Thursday, October 23rd

Policy reminders

• Tardies to class: Students that arrive to class late must sign in at the front left table. Students late will serve a 30 minute detention. It is essential that you arrive to class on time.

• Electronic Devices: No electronic devices of any kind should be used during class without the permission of the instructor. Please place any and all technology away before class begins. Items seen or used will be confiscated, no questions asked, and turned into the front office.

Tuesday , December 6 / Wednesday, December 7


Homework: Study for the short answer portion of the test

Thursday, December 8 / Friday, December 9

Discussion: Test, Part II – Short Answer Questions

Unit Overview: Asian Americans

Discussion of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Homework: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother Assignment

Monday, December 12 / Tuesday, December 13

Discussion: Discussion of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother/Triple Package

Groups: Asian American Profile

Homework: Chapter 1, Blood Done Sign My Name & PRINT OUT questions for Searching for Gold Mountain

Wednesday, December 14 / Thursday, December 15

Discussion: Asian American Profile

Groups: “Searching for Gold Mountain: Strangers from a Pacific Short”

Video Clip: Chinese Americans

Homework: Chapter 2, Blood Done Sign My Name AND PRINT OUT the CNN Web Assignment

Friday, December 16 / Monday, December 19

Discussion: Module Reading & Questions

Web Activity: Uncovering America: The Asian American Journey

Homework: Chapter 2, Blood Done Sign My Name and finish the web activity if you did not already do so

Tuesday, December 20 / Wednesday, December 21

Discussion: Discuss Module Reading Questions

Ted Talk: “Why I Love a Country That Once Betrayed Me” (George Takai)

Supreme Court Case: Korematsu v. United States

Homework: Chapter 3, Blood Done Sign My Name

Thursday, December 22 / Tuesday, January 3

Discussion: Asian Americans: Growth & Diversity (jigsaw activity)

Homework: Chapter 3, Blood Done Sign My Name AND PRINT OUT the Washington Post Article under

Wednesday, January 4 / Thursday January 5

Discussion: Model Minority Debate

Homework: Chapter 4, Blood Done Sign My Name

Friday, January 6 / Thursday, January 12

NOTE: SCHOOL CANCELLED Monday, January 9 – Wednesday, January 11 due to snow

Discussion: Review Model Minority; Jigsaw Activity on Asian Americans

Homework: Chapter 4, Blood Done Sign My Name

Friday, January 13 / Tuesday, January 17 (No School on Monday January 16th)

Discussion: Discuss Jigsaw/Review for test

Homework: Study for test

Wednesday, January 18 / Thursday, January 19


Module Questions

1. Who were the first Asian-Americans to come to the United States? Why did they come?

2. What events caused the Chinese to leave their native country to come to America?

3. How were the Chinese immigrants used in the development of American history?

4. Describe how Chinese entrepreneurialism got started in America.

5. The Japanese were the next Asian-American cultural group to come to America. Describe the events that led to their immigration.

6. How did Korean immigrants come to the United States?

7. Why is WWII important to Asian-Americans, in light of their assimilation in American culture?

8. List the languages of Asian-Americans.

9. What are the major religions of Asian-Americans? Describe them.

10. List four major characteristics of the Asian-American family.

Part I – Terms and Vocabulary:








Gold Mountain

Gook Syndrome




Middlemen Minorities

Model Minority



Racial Profiling




Tiger Mother

Viet Kieu

Yellow Peril

Part II – Short Answer Questions

1. What contributions did the following groups make to America: (A) Chinese, (B) Japanese, (C) Korean, (D) Taiwanese, and (E) Vietnamese

2. How is anti-semitism like yellow peril?

3. Create a profile of the Asian American family.

4. What are the major religions of Asian-American groups?

5. How many Asian Americans are there in Jordan High School? North Carolina? The United States?

6. What states have an Asian American population higher than 5%?

7. How many people live in China? What impact does China have on the United States?

8. What impact did the Immigration Act of 1990 have on Asian Americans?

9. Describe the four periods of Filipino immigration.

10. Identify languages that Asian Americans speak?

11. Describe the quick vote on the CNN web assignment.

12. What happened at Pearl Harbor?

13. What were the internment camp policies? Identify Korematsu v. United States.

14. What are the two largest groups of Asian Americans in the United States?

15. Create a profile of Asian Americans, citing four characteristics.

16. What are 6 reasons why Chinese Americans are not more active in politics.

17. What are 8 specific ways in which mainstream news media use ethnic slurs and stereotypes, demonstrate insensitivity, and otherwise exhibit bias in reporting?

18. What are Chinatowns?

19. What are two reasons for Chinese men entering the “laundry” line of work?

20. Identify the model minority concept.

21. What are four arguments that support Asian Americans as the “model minority?”

22. What are four arguments against the idea that Asian Americans are the “model minority?”

23. What are six stereotypes of Asian Americans from the film Gung Ho?

24. What are the seven consequences of subordinate group status? Provide examples as relates to Asian Americans.

25. What are four reasons Asians came to the United States?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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