IIAS Fellowship Application Form 2011

IIAS Fellowship Application Form

|2. Requested start date of the fellowship: ____ ____ ______ (dd-mm-yyyy) |

|(Please take into account that if you must apply for a visa, this can take several months). |

|3. Duration of the fellowship |

| |

|How many months would you like to stay? |

| |

|[ ] Not self-funded …..…… months (please indicate a time period from 1 to 10 months). |

| |

| |

|[ ] Self-funded …………… weeks/months (maximum 10 months). |

| |

|Means of funding: |

|[ ] A) Existing salary; |

|[ ] B) Other(s), please specify: |

| |

|If self-funded: enclose official letter(s) indicating funding source, and, in case of a fellowship of 3 months or more, please provide |

|details on the amount. |

| |

|If partly self-funded: please indicate the specific circumstances below (intended duration of stay in Leiden; funds available; funds |

|required from IIAS): |

| |

| |

| |

|4. Have you tried to apply for funds from other organisations? |

| |

|5. Description of research project (max. 1000 words) and timetable: |

| |

|6. Expected output (e.g. publications, conferences, collaborative grant proposal, etc.) |

| |

|7. Reason for undertaking research in the Netherlands. In what way do you think the IIAS fellowship will contribute to your academic and |

|personal developments? (max. 250 words) |

| |

|8. Have you already established contacts in the Netherlands? Are there any researchers, institutions, organisations in the Netherlands and |

|Europe with whom you would like to connect? |

| |

|9. How do you see your presence at IIAS contribute to the Institute, its community of scholars and staff and its vision of interconnected |

|studies? (max. 300 words) |

| |

|10. Do you wish to stay an extra two months at the Collège d’études mondiales / Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (CEM-FMSH) in |

|Paris, on top of your planned stay at IIAS in Leiden? |

|If so, please consult the CEM-FMSH website (fmsh.fr/fr/college-etudesmondiales/chaires) and indicate: |

|- how you think your stay in Paris will contribute to your research; |

|- which CEM-FMSH scholar(s) you would like to work with; |

|- how CEM-FMSH may benefit from your stay (max. 300 words) |

| |

|11. References |

|Name |Position |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|12. Is this the first time you have applied for an IIAS fellowship? |

| |

|[ ] Yes |

| |

|[ ] No, please give date of any previous application: |

| |

| |

|13. How did you come to know about the IIAS fellowship? |

|[ ] IIAS Newsletter |

|[ ] Website |

|[ ] Other: …………………………………………………………………………………………….. |

After completion, please return this form with all required information to:

International Institute for Asian Studies

Visiting address: Postal address:

Rapenburg 59 P.O. Box 9500

2311GJ Leiden 2300 RA Leiden

the Netherlands the Netherlands

T +31-71-527 2227

F +31-71-527 4162

E iiasfellowships@iias.nl

Please make sure to enclose all the required information (where applicable):

• CV & a separate list of publications

• Letters from at least two referees

• Official letter(s) of funding (self-funded applicants only)


1. Applicant details

|Surname | |

|First name(s) | |Sex: M/F |

|Title of research project | |

|To which cluster does your |[ ] Asian Cities |

|research relate? |[ ] Asian Heritages |

| |[ ] Global Asia |

| |[ ] Open category |

|Permanent home address* | |

|City | |

|Country | |

|Telephone | |

|Fax | |

|E-mail | |

|Institutional address* | |

|City | |

|Country | |

|Telephone | |

|Fax | |

|E-mail | |

|* Address for correspondence is: A) my home address B) my institutional address |

|Date of birth | |

|Place of birth | |

|Nationality | |

|Profession | |

|PhD obtained on (date, topic and title) | |

| | |


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