United States History Movie Project

United States History Movie Project


1. Four to Six Pages: Typed, Double Spaced, 12 Font, Times New Roman only!!!

2. Must cover the following:

a. Introduction- tell the movie name, the time period, and topic covered

b. Conclusion- final statement evaluating the movie and how well it was done -take into account accuracy and entertainment

c. Body of the Paper- see below

1. Technical information: movie title, director, main actors, when made, etc. (1-2 paragraphs)

2. True Historical Background:

What factual events had taken place prior to what is portrayed in the movie?

(WWI movie; give the historical events that led up to the point portrayed in the movie) (approximately 1 page)

3. Summary of the events in the movie. (1/2 to 1 page)

4. Choose one or two specific scenes from the movie: -describe the event that takes place in the scene(s) and explain what can be learned about US history: lives of people, society at the time, political information, strategy of war, etc.

(approximately 1 page)

5. Fact vs. Fiction: Do some background investigation to compare events and characters in the movie to real historical fact. Explain to what extent the movie was accurate.

(approximately 1 page)


|Proper introduction and conclusion. |10 |Conclusion must have a final evaluation! |

|Technical Information |5 | |

|Historical Background |20 |Focus on major events like causes of war, civil|

| | |rights movement, depression, etc. |

|Summary of Movie |10 |I don’t care too much about love stories as |

| | |much as the social and historical info. |

|Specific Scene |20 |Can be something specific said, something |

| | |implied, or interpreted. |

|Fact v. Fiction |20 |Check the films accuracy against other sources.|

|Length and text requirements |5 | |

|Organization and Flow of Essay. (How well it is|5 | |

|written) | | |

|Bibliography |5 |No specific requirements. But any websites, |

| | |books, etc. used to find background info. or |

| | |fact v. fiction should be listed. |

Movie List

You may choose any movie not already picked. If you think of a movie that might work, check with me and we’ll add it to the list for you to choose.

|Revolutionary War |Civil War |World War I |

|The Patriot |Andersonville |Sgt. York |

|The Crossing |Gettysburg |All Quiet on the Western Front |

| |Gods and Generals |A Farewell to Arms |

| |Glory |The Lost Battalion |

| |Gone With the Wind | |

| |The Red Badge of Courage | |

| |Shenandoah | |

|World War II |Korean War |Vietnam War |

|Saving Private Ryan |The Manchurian Candidate |Full Metal Jacket |

|Patton |MASH |Platoon |

|Schindler’s List | |Apocalypse Now |

|Pearl Harbor | |We Were Soldiers |

|The Memphis Belle | |Hamburger Hill |

|The Longest Day | |Good Morning Vietnam |

|Thin Red Line | |The Green Berets |

|To Hell and Back | |Go Tell the Spartans |

|The Great Escape | |Air America |

|Bridge Over the River Kwai | |Born on the Forth of July |

|Midway | | |

|Wind Talkers | | |

|The Tuskegee Airmen | | |

|The Cold War |More Current Conflicts |Other Conflicts |

|The Right Stuff |Black Hawk Down |The Alamo |

|Miracle |Behind Enemy Lines |The Last of the Mohicans |

|13 Days | | |

|October Sky | | |

|The West |Presidents |Civil Rights |

|Young Guns |JFK |Malcolm X |

|Wyatt Earp |Jefferson in Paris |To Kill a Mockingbird |

|Open Range |Nixon |Remember the Titans |

|Tombstone |All the President’s Men |White Man’s Burden |

| | |Rosewood |

| | |George Wallace |

|Slavery |Women’s Rights |Other |

|The Color Purple |Iron Jawed Angels |Dances with Wolves |

|Roots |Hours |Far and Away |

|Amistad | |Gangs of New York |

|Beloved | |Seabiscuit |

|Uncle Tom’s Cabin | |Forest Gump |

| | |A League of Their Own |

| | |The Great Gatsby |

| | |The Untouchables |

| | |Apollo 13 |

Movie Project Sign-up Sheet

Keep in Mind:

1. The 4th Marking Period Ends on March 15th which is a Monday. Our MP will end on the 9th with a test on chapters 18 and 20. I’m sure other teachers will be giving you tests on the 12th to end out their grades for the Marking period.

2. This project will be counted on your 5th MP grades as a test grade (real grade) and two homework grades (effort based)!

3. You can turn in the assignment at any point prior to or on the due date.

|Due Date: |Name: |Movie: |

|3/12/04 |1. | |

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|3/18/04 |1. | |

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|3/22/04 |1. | |

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|3/26/04 |1. | |

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Grade Sheet: United States History Movie Project

|Area |Max |Score |Comment |

|Proper introduction and |10 | | |

|conclusion. | | | |

| | | | |

|Technical Information |5 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Historical Background |20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Summary of Movie |10 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Specific Scene |20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Fact v. Fiction |20 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Length and text |5 | | |

|requirements | | | |

| | | | |

|Organization and Flow of |5 | | |

|Essay. (How well it is | | | |

|written) | | | |

|Bibliography |5 | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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