Assignment #1 - Graphical and Numerical Summaries of Data

STAT 210 - Assign 5Hypothesis Testing for a Single Population Proportion π Fall 2020 - 48 pointsFor each of the problems on this assignment do the following:Identify the population of interest in the study. (1 pt.)Identify the population proportion, i.e. the parameter of interest (π). (1 pt.)State the null (Ho) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses. Do this BOTH in terms of the parameter of interest and in words. (4 pts.)Use the data provided to compute the sample proportion/percentage. (1 pt.)Find the p-value for the test using the binomial. Here you can use the Binomial Applet or the Binomial Exact file. (2 pts.)State your decision (Reject Ho or Fail to Reject Ho). Use α=.05 for each. (1 pt.)State your final conclusion in context of the research question of interest. (2 pts)Enter the relevant data into JMP and carry out the test using JMP using the Test Probabilities option as shown in the notes and in lecture. It will clearly be easier to use the option where you enter two possible outcomes along with the frequencies. Be sure to put the Freq column in Freq box when doing Analyze > Distribution in JMP. (4 pts.)1 – WSU Students and Laptop Selection (MAC vs. PC)Is there evidence that students have preference for one of the platforms over the other? In order to investigate this, a simple random sample of n=331 WSU students was taken and the laptop they chose was determined (MAC or PC). In the sample, 200 of the students chose a MAC laptop and 131 chose a PC. Using the ice cream preference example as a guide, conduct a hypothesis test to answer the research question above.Population of interestIdentify the parameter of interest?State the null (Ho) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses. Do this BOTH in terms of the parameter of interest and in pute the sample proportion.Find the p-value for the test.State your decision (Reject Ho or Fail to Reject Ho). State your final conclusion in the context of the research question.2 – Presidential Approval/DisapprovalIs there evidence that a majority of registered voters in U.S. disapprove of the job President Trump is doing? A recent poll of n=1,151 registered voters conducted from across the U.S. conducted by Marist College can be used to answer this question. In the sample 648 said they disapprove of the job Trump is doing and while 503 said they approve. Sources: NPR/PBS Marist Poll conducted between October 8 – October 13, 2020 of interestIdentify the parameter of interest?State the null (Ho) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses. Do this BOTH in terms of the parameter of interest and in pute the sample proportion.Find the p-value for the test.State your decision (Reject Ho or Fail to Reject Ho). State your final conclusion in the context of the research question.3 – Left-Handedness Due to Birth Trauma?It has been estimated that in western countries 10% of the population is left-handed. There have been a number of theories about what causes left-handedness. One theory is that “birth stress”, including birth conditions such a breech births, prolonged labor, premature and cesarean births, tends to push infants towards left-handedness. According to a 1991 New Zealand Herald article, researchers at Queen’s University, Belfast, have investigated this theory by looking at babies in the womb using ultrasound. It is believed if a baby sucks their left thumb while in the womb they are left-handed. If trauma during birth can lead to left-handedness, then the percentage of babies that are left-handed in the womb should be less than 10%. To investigate this the researchers performed an ultrasound of 224 fetuses and found that 12 sucked their left thumbs while the rest favored their right thumbs. Research question: Is there evidence that fewer than 10% of infants are left-handed in the womb? Population of interestIdentify the parameter of interest?State the null (Ho) and alternative (Ha) hypotheses. Do this BOTH in terms of the parameter of interest and in pute the sample proportion.Find the p-value for the test.State your decision (Reject Ho or Fail to Reject Ho). State your final conclusion in the context of the research question. ................

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