What to do When Diarrhea Strikes - Noble Vestal Doodles

What to do When Diarrhea Strikes

Changing homes and food along with traveling and all of the other changes that come with your puppy’s new home may cause your puppy stress. Stress often manifests itself in the form of diarrhea. Often diarrhea during these times is called Stess Diarrhea. Your puppy may get diarrhea at other times too, and at times for no apparent reason. Diarrhea doesn’t mean that something is wrong with your puppy but, it may require a veterinarian to treat it.

If you plan to change your puppy’s diet when you take him home, it is recommended that you transition using the following recipe to help reduce stress on his tummy. Feed your puppy about 1 cup of this meal three times a day for three days as long as he doesn’t have diarrhea start adding the food of your choice and reduce the amount of the transition meal. You can make the transition meal in advance and it will save in the refrigerator for at least one week or you can freeze and thaw out each meal.

Transition Meal

equal parts

Yogurt (not low fat and no artificial sweeteners)

Cottage Cheese

Canned Unspiced Pumpkin

If your puppy has diarrhea and you didn’t change foods try adding three large spoons of canned unspiced pumpkin to his meal, once again feed this three times a day for three days. If the diarrhea still persists after three days, is projectile, has blood, mucus or worms in it call your veterinarian. If your puppy ever has diarrhea and is vomiting too don’t hesitate call your veterinarian! Your vet will most likely ask you to bring a stool sample so be prepared with a baggie (a zip and seal bag is highly recommended). Your veterinarian will check your puppy’s poop for the common parasites such as: roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms, coccida and giardia.

Each of these parasites are found in the ground and natural sources of water. It is possible to treat and kill them and for them to return because they are so common and most likely found in your very own back yard! For this reason it is recommended that you regularly poop scoop your yard and always pick up your dog’s waste when in public. Other animals such as birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and deer carry and spread these parasites to your yard and parks. There is virtually no place where your dog won’t come in contact with a parasite!

Worms are commonly treated and killed using a prescription strength dewormer such as Drontal Plus. It is recommended that you continue a deworming program and treat once a month.

Coccida is not a worm but a single cell microscopic organism that will cause “havoc” in a dog’s intestinal tract when present in great numbers. This protozoa will cause watery diarrhea in young and susceptible animals that have immature or compromised immune systems; in some cases, the diarrhea can be severe enough to be life threatening. Eradication of this parasite is usually successful with a daily dose of Albon.

Giarda is also not a worm but a single cell organism. Once an animal or person has been infected with Giardia intestinalis, the parasite lives in the intestine and is passed in the stool. Because the parasite is protected by an outer shell, it can survive outside the body and in the environment for long periods of time. During the past 2 decades, Giardia infection has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne disease (found in both drinking and recreational water) in humans in the United States . Giardia are found worldwide and within every region of the United States. Giardia is treatable using Metronitazole.

Stress can cause your puppy’s immune system to become weak and more susceptible to these parasites. Take care and be mindful that your puppy is going through a lot of changes (food, travel, new home, new family, lack of litter mates, lack of his mom, new experiences and generally being overwhelmed by attention) that can cause him stress.



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