The name shall be Grays Harbor Area of Narcotics Anonymous (AKA GHANA). For the purpose of these guidelines the terms Committee, Area, and ASC shall be one and the same.


The ASC is a service structure created by the groups to serve the common needs of the groups, and to act on their behalf. The ASC develops, coordinates and maintains services; thereby leaving groups free to carry out their primary purpose. The groups have the final authority over the service structure.


Section 1. General membership in the ASC shall be open to all members of Narcotics Anonymous who share the stated purpose of the committee. Participants are GSR, administrative officers and standing sub-committee chairpersons.

Section 2. Narcotics Anonymous members who do not hold an office as a trusted servant in the ASC shall be considered observers at area meetings and have the right to request the floor for the purpose of debating motions at area meetings, or during the sharing sessions.


Section 1. The committee shall meet monthly in regular sessions.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by written request of the area Chairperson. Special meetings may also be called by petition and by written request of a simple majority, which is 51% of all the voting members of the area. Special meetings shall deal with special business only.

Section 3. The area secretary shall issue written notice of a special meeting to all members of the ASC at least 10 days prior to that special meeting.

Section 4. A quorum shall consist of 51% of the voting members.


Section 1. Voting on all ASC motions and elections will be done on a one-group/ one-vote system.

Section 2. The order of the succession for voting members shall be:

A. Group Service Representative (GSR)

B. Group Service Representative Alternate (GSR-ALT)

C. Any member of Narcotics Anonymous designated in writing by their group.

Section 3. Any NA Member may make a motion and/or participate in discussions. A voting member must make seconds.

Section 4. Motions may be amended or withdrawn at any time by the maker prior to voting. A motion amended in this manner must be re-seconded.

Section 5. In case of a tie vote on any motion or election, the triumvirate of the ASC shall consist of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and RCM. Each shall vote to decide the issue. If one or more of these officers are absent, the RCM-Alt, Secretary, and the Treasurer, in that order, shall replace the missing officer(s). Triumvirate privileges do not apply in actions requiring two-thirds majority. In the event that a member of the Triumvirate retains GSR group voting privilege, that member does not remain in Triumvirate succession.

Section 6. All original main motions require a simple majority vote of 51% in the affirmative to pass. A simple majority vote is defined as 51% of all voting members in attendance when the vote is taken.

Section 7. Two-thirds majority vote in the affirmative is required for impeachment or other removal from office as stated in sections Article XI, Section 3. A two-thirds majority vote is defined as two-thirds of the voting members in attendance when the vote is taken.

Section 8. In all voting situations, abstentions have the effect of a non-vote. Absentees’ have no affect on the vote.

Section 9. All GSR, GSR alternates, and designated members of the groups must attend all regular ASC of GHANA meetings. If not in attendance for two consecutive ASC meetings the group(s) shall be notified in writing by the Chairperson that they will be dropped from the voting quorum if not in attendance at the next regular ASC meeting.


Section 1. At the regular ASC meeting in October, a nominating committee of no less than three and no more than seven Narcotics Anonymous members shall be appointed by the Area Chairperson. The purpose of the nominating committee is to inform the groups of the election and gather nominating candidates for area officers and sub-committee chairpersons. These nominations will be presented by the nominating committee at the November ASC meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be taken at the November ASC meeting. The elections are to take place at the December ASC meeting and the newly elected officers will begin their positions at the January ASC meeting.

Section 2. All ASC officers and subcommittee Chairpersons shall be elected by simple majority vote of voting members.

Section 3. Each ASC officer or subcommittee Chairperson shall hold no more than one area position and shall be eligible to serve only two terms in the same office consecutively.

Section 4. An election to fill a vacant office shall occur within two regular area business meetings after the vacancy arises. Notice of intent to fill a vacancy shall be provided to all groups in the area as soon as it is possible, after the vacancy occurs.

Section 5. If a vacancy occurs in the position of Chairperson or Regional Committee Member I, the Vice-Chairperson and the Regional Committee Member II will assume all duties of those positions.

Section 6. All nominees for Area officers and Area sub-committee Chairpersons shall be present at November and December ASC meetings.


Section 1. It is highly recommended that each ASC member read these guidelines and other NA literature to have a common understanding as to the responsibilities of each ASC member.

Section 2. In addition to ASC member’s duties outlined in this guideline, the Guide to Local Service shall be incorporated herein for reference (see ASC Committee Section beginning on page 47 of the Guide to Local Service).

Section 3. Each ASC member is required to maintain his/her clean time.

Section 4. Each officer and sub-committee chair shall submit monthly written reports and attend entire ASC meeting.

Section 5. All service related literature and documents are the property of GHANA. It is imperative that all outgoing ASC participants hand down all service related literature and documents to GHANA ASC.


Section 1. Chairperson: Recommended clean time: two years. Term: one year. Duties of the Chairperson are as follows:

A. To conduct all area meetings in accordance with these guidelines, the Twelve Concepts, and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous.

B. Ascertain that a quorum is present at the monthly area meeting. Call the meeting to order in accordance with the announced business agenda at the appointed time.

C. To recognize members or observers who are entitled to the floor.

D. To state all motions and questions that come before the ASC.

E. Announce the results of votes cast.

F. To rule out motions that are out of order.

G. To enforce accepted rules of debate in an orderly manner as defined in Roberts Rules of Order. To conduct business in a manner compatible with the rights of members and observers.

H To decide all questions of order, subject to appeal—unless when in doubt, the Chairperson prefers to submit such questions to the ASC in the area for group discussion.

I. To address all inquiries relating to factual information bearing on the business of the area.

J. To authenticate by the Chairperson’s signature when necessary.

K. To declare the area meeting adjourned either by vote, time prescribed, or in the event of an emergency.

L. To arrange the agenda for each area meeting.

M. To conduct the general correspondence of the area and distribute incoming mail.

N. To be co-signer on Area bank account.

O. To appoint all special committees and interim chairpersons of sub, ad hoc, advisory, in agreement with Article XIII, Section 4.

P. To coordinate and present the annual group inventory report to area.

Section 2. Vice-Chairperson. Recommended clean time: one year. Term: one year.

Duties of the Vice-Chairperson are:

A. To assist the Area Chairperson

B. Vice-Chairperson is an ex-officio non-voting member of all area committees

C. To act as area Chairperson in the absence of the area Chair

D. To attend all sub-committee meetings as described in the Local Guide to Service page 50.

Section 3. Secretary. Recommended clean time: one year. Term: one year. Duties of the Secretary are:

A. To keep records of all ASC and special meetings and group reports. To provide condensed versions of the reports in the ASC meeting minutes.

B. To keep on file a copy of all committee reports

C. To provide copies of meeting minutes upon request after receipt of $2.00 has been provided from Area Treasurer.

D. To provide copies of the last area meeting minutes within two weeks to all Area GSR’s and other trusted servants.

E. To keep copies of the area guidelines including any additions or amendments. To carry six months of previous minutes to each ASC meetings.

F. To provide all committees with the documents required for the performance of their duties.

G. To conduct the correspondence of the ASC that may not be the responsibility of other area officers or committees.

H. Annually provides roster to all area officers, sub-committee chairs, and GSR’s. To update such roster as necessary and provide roster to all ASC participants when changes are made.

I. To maintain a motion log as described in Guide to Local Service pages 50-51 and to distribute quarterly updated versions of motion log to all ASC participants.

J. Compile a list of major motions that affect the guidelines and add them into the guidelines in December with the assistance of two other ASC officers and distribute to all ASC participants.

Section 4. Regional Committee Member I. Recommended clean time, three years. Term: two years. Duties of the RCM I are:

A. To report to the area monthly business meeting, the business conducted and the action taken at the prior WNIRSC meeting.

B. To represent the area at each regular meeting of the WNIRSC.

C. To provide the area with the agenda for the upcoming WNIRSC meeting.

D. To maintain regular contact in particular with neighboring ASC’s.

E. Attend as many RSC sub-committee meetings as possible or provide an alternate representative.

Section 5. Regional Committee Member II. Recommended clean time: two years. Term: two years

Duties of the RCM II are:

A. To assist the RCM I

B. To act as RCM in his/her absence.

C. To attend all WNIRSC business meetings with RCM I.

Section 6. Treasurer. Recommended clean time: two years. Term: one year. Duties of the treasurer are:

A. To be custodian of all area funds and be co-signer on the area bank account.

B. To provide the area with a monthly and end of the year financial report

C. To disburse funds and pay area bills monthly or as necessary.

D. Apply information provided on pages 51-52 from Guide to Local Service (Treasurer).

E. To utilize NA World approved Treasurers Handbook.

Section 7. Treasurer Trainee. Recommended clean time: two years. Term: six months, to automatically move up to Treasurer position. Duties of the Treasurer are:

A. Attend entire ASC meeting.

B. Conduct audits with Treasurer each quarter.

C. To assist Treasurer at ASC meeting in compiling lists of donations and bills to be paid.


Section 1. GSR and GSR Alternate. Suggested clean time: six months. Term: minimum of one year. Duties of the GSR are:

A. Attend regular ASC meetings.

B. Attend the group’s regular business meetings.

C. Report back to group’s regular business meeting after ASC.

D. To submit a written report to ASC every month of the group’s business.

E. GSR Alt assists the GSR and acts as GSR in his or her absence.

F. To reference NA World approved Group Booklet.


Section 1. Standing committees. The Grays Harbor Area of Narcotics Anonymous shall have six standing committees.

A. Literature

B. Activities

C. Hospitals and Institutions

D. Public Information

E. Phone Line

F. Archives

Section 2. Committee Chairpersons. Recommended clean time for all standing committee Chairpersons shall be two years. All other committee Chairpersons will be appointed by the ASC Chairperson.

Section 3. Committee voting. A simple majority of 5l% shall constitute a quorum of sub-committee meetings

Section 4. All committee members must maintain clean time.

Section 5. All sub-committee Chairpersons attend and work in conjunction with WNIRSC.

Section 6. All committees shall adhere to WSO approved literature.


Section 1. Literature Committee. The literature committee consists of a Chairperson and/or other volunteers. Duties of the committee are:

A. Keep a stock of and sell WSO approved literature to individuals and groups in the area.

B. Contribute written material to the WNIRSC literature sub-committee and the WSO Committee for the development of new literature for the fellowship of NA.

C. Keep ASC aware of any correspondence from World and of any new items available.

D. The committee shall report monthly to the regular business meeting of the ASC.

Section 2. Hospitals and Institutions. The H&I Committee consists of chairperson and other volunteers. Duties of the committee are:

A. To unify the efforts of Narcotics Anonymous Twelve Step work within Hospitals and Institutions.

B. Provide WSO literature to hospitals and institutions in the GHA.

C. To conduct meetings or panels for newcomers in hospitals and institutions in the GHA.

D. H&I works in conjunction with P.I.

E. The committee shall report monthly to the regular business meeting of the ASC.

Section 3. Phone Line Committee. The phone line committee consists of the Chairperson and other volunteers. It is suggested to have a minimum of two years clean time. Duties of the phone line are:

A. Operate a 24-hour help line for GHA.

B. Minimum clean time for member participation of the help line will be six months.

C. Report monthly to the ASC regarding the number of calls received and the services provided within the GHA.

D. List phone line numbers in the appropriate media in Grays Harbor County.

E. Each volunteer shall maintain a log of calls received and report to the Chairperson.

F. The phoneline committee shall work in conjunction with Public Information committee.

Section 4. Public Information. The public information committee consists of a Chairperson and other volunteers. Duties of the committee are:

A. To provide meeting schedules to appropriate public and private agencies as explained in the P.I. Handbooks

B. To provide WSO approved literature, when requested, to public and private agencies.

C. Chairperson shall notify the area concerning public speaking engagements.

D. All public speaking engagements shall be done with the committee’s approval only, with a minimum of two speakers at any public event.

E. The printing and updating of area schedules.

F. P.I works in conjunction with H&I.

G. The committee shall report monthly to the regular business meeting of the ASC.

Section 5. Activities Committee. The Activities committee consists of a Chairperson and other volunteers. Duties of the committee are:

A. To plan and oversee activities to enhance the groups’ primary purpose, and provide a sense of unity among NA members.

B. Such clean activities may include, but not limited to, dances, camp-outs, special meetings, etc.

C. The committee shall report monthly to the regular business meeting of the ASC.

Section 6. Archives Committee. The Archives Committee consists of a Chairperson and other volunteers. Duties of the committee are:

A. The Archives committee acts as custodians of GHANA archival material.

B. That all past and future material in Archives be the property of GHA and be stored at the Day 2 Day Clubhouse

C. The committee shall report monthly to the regular business meeting of the ASC.


Section 1. Voluntary. Given in writing to the ASC Chairperson prior to the next ASC meeting.

Section 2. Involuntary. These grounds represent the perquisite for removal.

A. Any area officer or sub-committee Chairperson missing more than three GH ASC meetings.

B. Relapse during their term in office.

C. Failure to perform duties and responsibilities.

D. Breech of the Traditions and unethical conduct inconsistent with the role of a trusted servant.

Section 3. Involuntary Removal. The following are intended as a guide for the group conscience when removal proceedings are instigated.

A. Presented in writing by any ASC participant to the Chairperson for due cause seven days prior to the next ASC meeting.

B. Letter from the Chairperson will notify the respondent of the impending concerns.

C. The respondent is to be given a rebuttal, if so desired, not to exceed ten minutes at the following ASC meeting.

D. A closed ballot will be done at that ASC meeting following the letter to respondent.

E. A two-thirds majority of the total voting members in attendance is required for impeachment.

Section 4. A six months moratorium. Will be required for any service member resigning or removed from their position prior to completion of their term. The only exception will be when their resignation is to fill a newly elected position.


Section 1. Officers shall attend all regular meetings. In the event that an officer can not attend, the Chairperson shall be notified. If two consecutive meetings are missed, the Chairperson shall bring the matter before the ASC for review.

Section 2. All groups within the area are encouraged to be represented by a GSR, GSR-Alt, or designated member at all regular and special meetings.

Section 3. A standing sub-committee and special committees shall be represented by its elected chairperson or designated member at all regular meetings.

Section 4. In the case of removal of an ASC administrative officer or standing sub-committee chairperson, an interim member shall be appointed by the area Chairperson with an election to follow at the next regular ASC business meeting.


Section 1. All committees shall comply in all their actions with the following documents in succession.

A. The Twelve Traditions of NA.

B. The current publications of these guidelines.

C. The Twelve Concepts of NA Service.

D. The Guide to Local Service Handbook.

E. The current publication of all WSO approved NA handbooks.

F. Past area motions.

Section 2. All motions sent back to the groups will state:

A. Who will carry out the motion?

B. What the task is.

C. Why are we doing this particular task?

D. How the task will be carried out.

E. Financial impact.


Section 1. All monies accumulated from Group contributions and NA sources shall be maintained in a general fund bank account, with separate bookkeeping of individual funds, which are subject to disbursement by the Area Treasurer, for paying obligations.

Section 2. All expenditures made by the Committee shall be paid by check.

Section 3. All checks shall be required to have two of the following signatures:

A. Treasurer

B. Chairperson

C. Vice-Chair

Section 4. In the event that a check is made payable to one of the authorized signers of the bank account, the payee shall not be authorized to sign said check, another authorized signature is required.

Section 5. Expenditures from the treasury shall only be made in one of the following manners:

A. Upon proof of payment from vendors

B. Submittal of itemized expense voucher from vendor with receipts forthcoming within 21 days. Further payments to that service member will be contingent upon proof of payment.

Section 6. The Committee shall make available funds to assist the following:

A. PI expense in the amount of $70.00 monthly.

B. H&I expense in the amount of $20.00 monthly.

C. H&I expense in the amount of $50.00 quarterly.

D. Phoneline expense not to exceed $50.00 monthly.

E. Secretary expense in the amount of $30.00 monthly.

F. RCM I and/or RCM II travel expense not to exceed $140.00 to attend RSC each quarter.

Section 7. The Treasury shall maintain a prudent reserve of $400.00.

Section 8. All ASC budgets shall be submitted to the Treasurer, and shall be approved by the GHASC on a monthly basis.

Section 9. The Committee shall have a Financial Review Committee consisting of the ASC Chairperson and two other officers, excluding the Treasurer. The review shall be no later than three months after the new Treasurer takes on the position. Any recommendations of the committee shall be reviewed with the Treasurer immediately thereafter.

Section 10. All funds over $400.00 shall be donated to Washington Northern Idaho Regional Service Committee.


Section 1. Any voting member may propose an amendment to these guidelines at a regular meeting of the ASC. The proposal must be seconded and submitted in writing. Debate shall be heard. The proposal to amend shall be taken back to groups and voted on at the next regular ASC meeting. A two-thirds majority of the voting members present is necessary to amend.

Section 2. The amendment shall go into effect immediately upon its adoption, unless the motion to adopt specifies a time otherwise.


Section 1. Each September the ASC will hold an area inventory meeting and request input from all groups in the area, what has been done and how the message has been carried to the still suffering addict in the past year. The inventory shall include annual reports of area officers, standing sub-committee Chairpersons, and GSRs.

A. To clearly understand the purpose, a member may read “The Guide to Local Service”, pages 61-62.

Section 2. Each October the results of the Area Inventory shall be provided at the regular ASC business meeting. Discussion of recommendations of how we may better carry the message shall take place and resolutions made to remedy any weaknesses in GH Area services to groups, the community at-large and NA Regional and World Services.


Should dissolution of the area occur, any earnings after all debts and obligations have been paid, shall be evenly dispersed 50% to the Region and 50% to the World Service Conference of NA.


The Committee shall comply in all its actions with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.


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