Biology 12 – Human Development via “The Visible Embryo ...

Biology 12 – Human Development via “The Visible Embryo” Website

• Open the Visible Embryo website by typing the following URL into the address bar of your internet browser:

• Click on the spiral at Stage 1. As you examine each stage, answer the questions that follow. To go from one stage to the next, click on NEXT on the top of the screen, or go back to the home page and click directly on the stage desired.

1. What happens during fertilization?

2. How long does it take for the sperm to reach the egg? __________________________________________

3. How long does it take for the sperm to penetrate the egg? ______________________________________

4. Distingush between the embryoblast and the trophoblast of the human blastocyst.

5. What is HCG and what does it do?

6. What is the ideal implantation site for the embryo?

7. What are chorionic villi and what do they do?

8. What two organs are the first to form in the embryo?

_____________________________________ and ______________________________________

9. Draw a blob to represent the size of a human embryo at stage 16 (6-8 weeks after fertilization)

10. How many days after fertilization do brain waves develop? ________________________________

11. During which stage and time of development does each of the following occur?

• Eyelids develop and kidneys produce urine ________________________________

• Fetus can make sounds ________________________________

• Heartbeat can be detected with instruments _______________________________

• Thumb sucking can occur ________________________________

• Lungs are capable of breathing air _____________________________

• Toenails form ______________________________

12. How many bones are there in an infant’s body? _____________ An adult? _____________


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