COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions

Southwark CouncilCOVID-19: Frequently Asked QuestionsInformation for Schools and Educational SettingsKirsten Watters5/22/2020A list of the most frequently asked questions asked by schools in relation to COVID-19 and their answers.What happens if a case is identified in my setting?Guidance for schools on managing a case can be found at the definition of covid-19 symptoms changed?Yes the symptoms now include loss of taste or smell. Children are more likely to have very mild or other symptoms and schools and families should have a low threshold for exclusion. How do staff get tested?Where a staff member and / or their family is symptomatic they can order a test at: do pupils get tested?Parents and carers of children over the age of 5 can order tests at: children under the age of 5 cannot access the self testing service. Children may present with other (more serious) infections rather than COVID: their illness should be discussed with a clinician or NHS111.How long does it take to get a test result?Test turn around should be 48 hours.What about tests to see if I or my staff have already had covid-19?There is still emerging data on immunity after an acute covid infection. Antibody tests which require a blood sample are currently being rolled out. The first wave will prioritise front line health workers. Southwark Public Health will update as more information becomes available.What is the current epidemiological situation in London?The number of new infections has fallen significantly since March in London and Southwark has mirrored this trend. As at 14 May there were 143,463 confirmed cases across England, with 26,465 (18%) of these within London. London has significantly reduced community transmission of Covid-19 compared to March and rates have decreased by over 75%. What surveillance is ongoing within London to ensure infections do not increase?Surveillance is being led through Public Health England and being fed down to boroughs. The Track, Trace and Test service will provide increased data on infections and transmission and will be closely monitored at a local level. What has the covid-19 rate in Southwark children been?We do not have reliable Southwark data by age currently as we have not been testing all symptomatic residents. Children who are more likely to be asymptomatic are less likely to have been tested than other groups. Overall children contribute to less than 2% of cases across UK and Europe. What is paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome?PMIS is an emerging condition which appears to be a complication of covid-19 in children although the casual link and mechanism is still be investigated and a national surveillance system (in line with other rare paediatric diseases) has been established. There have been incorrect reports of a Southwark or South East London cluster. South East London cases reflect the fact that Evelina specialist children’s hospital is in Southwark, treating children from all over the South East of England. This is an extremely rare but serious complication with fewer than 200 suspected but unconfirmed cases reported across Europe. PIMS does not change any public health advice regarding covid-19 and children who are unwell should receive medical attention. How many people in Southwark have died?Excess deaths measure the additional deaths within the population compared to what we would normally expect. It is generally considered the best indication of the pandemic impact on mortality. Between the start of 2020 and 8 May, there have been 228 more deaths in Southwark than we normally expect. All deaths have been in adults and over 50% in residents over the age of 80.What has the impact of Covod-19 been on the BAME community?Increasing evidence and concern regarding the impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups (BAME) led to the announcement, early this month of the Public Health England (PHE) Review on COVID-19 and BAME. The outcome from this will be published soon. Ethnicity along with age and underlying health conditions are risk factors for covid-19 in adults and should be considered in risk assessments for staff. Where can schools get advice?Southwark Council has a dedicated email inbox which is constantly monitored Publichealth@.ukThis email inbox also includes details of out of hours contact details.Useful links Managing lunch time and school foodSchool food checklist for Covid-19, lockdown and sleep issues – support for parents Sleep tips during coronavirus for parents coronavirus to children Downloadable free book for children children with stress during coronavirus guide to children’s health During the current situation and while the government is asking everyone to stay at home, it can be confusing to know what to do. Here is some guidance: ................

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