We would like the Bible Quiz to be an event that as many children can take part in as possible. Please try to make it an enjoyable experience for them all, and although we will present awards to the highest scoring teams in London District, we would be grateful if you could ensure that every child feels that they have achieved something worthwhile, whatever their contribution.

The Quiz is held as a "take part when and where it suits you" event. We are again giving detailed instructions. (We apologise if some instructions are very obvious. Please bear with us, some may not have taken part before, your comments on any problems encountered are sought when your result sheets are returned )

When should the quiz be held: Any day and time between Sunday 17th and Sunday 31st March 2019 Where should it be held: This will depend upon how many teams are to take part. If there is only one team, then one room will be sufficient. If there is to be more than one team, then those teams waiting to have their turn should wait where they cannot hear the previous teams answering the questions.

Those who have had their turn should not tell the others what the questions, answers or subject matter is. Best not to discuss the matter if they are anywhere near the others. If there are several teams, then suitable arrangement should be made to occupy the teams before or after they have their turn. The Teams: All team members must be Junior Section age. (None over or under age). You can enter as many teams as you wish. Number teams from the same Company A, B, C, etc.

Boys/Girls may only take part once. Ideally, teams can be made up of Four Boys, Four Girls or mixed teams. (Results from teams of three will be included in the results) Members can be from BB/GB/GA

Please state if Girls are GB, GA, or whatever. And the unit name of the girls group if it has one.

Number members of each team 1-4. Number 1 should be the captain. Sit them in a row in front of the QM's table. (If a team has only three members the other members of the team should take it in turns to answer question 4 in each round)

List the team member's names on the quiz sheet.

Question Master: You will require a suitable person to act as Question Master. He or she might be a minister, church member, BB/GB Officer. What is important is that they present a friendly and sympathetic manner, and ask the questions in a way that will encourage the children, and be supportive, whatever the responses.

Please give the QM a chance to read these instructions and questions in advance. The QM when asking the questions must stick to reading the question as written. It may be repeated as many times as necessary.

The QM should only use whole marks. (i.e. 2,1 or 0. Only give a mark if all parts of the answer are given)

The Questions: The question paper has four sets of questions on the Set Passages.

Each set has four questions, to be asked to each of the four boys/girls. Question 1 to be asked to team member 1 (the Captain) Question 2 to be asked to team member 2 And so on. There are two points for a correct individual answer

There must be NO assistance to the individual, from the other members of the team. (If the QM has to deal with an over enthusiastic child who blurts out an answer when it is not their turn, then the QM may consider it to be a Team response and ask the Captain what answer they wish to give on behalf of the Team for a maximum of one point instead of two.)

If the individual team member gets the question wrong, or cannot answer, the question becomes a team question, for one point. The QM must insist that the team Captain gives the teams answer, after consulting with their team, if necessary. (Encourage individuals to give an answer, as they do not loose anything if they are wrong.) (If a team has only three members the other members of the team should take it in turns to answer question 4 in each round)

The fifth question, in each set is a team question for a maximum of two points. (The same rule applies that the answer must come from the Team Captain.) There are 20 questions with a maximum of 40 points.

We have put some "spare questions" at the end. Only use these in emergency. (e.g. The QM reads the answer as well as the question [it has happened]). You may wish to have a local "tie break", if you want to have a definite local result. In which case please do not add this to the points you send in.

Please photocopy a separate question paper for each team. Return the papers to the address below within two days of your Quiz. (If you can, keep a copy in case of postal difficulties) We need all the papers to compile a complete London District list, and to assess the suitability of the

questions. Thank you for taking part. We wish you God's blessing for a happy Quiz.

Jane Rankmore 4th Ealing Boys' Brigade

17 Whitton Drive Greenford

Middlesex UB6 0QX Or jane.rankmore@

(please note change of email address)

London District Junior Section Bible Quiz March 2019

Company __________________

Team Capt 1 _______________ 2________________ 3________________ 4________________

Total Marks__________________ (QM)___________________ Print Name_____________

Questions on

Parables in Matthew.

Round 1 Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Weeds Q.1 Where was Jesus when he used the Parable of the Sower to teach the people? A. Ch13 v1 Beside a lake, sitting in a boat.

Q.2. What happened to the seed that fell on rocky ground where there was very little soil? A. Ch13 vs 5&6 The plants burnt up in the sun because they had no roots.

Q.3 When Jesus explained the Parable of the Sower, what did he say the seed represented? A. Ch 13 v 19 The word of God/ The message about the Kingdom.

Q.4 "Some seeds fell among thorns." What did Jesus say the thorns were? A Ch13 v22 The worries of this life and the love of riches (which choke the seed and don't allow it to be fruitful).

Team. Q. In the Parable of the Weeds instructions were given to the Harvest workers as to how they should treat the weeds and wheat. What were these instructions?

A.Ch 13 v30 Collect the weeds, tie them in bundles and burn them. Gather the wheat and put in the barn.

Round 2 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.

Q1. Peter asked Jesus a question that prompted Jesus to tell the story of the Unforgiving Servant. What was the question? A. Ch18 v21 How many times should I forgive my brother?

Q2 How much did the servant owe the king? A. Ch18 v24 (GN) Millions of pounds

(NIV) 10,000 talents Q3. When the servant couldn't pay the money back and begged the King "to be patient with him", what did the King do? A Ch18 v27 The King felt sorry for him, cancelled the debt and let him go.

Q. 4 How did this servant treat his fellow servant who only owed him a small amount? A. Ch18 v30 He refused to be patient and had the man thrown into jail until he could pay the debt.

Team. Q. What did the King say and do when he heard of his servant's actions towards his fellow servant?

A. Ch 18 v32 & 33 "I forgave you the whole amount you owed me because you asked me to. You should have forgiven your fellow servant just as I had mercy on you" In his anger the King sent the man to jail to be punished until he could pay back all he owed.

Round 3 The Tenants in the Vineyard

Q1 Before going on holiday, the Landowner in this story did 4 things. Tell me 2 of them. A. Ch 21 v33 (Any 2 of these) 1)Planted a vineyard 2) Dug a hole for a

winepress, 3)Built a watchtower, 4)Let out the vineyard to tenants.

Q2 Why did the Landowner send slaves back to the vineyard? A. Ch 21 v 34 To collect his share of the harvest.

Q.3 What did the tenants do to the slaves? A. Ch 21 v35 Beat, stoned and killed them.

Q.4 After sending slaves twice, who then did the Landowner send and what did the tenants do to him?

A. Ch 21 v36 &39 His son. The tenants threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

Team. What 2 groups of people were listening to Jesus' parables? How did they react? A. Ch 21 v45 & 46 Chief Priests and Pharisees. They knew he was talking about them, so they tried to arrest him.

Round 4 Parable of the Talents/Three Servants.

Q1 How did the man, going on the journey, divide his wealth? A Ch 25 v 15 He gave his property to his 3 servants for them to look after, and a number of talents of money according to their abilities; 5 to one, 2 to a second and 1 to a third.

Q2 When the master returned, what had the first servant to give him? What had he done with the money? A Ch25 v20 He had invested the money and so he gave his master back his 5 talents and added another 5 which he had earned.

Q3 The second servant also earned more money with his share. How does the master reward these two servants? A. Ch25 v21& 23 The master said that he will trust them with larger amounts and invited them to share in his happiness.

Q.4 What did the third servant do with his share? A.Ch 25 v25 Hid the money in the ground.

Team What does the master say the third servant should have done with his share? What happened to the third servants' money?

A. Ch25 v27 He should have deposited it in a bank to earn interest (used it wisely to bear fruit). The master took the money away and gave it the first servant who had 10 talents.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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