Constituent Demographic Survey - …

Constituent Demographic Survey1) AGE AND ARTS CAREER LENGTH?In what year range were you born?1946 or earlier (Elders)1947 to 1964 (Baby Boomers)1965 to 1980 (Generation X)1981 to 1995 (Millennials)1995 or later (Generation Z)How many years have you been in the arts field as a paid contractor or employee?5 years or less6 to 15 years16 to 25 years26 to 35 years36 years or more2) DISABILITY?Do you identify as a person with a disability (a sensory, physical, mobility, health or age-related, cognitive, mental health, or other impairment or medical condition)?( ) Yes (please specify): _________________________________________________( ) No3) RACE/ETHNICITY?Which category/categories best describe your race and ethnicity? (check all that apply)[ ] African-American or Black[ ] American Indian or Alaska Native or Indigenous or First Nations[ ] Arab or Middle Eastern[ ] Asian or Asian American[ ] Hispanic or Latina/Latino/Latinx[ ] Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander[ ] White or Caucasian or European American[ ] I prefer to self-identify: _________________________________________________4) GEOGRAPHY, EDUCATION, AND INCOME?What is your home ZIP code?: _________________________________________________What is your work ZIP code?: _________________________________________________What is the highest level of education you have completed?( ) Some high school( ) High school diploma or equivalent( ) Some college or university( ) Associate’s degree (junior college) or vocational degree/license( ) Bachelor’s degree( ) Master’s, Doctorate, or other Terminal degree[IF THEY CHECK Master’s, Doctorate, or other Terminal degree]Do you hold any of the following (check all that apply):Masters of Fine Arts (MFA)Masters of Arts (MA)Masters of Business Administration (MBA)Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) – in any subjectJuris Doctorate (J.D.)Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.)Other: ___________________________________( ) Other: _________________________________________________Which of the following best describes your household income for the past 12 months?( ) Less than $15,000( ) $15,000 - $24,999( ) $25,000 - $34,999( ) $35,000 - $49,999( ) $50,000 - $74,999( ) $75,000 - $99,999( ) $100,000 - $149,999( ) $150,000 - $299,999( ) $300,000 or more5) POLITICAL AFFILIATION?Are you registered as:?( ) Democrat( ) Republican( ) Libertarian( ) Green( ) Unaffiliated with a party, but registered( ) I am not registered to vote( ) I prefer to self-identify:: _________________________________________________Did you vote in the 2018 US midterm election?[ ] Yes, for local elections (city/county)[ ] Yes, for state elections[ ] Yes, for federal elections[ ] No, none of the aboveDo you plan to vote in the 2020 US election?[ ] Yes, for local elections (city/county)[ ] Yes, for state elections[ ] Yes, for federal elections[ ] No, none of the above6) RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION?What is your religion or faith, if any?[ ] Protestant (e.g. Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, etc)[ ] Roman Catholic[ ] Mormon[ ] Greek or Russian Orthodox[ ] Jewish[ ] Muslim[ ] Buddhist[ ] Hindu[ ] Atheist[ ] Agnostic[ ] None[ ] I prefer to self-identify: _________________________________________________If you are part of a religion or faith, how often do you attend religious services?( ) Attend religious services at least once a month( ) Attend religious services a few times a year( ) Attend religious services once a year or less( ) Never attend religious services7) SEXUAL IDENTITY?With which gender do you identify?( ) Female( ) Male( ) Non-binary( ) I prefer to self-identify: _________________________________________________Do you identify as transgender?Transgender: people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth.??( ) Yes( ) NoDo you consider your sexual orientation to be:[ ] Asexual[ ] Bisexual[ ] Fluid[ ] Gay or lesbian[ ] Heterosexual or straight[ ] Pansexual[ ] Queer[ ] Questioning[ ] Same sex attracted[ ] I prefer to self-identify: _________________________________________________8) MILITARY STATUS?Do you identify as a military active service member or veteran? (select all that apply)( ) Yes, Active Duty ( ) Yes, Reserves or National Guard( ) Yes, Veteran( ) Yes, Military Spouse or Family Member( ) Yes, Caregiver for military service member or Veteran( ) NoWhat is your relationship to Americans for the Arts?* (Please check all that apply.)[ ] I am a member of Americans for the Arts[ ] I am a member of the Arts Action Fund[ ] I am a staff member of Americans for the Arts[ ] I currently serve on the Americans for the Arts Board of Directors[ ] I currently serve on the Business Committee for the Arts[ ] I currently serve on the Americans for the Arts Artists Committee[ ] I or my company has been under contract with Americans for the Arts at some point since January 2018[ ] None of the above[ ] Other: _________________________________________________*[If they indicated the were a member of Americans for the Arts or a staff member of Americans for the Arts or a Board Member of Americans for the Arts]As a member of Americans for the Arts, you are eligible to join any of the 15 communities of practice we facilitate. Which, if any, of these networks are you a part of?*[ ] Arts Education Network[ ] County Arts Network[ ] Emerging Leaders Network[ ] Executive Leaders Network[ ] Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Network[ ] Local Arts Network[ ] Local Arts Education Network (LAEN)[ ] Mid-Career Leaders Network[ ] National Arts Marketing Project[ ] Private Sector Network[ ] Public Art Network[ ] State Arts Action Network[ ] State Arts Agencies Community[ ] State Education Policy Network (SEPN)[ ] United States Urban Arts Federation (USUAF)[ ] None of the aboveYou indicated you were a member of the following Networks. Please indicate if you are on the Advisory Council, Steering Committee, or Executive Committee for any of those networks:[Based on what they select above, the options that should show here are][ ] Arts Education Network[ ] County Arts Network[ ] Emerging Leaders Network[ ] Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Network[ ] Local Arts Education Network (LAEN)[ ] Mid-Career Leaders Network[ ] National Arts Marketing Project[ ] Private Sector Network[ ] Public Art Network[ ] State Arts Action Network[ ] State Education Policy Network (SEPN)[ ] United States Urban Arts Federation (USUAF)--------[IF “YES” to “I am a staff member of Americans for the Arts” in the “relationship” question]9) ?Are you a Vice President or Chief??( ) Yes( ) No-------- [IF “YES” to “Arts Action Fund” in the “Relationship” question]You indicated affiliation with the Arts Action Fund. Over the past year, how frequently would you say you have participated in the efforts of the Arts Action Fund?( ) Not at all( ) Occasionally( ) A good amount( ) Almost always when asked( ) Every time I was asked-------- [IF “YES” to “Local Arts Agency” in the “Community” question]You indicated an affiliation with a Local Arts Agency. Do you serve on the board or commission of that Local Arts Agency?( ) Yes( ) No-------- [IF “YES” to “State Arts Agency” in in the “Community” question]You indicated an affiliation with a State Arts Agency. Do you serve on the board or commission of that State Arts Agency? ( ) Yes( ) NoThank You! ................

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