Proof of a Conspiracy – Globalists Speak Openly about ...

Proof of a Conspiracy ? Globalists Speak Openly about

their Deadly Agenda

by Jeremy James

Ye that love the LORD, hate evil Proverbs 97:10

Many dismiss those who believe in a global conspiracy as cranks and fools. And yet evidence that such a conspiracy exists is fairly easy to establish. One definition of conspiracy reads as follows: `A secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act.' That is okay as far as it goes, but it does not even begin to capture the breadth and scope of the Globalist agenda. Once you define it correctly, it starts to look less like a conspiracy and more like a business plan ? which is exactly what it is:

A secret agreement by a number of super-rich elite families to increase their wealth and power on the world stage by covert means, with a view ultimately to impose a unified world government under their control, and to employ a range of subversive techniques and programs in diverse fields ? political, financial, economic, military, industrial, medical, educational, religious, and media-related, among others ? to achieve this objective. These super-rich families and those who support them are known by various names, including the Power Elite, the Ruling Elite, the cabal of International Bankers, the Illuminati, the Globalists, and the Black Nobility. One can even think of them as the Trillionaires Club. It is in essence an agreement among like-minded people who are seeking to establish a global monopoly on the commodity they value more than any other ? Power. Given human nature and its dismal record of murder and corruption, it would be truly astonishing if a group of this kind did not exist!

The question we should be asking So, instead of asking `Does a global conspiracy exist?' we should really be asking, `What are these power-obsessed, ultra-wealthy people actually planning to do and what are the likely consequences for the rest of humanity?'


The following published quotations by members of the Global Elite should go a long way toward dispelling any doubts you may have about their existence. They should also shed considerable light on their mindset, their methodology, their contempt for humanity, and the remarkably sophisticated nature of their plan to destroy the sovereignty of independent nations and create a New World Order.

They are so arrogant and so confident of success that, from time to time, some of their more outspoken members divulge just a little too much information about their intentions.

The United States is the principal target If you are living in the United States you need to be especially concerned about the Global Elite since the last major obstacle to a One World Government is the US itself. As a sovereign independent nation, and the foremost player in world affairs, with a long tradition of liberty and democracy, it cannot be allowed to continue in its existing form. The Globalists have long planned to weaken it fatally ? a process which is now at a very advanced stage ? and destroy its sovereignty. A totalitarian regime of some kind is scheduled to take over, possibly on foot of an engineered national crisis, and abolish the Constitution. The America that has existed since 1776 will then disappear forever.

Please consider the evidence for yourself. More than forty percent of your industrial base has been `off-shored', with most of it given lock-stock-and-barrel to a MarxistLeninist regime known as China. Using a host of deceitful practices in the banking system, successive governments have left the country saddled with such staggering levels of debt ? at household, corporate, state and federal level, not to mention massive unfunded liabilities such as social security, Medicaid and Medicare ? that there is not the slightest chance that even a fraction of it can be paid down from future taxation without destroying the economy. In fact it is so great, and growing at such an alarming rate, that your great nation will very shortly be unable even to service its debt (i.e. keep up its interest payments to foreign and domestic lenders). Industrial employment across the US as a whole has been radically reduced and most of the jobs that remain are in the low-paying, insecure services sector. The erosion of your civil liberties since 9/11 has been so severe that any law-abiding American can now be picked up and incarcerated indefinitely by his government on vaguely-worded security-related charges ? against which he or she has absolutely no defense.

`It can't happen here!' you say. Really? The following quotations prove otherwise. Not only has it been happening but the pace of decay is now such that a major economic collapse in the next 2-3 years is virtually inevitable.

Please take this warning seriously and do what you can to protect yourself and your family.

If, after you have had a chance to study it, you find this paper has convinced you, then please share it with your friends and those you care about.


[All quotations have been checked against other sources to ensure they were not taken out of context or slanted in any way that might distort the author's intentions. The reader should be able to locate and verify many of them on the Internet.]


A major admission by the Globalists in 2009 We should start with an astonishing admission by the Globalists in 2009. It can actually be found on the official website of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which is one of the main institutions that secretly run the United States:

"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today." Remarks by the US National Security Adviser, James L Jones at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy, Hotel Bayerischer, February 8, 2009.

This is probably the most public and most brazen confirmation to date by the Globalist Elite that they control the US government. James Jones has been appointed through the democratic process approved by Congress, but here he is stating categorically that he takes his orders daily from Henry Kissinger via two other unelected individuals, Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger. Kissinger is a well known globalist mouthpiece for David Rockefeller. Many regard him as the author of several brutal wars and genocidal campaigns. He has been given no mandate whatever by the American people, and yet, as Jones confirms, he has direct control over US national security.

This admission by the CFR should be a matter of great concern to all Americans.

German Chancellor explains how a Global Elite controls everything Let's turn now to Helmut Schmidt who was German Chancellor (Prime Minister) for 8 years (1974-1982). In his memoirs, Men and Powers (Random House, 1987), he wrote that American foreign policy is decided by two groups:

The Establishment and the Council on Foreign Relations "One was a large number of outstanding career diplomats and career officials in high positions, who provided continuity; the other was a large reservoir of discerning private persons, who were committed to foreign affairs and who had already served earlier administrations. This reservoir, earlier frequently called "the establishment," had both its forum and its center in the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Its members were lawyers, bankers, some industrialists, and academics. The council published (and still publishes) the excellent periodical Foreign Affairs...


"The Council on Foreign Relations successfully drew carefully chosen young people into its discussions and prepared them at first for modest tasks; in the course of their careers they often took on top-level missions in the State Department, the Pentagon, the White House, or other centers of international policy ? from trade agreements to disarmament...The foreign policy elite, which had very silent but effective ways of seeing to its own succession, was thus largely a matter of the East Coast." [pages 221-222]

He then went on to describe two other organisations which sceptics often dismiss as paper tigers invented by conspiracy theorists:

Bilderberg Group "...I gratefully recall the yearly so-called Bilderberg conferences that Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands organized and ran, and the yearly meetings of the London Institute for Strategic Studies under the leadership of Alistair Buchan. Some of the United States senators active in foreign affairs...always participated in these two-to-three day international conferences. Conversations with Dean Acheson, George Kennan, and Paul Nitze, which might occur during such meetings, were a treasure trove of information and enlightenment...We were not surprised whenever, a few years later, one or another of the men we had had such good conversations with reappeared as a cabinet member or deputy secretary or head of department; in such cases we could safely assume that the man's views were the same ones he had espoused in our earlier talks." [pages 222-223]

Bohemian Grove "In July 1979, during one of these visits to California, George Schultz invited me to be his guest in Bohemian Grove during the traditional yearly summer encampment. This weekend gave me one of the most astounding experiences I ever had in the United States. Later I went to Bohemian Grove a second time, and my impressions intensified...Even more interesting is the camaraderie among the men (women are barred) who meet in Bohemian Grove, which got its name from the exclusive Bohemian Club in San Francisco, where there is a long waiting list for membership. The encampment in the grove is not a large common camp; the two thousand or so men who spend the weekend together live in five or six dozen small camps, almost entirely concealed by trees and bushes, scattered along the hillside...

"This weekend allowed me an illustrative glimpse of America's elite. The politicians who were present were, for the most part, guests of one or another of the club members...These meetings bring together not only the west, south, and east of the United States, but also the various political groups within American society." [pages 225-227]


His description of activities at the Bohemian Grove has a distinctly sexual undertone. What else could have given him "one of the most astounding experiences I ever had in the United States"?

He then confirms the existence of an unelected power elite who `advise' (i.e. control) the elected politicians:

Unelected Politicians "...a class of professional intellectual politicians who never run for office but offer their services to the elected politicians and the candidates ? at times even force them on them ? as expert advisers and executive officers. They are supported by various institutions, where they work whenever they are not in government service." [page 227]

Schmidt proceeds to name some of these institutions ? the Brookings Institution, the American Enterprise Institute, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Georgetown Center for Strategy and International Studies, the Hoover Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the Rand Corporation.

In the course of his review of American power brokers [pages 221-227], Schmidt names several of these unelected "professional intellectual politicians," including some who are still in power today, nearly forty years later ? David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

The Incredible Unseen Influence of David Rockefeller James Jones may answer to Henry Kissinger, but Kissinger in turn answers to David Rockefeller. In the following published quotations, Rockefeller makes no attempt to hide his globalist agenda, his Marxist beliefs, or his evident willingness to destroy the sovereignty of the United States:

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure ? one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

David Rockefeller, Memoirs, Random House, 2002

"Now, as the United Nations approaches its 50th anniversary, business support for the numerous internationally related problems in which it is involved has never been more urgently needed...With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the opportunity for enlightened American leadership is, perhaps, even greater than it was in 1939, at the beginning of the Second World War, or in 1945 when the Cold War began. But this present 'window of opportunity,' during which a truly peaceful and interdependent World Order might be built, will not be open for long...



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