RNIB - See differently

PC Setup Check List



All sections are present only as reminders of factors to consider for an individual pupil with a visual impairment. If in doubt use default values initially. Recommended values (if any) are indicated and space is given to record the actual settings used. Write ‘N/A’ or similar if a setting is not relevant to the particular pupil.

All items are optional, i.e. to be completed as appropriate and convenient, with data, ticks etc.

It is difficult to choose an order of setup that doesn’t take you round in circles! The order suggested here has worked quite well, but can of course to be adapted as required.


Hardware 4

PC 4

Monitor 4

External mouse 4

Printer 4

Other hardware 5

Hardware setup 6

screen brightness: 6

audio volume: 6

Software 7

Windows 7

Automatic updates: 7

Control Panel 8

User Accounts 8

Accessibility 8

Display 9

Tools/Folder Options 10

Fonts (additional, as needed) 11

Keyboard 11

Mouse 11

Network Connections 11

Power Options 12

Printers 12

Regional Settings 12

Sound/Sounds 13

Taskbar & Start Menu 13

Other 13

Desktop 14

Icons 14

My Computer 15

Manage/Local Users & Groups/Users (select user, Properties) 15

Internet Access 15

Anti-Virus 16

Anti-virus updates 16

Access software (Supernova/ZoomText/JAWs/Thunder/NVDA etc) 17

Upgrades 17

Allercalc 18

Excel 18

Electronic English Dictionary 19

Electronic Foreign Dictionaries 19

Touch Typing 19

Word processor 20

Tools - Customise 20

Styles 20

Page Setup 21

Tools - Options 21

Tools - Autocorrect 21

Language 22

Standard Toolbar 22

Pupil’s default template (Normal.dot) 22

safety copy on the PC 22

copy on external storage medium 22

Other templates 22

Useful Extra Key Assignments 23

Global Key Assignments 23

Global Key Assignments for Maths 24

Shortcut keys already in Word 24

Other software 25





serial number:

database number:

identification labels: PC keyboard PSU carry case other

large-print/coloured key labels:

bump-ons or other tactile markings on keys:

F J Enter Ctrl Tab Home F4 other

contact details in case of loss on carry case label:




serial number:

database number:

identification labels:

External mouse

(see also Mouse section below)



identification label:




serial number:

database number:

identification labels:

Other hardware

|make & model |installed |configured |notes |

|SN | | | |

|database number | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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Hardware setup

screen brightness:

recommended: maximum initially, for adjustment later in Power Options

actual setting: ...

audio volume:

recommended: maximum initially; for adjustment later and possible override by headphone volume controls, if available

actual setting: ...




Automatic updates:

recommended: turn off to avoid interruptions whilst PC is in use by the pupil; updates are best dealt with by the technician rather than the pupil

actual setting: ...

product key: ________-________-________-________-________

computer name:

computer description (friendly name):

registered online:

Control Panel

User Accounts

It is recommended that at least two accounts with administrator privileges are set up, in case of loss of password to the main administrator account. Care should be taken over who is given access to administrator passwords. Usually the pupil’s account should not have administrator rights, although it might be necessary to allow them initially whilst settings are finalised. See also My Computer/Manage Local Users

If the PC is to be used on a network then separate user IDs may be required for standalone and networked use. If the pupil is to use the network account offline then file synchronisation should be set up.

|user name |password |p/w restore disk |group (standard user, administrator etc) |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


cursor point thickness: (recommended setting: 2 or 3)

actual setting: ...

cursor blink rate: (recommended: fast for maximum visibility)

actual setting: ...



Screen resolution: (recommended: 1024×768) actual setting: ...

Color quality: (recommended: Highest 32 bit) actual setting: ...

General / Advanced / Troubleshoot: DPI setting: (recommended: Normal 96)

actual setting: ...

Performance - H/ware accel'n: (recommended: full) actual setting: ...


Theme: (recommended: based on Windows Classic)

actual setting: ...

Save As - path\filename:

Copy on external medium & location (e.g. memory stick, with VI service technician):


Background: (recommended: none) actual setting: ...

Colour: (recommended: pale colour is best for visibility of icons)

actual setting: ...

Customize: see Windows/Desktop

automatic cleanup: (recommended: suppress ) actual setting: ...

Screen Saver

Screen saver: (recommended: none) actual setting: ...

Power: see Power Options


Windows and buttons: (recommended: Windows Classic Style)

actual setting: ...

Color scheme: (recommended: Windows Classic)

actual setting: ...

Font size: ...

Font smoothing: ...


large icons: (recommended: according to student’s visual need)

actual setting: ...

fade: (recommended: none) actual setting: ...

font smoothing: ...

show window contents while dragging: ...


Desktop colour: (recommended: pale colour is best for visibility of icons)

actual setting: ...

Active Title Bar: ...

icon size, fonts & spacing: ...

Menu font: ...

Message Box: ...

ToolTip: ...

Tools/Folder Options

(recommended: Windows Classic) actual setting: ...

other View options: (recommended: List style) actual setting: ...

Fonts (additional, as needed)

Sassoon: ...

Braille: ...

Moon: ...


delay: (recommended: long 2/4) actual setting: ...

repeat: (recommended: slow 12/32) actual setting: ...

blink rate: (recommended fast 12/12) actual setting: ...


pointer: (recommended: Win extra large inverted)

actual setting: ...

speed & acceleration: ...

snap to: (recommended: on) actual setting: ...

hide pointer whilst typing: (recommended: on) actual setting: ...

wheel sensitivity: (recommended: 1) actual setting: ...

touchpad: (recommended: disabled when external mouse is connected)

actual setting: ...

Network Connections

wireless networks (Network Connections/File/Disable):

(recommended: disable if standalone operation required)

actual setting: ...

Power Options

screen brightness on battery: (recommended: high)

actual setting: ...

screen brightness on mains power: (recommended: high)

actual setting: ...

monitor switch-off time: (recommended: never) actual setting: ...

hard-disk switch-off time: ...

lid shut function: (recommended: hibernate) actual setting: ...

sleep button function: (recommended: do nothing) actual setting: ...


install: ...

set as default: ...

paper size: (recommended: A4) actual setting: ...

print order: (recommended: reverse) actual setting: ...

collate: (recommended: enable) actual setting: ...

desktop shortcut to print queue dialogue:

(recommended: copy & paste from Printers dialogue)

actual setting: ...

Regional Settings

language: (recommended: English British) actual setting: ...

time zone: (recommended: GMT) actual setting: ...

units: (recommended: metric) actual setting: ...

currency: (recommended: £) actual setting: ...

date formats: ...

short: (recommended: d/m/yy) actual setting: ...

long: (recommended: dddd d mm yyyy) actual setting: ...

time, date & daylight saving time set: ...


Sound scheme

(recommended: none , for peace in class!)

actual setting: ...

Taskbar & Start Menu

Personalised menus: (recommended: off) actual setting: ...

Classic Start Menu: (recommended setting: select)

Customise: (recommended: remove unwanted items)

actual settings: ...




Remove icons that will not be needed by the pupil. Shortcuts can be deleted without affecting any program installations. All programs will still be available from the Start button/Programs menu.

Add shortcut icons to programs from the following list as installed and required by the pupil. Rename them with these short names and define shortcut keys AltGr-W for Word, etc. Record the shortcut keys you have chosen below.

Word: ...

Excel: ...

Access: ...

PowerPoint: ...

Publisher: ...

Calculator (see Allercalc below): ...

Notepad: ...

Printer Progress: ...

My Computer / My Documents icons

(recommended: ensure they are on the desktop; if not go to Control Panel/Display (pre-Win8) or Personalisation (Win8))

actual settings: ...

Autoarrange: (recommended: Arrange by name) actual setting: ...

My Computer

Folder Options: General

(recommended: set List style as the default for all file and folder lists)

actual settings: ...

View details

(recommended: may need to show hidden files during setup; may choose to display file extensions for pupil, etc)

actual settings: ...

Manage/Local Users & Groups/Users

(select user, Properties)

must change password at next login: (recommended: disable )

actual setting: ...

cannot change password: (recommended: enable )

actual setting: ...

password never expires: (recommended: enable )

actual setting: ...

Internet Access

ISP: ...


program: ...

version: ...

install: ...

initial scan: ...

reminders and/or automatic updates

(recommended: suppress to avoid interruptions for the pupil; updates to be dealt with by technician)

actual setting: ...

Anti-virus updates

Access software

(Supernova/ZoomText/JAWs/Thunder/NVDA etc)

version: ...

Serial Number(s): ...

Product ID: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Activation Code/MULC: ___ ____ ____

Install: ...

Reboot: ...

desktop icon & shortcut key

(recommended: AltGr with S for Supernova)

actual setting: ...

magnification and/or speech during login

(recommended: enabled)

actual setting: ...

defaults for magnification and/or speech after login

(recommended: pupil may need them all the time, or only on demand)

actual settings: ...



Allercalc is a shareware program available from It is a VI-friendly on-screen calculator. The display can be customised, commands can be entered from the computer keyboard, the on-screen keyboard can be hidden if it is not needed and it works with screen readers.

install: ...

desktop icon: ...

shortcut key: (recommended: AltGr-C) actual setting:

Display Options (font, size & colour)

(recommended: set defaults appropriate to the pupil’s vision)

actual settings: ...

Angle Unit: (recommended: degrees) actual setting: ...


(recommended: hidden if not going to be used with mouse)

actual setting: ...

Number format: (recommended: General) actual setting: ...

Significant Digits: ...


basic font and size (recommended: to suit pupil) actual settings: ...

sheets per workbook: (recommended: 1) actual setting: ...

file list: (recommended: enable up to 9 recent files) actual setting: ...

toolbars: (recommended: on 2 rows) actual setting: ...

step-on after edit: (recommended: suppress) actual setting: ...

full menus: (recommended: select) actual setting: ...

Start-up pane: (recommended: suppress) actual setting: ...

large icons: ...

Electronic English Dictionary

(e.g. Concise Oxford English Dictionary on CD-ROM)


install: desktop icons & scks:

configure print size:

Electronic Foreign Dictionaries

install: desktop icon & sck:

configure font & size: configure dictionaries:

Touch Typing

(e.g. IOTA Touch Type 2)

version: ...

install: ...

desktop icon name: ...

shortcut key: (recommended: AltGr-T) actual setting: ...

fonts: ...

display hands/fingers: ...

re-size window

(recommended: short window, full width of screen, positioned at bottom of screen for ease of seeing by small pupils)

actual setting: ...

location and contents of exercises folder: ...

standard exercises / custom exercises installed: ...

Word processor

Most of the items in this section are based on MS Word, but other word processors might be in use and the same settings and facilities should be reviewed in order to ensure they meet the pupil’s visual needs as far as possible.

program: ...

version: ...

Copy & rename original default template (Normal.dot in MS Word): ...

Copy & rename pupil’s template to become the default: ...

Load default template to edit: ...

Tools - Customise

Toolbars: (recommended: on separate rows) actual setting: ...

Menus: (recommended: always display full menus) actual setting: ...


install normal font if necessary (eg Sassoon): ...

Make a note of the font sizes and weights (regular/bold) below for the main Styles to be used:

normal: e.g. 18pt regular

body text: e.g. normal + 6pt space after paras

heading 1: e.g. 24pt bold

heading 2: e.g. 22pt bold

heading 3: e.g. 20pt bold

heading 4: 18pt bold (may not be defined)

list bullet: e.g. 18pt 0.6cm indent

list number: e.g. 18pt 1cm indent

title: e.g. 28pt bold centred

table: e.g. 16pt if 18pt too big for tables

Page Setup

Margins might be usefully smaller than usual, to allow as much large print on a page as possible.

top (e.g. 1cm): ...

left (e.g. 1cm): ...

right (e.g. 1cm): ...

bottom (e.g. 1.5cm, smallest allowed by printer): ...

header (e.g. 0cm if not used): ...

footer (e.g. 1cm or larger if page number to be used):

Tools - Options

Starting Task Pane: (recommended: off) actual setting: ...

Smart Tags: (recommended: off) actual setting: ...

Screen Tips: (recommended: off) actual setting: ...

recent files list: (recommended: enabled) actual setting: ...

units: (recommended: cm) actual setting: ...

Drawing Canvas: (recommended: off) actual setting: ...

location of files: (recommended: My Documents) actual setting: ...

save backup: (recommended: enable) actual setting: ...

AutoRecover: (recommended: 10 mins) actual setting: ...

Tools - Autocorrect

Anything that the computer does automatically, such as correcting spellings or capitalising days of the week, can mislead the teacher as to what the pupil really typed and can confuse the pupil, especially if they have difficulty following the screen visually. It is therefore usually best, especially for young pupils or beginners with technology, to switch all of these options off, except possibly Smart quotes, which might make it easier to read quotes.

(recommended: all off)

actual settings: ...


default: (recommended: English (U.K.)) actual setting: ...

detect language automatically: (recommended: off) actual setting: ...

Standard Toolbar

If using large icons, remove some of the lesser used ones, so that the remaining ones fit within the screen width.

Removed: ...

Pupil’s default template (Normal.dot)

safety copy on the PC

location (e.g. My Documents\backup files): ...

copy on external storage medium

ID and location (e.g. memory stick with local authority team VI technician)


Other templates

Word processor (cont.)

Useful Extra Key Assignments

The shortcut keys suggested below form part of a coherent scheme where there are no conflicts with the most frequently used pre-existing shortcuts in either the operating system or the word processor program.

Global Key Assignments

Alt+0 Body Text Style

Alt+1 Heading 1 Style

Alt+2 Heading 2 Style

Alt+3 Heading 3 Style

Alt+4 Heading 4 Style

Alt+5 Heading 5 Style

Alt+7 French Style (language setting, possibly coloured to distinguish)

Alt+8 Algebra Style (Times New Roman, possibly italic and bold)

Alt+9 Title Style

Ctrl+Shift+L: List Bullet Style

Ctrl+Shift+N: Numbered Style

Ctrl+M: IncreaseIndent (demotes the selection one level)

Ctrl+Shift+M: DecreaseIndent (promotes the selection one level)

Word processor: Useful Extra Key Assignments (cont.)

Global Key Assignments for Maths

Alt+D divide ÷ current font: 00F7

Alt+M multiply × current font: 00D7

Alt with R roots √ current font: 221A

Alt with P pi ∏ Verdana: 220F

Ctrl+T tick character ( Wingdings 2: 80

Ctrl+W cross (wrong) ( Wingdings 2: 79

Ctrl+Shift+D degrees º current font: 00B0

or Ctrl+0

fractions (Arial)

one half ½ Ctrl with 1

one third ⅓ Ctrl with 2

two thirds ⅔ Ctrl with 3

one quarter ¼ Ctrl with 4

three quarters ¾ Ctrl with 5

one eighth ⅛ Ctrl with 6

three eighths ⅜ Ctrl with 7

five eighths ⅝ Ctrl with 8

seven eighths ⅞ Ctrl with 9

Shortcut keys already in Word

square x2 Ctrl and Shift with = to switch to superscript,

then 2,

then Ctrl and Shift with = again to go back to normal text.

Other software

|program |installed |configured |notes |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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