Normal Distribution: If data is NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED, then ...

Normal Distribution: If data is NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED, then it should be distributed as follows. This means, 34% of the data scores are located from the mean to plus one deviation. 13.5% of the scores will be located from -1 to -2 deviations from the mean.



a) Draw the curve and put in the mean. Add in plus/minus 1, 2, 3 deviations.

b) Now how many of 174 students received scores from in the range of 61.2 to 75.8?

c) How many kids received scores from 1 to 2 deviations BELOW the mean?

1. Scores on an exam are normally distributed with a mean of 76 and a standard deviation of 10.

a) In a group of 230 tests, how many students score above 96?

b) In a group of 230 tests, how many students score below a 66?

c) In a group of 230 tests, how many students soccer within on standard deviation of the mean?

2. The number of nails of a given length is normally distributed with a mean length of 5.00 inches and a standard deviation of 0.03 inches.

a) Find the number of nails in a bag of 120 that are less than 4.94 inches long.

b) Find the number of nails in a bag of 120 that are between 4.97 and 5.03 inches long.

c) Find the number of nails in a bag of 120 that are over 5.03 inches long.

PG. 689 #15-17, #24 check answers.

PG. 696 #27

Things to think about for notecard.

-Binomial Thereom/Pascal’s triangle through 4 rows.

-Binomial Experiments. nCr(success)n(failures)n-r

-Definition of mutually exclusive.

-Conditional Probability formula. P(B|A) = ?


-Box and Whisker

-Standard deviation

-Margin of Error

-Normal Distribution.



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