upward-sloping aggregate supply curve.(c)Using a correctly labeled graph of the short-run Phillips curve, show the effect of the increased military expenditures in the short run, labeling the initial point as A and the new point as B.(d)Assume that the increased military spending is financed through government borrowing. What will happen to the real interest rate? Explain. ................

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