Sleep Assignment - Startsida

Boy 13, 17 years

Sleep Assignment

How much sleep do we need?

The amount of sleep needed varies from age to gender and it varies individually. A friend of yours might need 7-8 hours of sleep but you might need 9 hours of sleep to be well rested. Sleep is individual and you always have to sleep.

Why is sleep important?

Sleeping would be the nature’s ultimate mess-up if it wouldn’t have a purpose. Why would some animal want to sleep and be a “sitting duck” for the predator? Because studies have shown that sleep “regenerates” your body and mind. You feel well rested and energized and you feel ok and you’re not sad for sleeping well. So that’s why we sleep. But then there are some other very complex reasons and things that happen when we sleep. Studies show that’s these things happen when you sleep: Wounds heal better, your recent memories are added to the long term “memory bank” but a theory that failed was the protection theory that sleep protects you from walking around and being a possible target of a predator, but that didn’t explain why the lions sleep the most. Sleep is needed for the construction of our bodies. Dreams occur under sleep, more exactly under REM sleep(Rapid Eye Movement) the Other sleep is NREM (Non REM sleep) and NREM is the stage where animals and people sleep “lighter” thus being more aware of what happens around them. In REM we are almost totally unconscious and are “disconnected“ from the “real” world to the “world of dreams”.

So sleep serves many simple and complex purposes. The loss of sleep would be fatal for animals and humans alike because the consequences are very bad after just 2-3 days of not getting a good night’s sleep: 1.Increased BMI due to being hungry for not sleeping enough, being awake burns a lot more energy than sleeping. 2. Not sleeping enough makes you tired, and when tired you loose your concentration and you can get easily annoyed and the time to react is slowed. 3. Learning new information is useless if you’re tired. A good night’s sleep grants you: 1.Alertness 2.Increased reaction time and 3.A good mental state 4. And you remember yesterday better (if you were sober).

Sleeping pattern.

|Day |Start(evening)* |End(morning, next day) |Total H. of sleep |

|1.Mo |22:45 |7:37 |8 |

|2.Tue |23:55 |7:53 |7.5 |

|3.We |23:15 |6:55 |7.5 |

|4.Thu |22:45 |6:55 |7.5 |

|5.Fri |22:20 |8:34 |9.5 |

|6.Sa |23:55 |8:12 |7.5 |

|7.Su |23:10 |7:55 |8.5 |

*The Start is estimated from first going to bed and then not waking up in the first fifteen minutes and then actually sleeping.

Then I found this site

And I used it to calculate the total H. of sleep.

In my sleeping pattern I have a so called “Sleeping debt” that I “pay off” when I sleep 9.5 h and 8.5 in my week. But the statistics show that I sleep not enough and I should improve my sleeping by going earlier to bed and not watching too much TV.

Advices for someone who suffers from sleeping disorders:

Go earlier to bed.

Don’t watch TV before going to sleep.

Don’t really eat a lot before going to bed or any night snacks.

Read a book.

Listen to relaxing music, but remember to turn it off.

Have a light that shifts in relaxing colours but remember to turn it off too.

Don’t do any exercise before going to bed.

Don’t go to the sauna before bed, you still keep sweating after sauna too.

Don’t have a too cold or warm room.

Make cosy.

Sources: Wikipedia, Sleepfoundation

and Lunesta


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