2016-01-06 14.00 Pre-INPLT Training Webinar on Process ...

Pre-In-Plant Training Webinar: Process Heating at Charter Steel – Arvind Thekdi

Sachin Nimbalkar: Welcome to DOE’s Pre-INPLT Training Webinar on Process Heating Systems and DOE’s PHAST Tool Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool. Good afternoon and good morning for some people. Basically thank you for joining today’s webinar and this is – as I mentioned, this is pre-training webinar for our process heating training in Saukville, Wisconsin, between January 19th and 22. We’ll have this training – onsite training. To prepare all parties and participants for the training, we have organized this particular webinar.

I am Sachin Nimbalkar, currently working as R&D staff at Oakridge National Laboratory. Actually ORNL is USDOE’s national lab and I’m actually a technical account manager for DOE’s Better Plants program. This program is around since 2010 and I provide technical support to DOE’s Better Plants program partners. A program called Charter Steel is DOE’s Better Plants partner and there are 160 other companies. I actually provide technical support through energy roadmap _____ designing analysis, in plant trainings, _____ to investigate visible majors to reduce process energy requirements.

And so today’s webinar, we are going to focus on process heating equipment and Arvind is actually – Dr. Arvind is actually going to discuss process heating equipment as well as how a process heating – process heating assessments are done and then how process heating assessment and survey tool helps you to identify energy efficiency or _____. At the same time, we have Mr. David Mowry from Saukville, Wisconsin and then Tari Emerson is also going to join in next few minute. They are providing us technical support. They are working with local team at Saukville, Wisconsin plant and they are providing us data related to process heating equipment.

With that, I will go ahead and turn it over to Dr. Arvind Thekdi. Arvind, if you don’t mind, please start with your introduction and then I will actually change slides for you.

Arvind Thekdi: Okay, thanks Sachin. My name is Arvind Thekdi and I am one of the developers of the – some of the training material that we are going to use. Before I start, I have to give one disclaimer, I guess, in a way. I have some cough and my throat conditions are not exactly 100 percent correct, so I may have to stop for a cup of water or cough or something. My apologies for these kind of disturbances.

Anyway, my background is in process heating. I have worked in this area since 1970. That makes me very old and experienced, I guess. I worked with many furnace companies. I have my own company, which is called Heat 3M and we provide training services as well as tools level up ____ and the actually onsite assessments. I’ve been doing this thing – oh, god knows what – 1999 or something and probably have visited 100 or so plants throughout the world. The steel industry is one of my favorite industry because a company that I used to work for, and I’m sure you know the name, it’s called Surface Combustion. This was where I was in charge of R&D design and so on and so forth. I’ve been to many, many, many steel plants and that helps a lot in identifying and ______, as well as discussing what can be done, economically justifiable. This is a little bit of my background as you can see and MBA, PhD, Master’s, a couple of previous companies, leaving Surface Combustion, so on and so forth. Next slide, Sachin.

We are going to start with this. We have total one and a half hours. I’d like to go for about 45 minutes or so and one thing. I know you are in silence mode. If you have any question, as instruction has said here, type your questions and we can discuss those in the middle of the presentation or preferably at the end of my presentation.

Let’s start with saying what is process heating. It’s basically anything or any kind of process where we supply heat to different types of materials and there are many different names for this kind of equipment. Furnace heat is probably one of the most commonly recognized name in steel industry and there are other ones and heaters and thermal oxidizers and of course boilers and so on and so forth. Most important thing really is that in each of these equipment, we use heat to do something to sort of material. For example, in our furnaces, we melt the metal. You reheat ____. We reheat the metal, so on and so forth. Next slide, Sachin.

As you know, there are many, many different types of equipment which people use in their manufacturing operations in manufacturing plants. They could be classified in many different ways, but the Department of Energy has selected to do it in a way that I have shown here. One is what’s called process heating and steam systems, which includes furnace heat. The other one is boilers, so on and so forth. The second one is the elliptical motor systems, which is everything that you use with electric motors, with the exception of bumping systems and compressed air system, and then the other type of HVAC lighting, so on and so forth. Obviously in a plant, the most visible thing is lighting, but if you look at it, you see it’s going to be less than two percent of your total energy use is gonna be lighting.

The important part is that if you come back to process heating, anywhere between 60 to 80 percent of the total energy or energy bills that a company pays is 60 to 80 percent or so. And it’s a lot more in steel industry than some of the other industries or so because the steel industry or the _____ uses a lot of gas and electric city bot. So 60 to 80 percent could go there and then the saving opportunity that you can see at the bottom, 10 to 30 percent for furnaces, 5 to 10 percent for electric motor, 10 to 20 percent for bumping, 10 to 20 percent for compressed air, and 5 to 10 percent or so. The basic message here is that process heating is extremely expensive and it uses a lot of resources, and this is where most of the opportunities lie. Next slide, please.

There are many different types of process heating systems people use. Most common one, which is certainly in the steel industry, is the two types. One is the fuel fire systems. Certainly in the United States, gas is used for combustion and supplying heat. Second one is electrically heated systems and since you are working for a mini mill, you all know that the electric arc furnace uses lots and lots and globs and globs of electrical energy. The fuels and the electricity are the two major sources for EAF kind of plant. For integrated plants, steam is also one of the important sources of energy and steam is extensively used. But for our purpose, we’ll concentrate on fuel fired furnaces and electrically heated systems. Next, please.

Let’s take a look at the fuel fired heating system. In this case, the heat is generated by using solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel. We, in the United States, are very fortunate that we don’t have to use solid fuels like coal or wool and liquid fuels like fuel oil and so on and so forth because we have plenty of clean, natural gas. And most processes that you have, I guess almost all other than electric arc furnace, uses natural gas. And then once you burn it, it gives off the heat and you transport the heat to the material. The combustion gasses can be directly in contact with the material, which is direct heating as in case of reheat furnaces, or it could be confined in a separate source such as radiant tube, which you have in your annealing furnaces. That’s what they call indirect heating, so there’s the direct heating and indirect heating. Many different types of fuel based systems. We talked about approximately 65 percent of the total energy, process heating energy, used in U.S. is by fuel fire systems. A huge amount of energy is being used as fuel. Next, Sachin.

There are many different types of furnaces. One most common that you see in a plant is the continuous direct fire furnace, which is the reheat furnace. And in this case, you see a bunch of burners above and below the hearth level. They fire it. The gasses come in contact with steel. The good thing is they heat the material. The bad thing is they oxidize the material because the flue gasses have carbon dioxide and water vapor and some oxygen it. That, at high temperature, oxidizes the steel. There are plusses and minuses to that. Next, Sachin.

The other one is the bench type of direct fire furnaces, where you have material going in the furnace. You load the furnace, close the door, and you start your burners, and the burners would come – I mean the flue gasses would come in contact with material being heated. In this case, happens to be a bunch of coils being heated, so on and so forth, but that’s because the material is not going in and out continuously. Next slide, Sachin.

These are some of the indirect heating systems or radiant tube. Most common one is the radiant tube and many of your _____ tubes where you have anywhere between 4 to 80 inch diameter, high temperature alloy tube. We fire the burner in the tube. The hot gasses which hit the radiant tube and then they will radiate the heat. That’s why it’s called radiant tube. Since it’s radiation and is a local source of heat, we need to distribute the heat. In many cases, you will have a fan which circulates the gasses and there are many different ways of installing fans. The most common one that you see is in your batch annealing systems or in your annealing furnaces. The other one is the – where you have a return or an inner core, if you want to call it, where you fire the burner outside the cover or return. Return gets hot and then it transfers its heat to circulating gasses, which in turn heats the material. That’s another type of heating system. Next, Sachin.

As part of the steel industry’s concern and particularly in mini mill or your kind of shops, what are the major process heating equipment? Plastic arc furnace obviously is very large. The next slide is in the melt shop, you have a few ladles. Ladle heating uses gas and then there are Tundish heating also. As far as the melt shop is concerned, it’s the arc furnaces. They have – usually they have oxygen fuel burners. In this case, oxygen gas burners. Then we have Tundish and we have ladle heating. Then the next one, which you see in the bottom left side, air reheat furnace, which uses lots and lots of energy, hundreds of millions of BTUs of energy to heat the material. It could be the slab or it could be billet or it could be blooms, whatever it is there.

Next to that is an annealing furnace. This is commonly used as the step annealing or batch annealing furnaces there. And then next to that, you see a commonly used heating furnace for annealing the material or tempering or hardening or so on and so forth. This could be mostly radiant tube fired furnace. Above that is a continuous annealing furnace. The top right side is the continual annealing furnaces, where again, people use combination of radiant tubes and direct fire, but these are the commonly used things. Next slide. Go ahead, Sachin.

This shows a schematic which all of you know very well. I don’t have to explain it to you. The electric hearth furnace. We have refining. We have continuous casting. This casting introduces slabs. Then it goes to slabs or blooms or things, and then from reheat furnace, we go to many different types of finishing operations. In your case, I guess it’s wires. You go to the bottom one. You go through rolling anneal and you produce bars and rods and so on and so forth, but there are many different types of shapes and sizes, and in many cases, there are some downstream operations, such as annealing. There may be hardening. There may be carbonizing. There may be tampering. Many different types of finishing operations are going on where the cast or the fuel is being used. Next slide, Sachin.

We said that there are many different types of furnaces and that’s a problem. Why is it a problem? It’s a problem because people tend – what are furnace they have, it’s unique to them. It’s just like having our kids. They’re all unique to us. They may be very similar to the neighbor’s kids, but they are very special. Everybody thought they had furnaces that are unique to them, ovens that are unique to them. About 15, 16 – exactly 16 years ago, DOE convened a meeting of all kind of people associated with furnaces: the furnace suppliers, the consulting companies, the steel companies, so on and so forth. And said look, guys, we gotta come up with some common description of a heating system. And that’s what they came up with, which is pretty good actually. Starting with the left side, two things are happening.

Two things are going in the furnace. One is the energy. In this case, very likely gas. And the other one is the material that we are trying to heat. Think about a reheat furnace and say you got a bunch of burners. We’re putting fuels in the burners and then we have either locking beam or a pusher or whatever it is. It’s throwing the flags in the furnace. Close the door. Then what happens to that fuel is it makes heat. The burners themselves don’t do much. The gas itself doesn’t do any heating. It has to be burned in the form of a flame. You kind of get a flame and the hot gasses, and the hot gasses then will transfer the heat to the material that’s being heated. In this particular case, slabs.

The burners could be top fire, bottom fire. They could be high velocity. They could be flat fire burners. They could be whatever, different types, but in each case, you got a whole bunch of hot gasses at 3,000 degree or 4,000 degree Fahrenheit and those gasses then would heat the material so that it comes out at the other end at 2,200 degree or 2,250 or whatever temperature you want. The job is done and yet you have to deal with something else, which is now you have the exhaust gasses coming out. In some cases, we will have to recover the heat as in reheat furnaces, we have recuperators there. And then in some cases, we’ll have to put some sort of emissions control system because there are restrictions on what you throw out in the air.

And a prime example is what’s going on in the arc furnaces, where we have a whole bunch of bad houses or air ____ steady precipitators that get a readout of dust 10 and so on and so forth. This is good, but all this needs to have a controlled temperature and closer, and this what we call a brick box or a furnace. And so that’s what we call the heat containment. Now in addition to that, there may be a few little things going on in here. Sometimes you have to use the processor atmosphere. It could be hydrogen. It could be RX gas. It could be TX gas, whatever it is, to make sure that the work is protected and then that atmosphere has to go out. In addition to that, we’ll have sensors.

We have different types of materials, design tools, so on and so forth. That could be other things like water cooling as in case of walking beam furnaces, other type of cooling, so on and so forth. This gives general description and the reason why this is helpful is that now we can take each of these elements of a furnace and look at it and see what can we do to reduce the energy use. For example, in heat containment, how can we reduce the water losses, opening losses, and heat recovery? How can we get more heat recovery, so on and so forth? Next slide, please.

This is another way to look at the same diagram in a more realistic way. We divide this again into ten different components. Number one is the material that goes in. You could do something to the material to reduce the energy use. There could be material handling systems. The third one is the burners themselves. We could do something to the burners. The fourth one is the gasses. You could do something to them to reduce the energy, then furnace walls. The sixth one is the openings and doors and stuff like that. Seventh is going to be the water cooling, particularly in working with furnaces _______. And then control system. People use level one control, level two control, level three control, so on and so forth, and then you have blowers and exhaust, air blowers or combustion air blowers, and then there are a whole bunch of other heat losses. Again, what we are going to do here in discussion as well as in practice, we’re gonna look at each of these elements and see where we can save energy. Yeah, okay, Sachin, yeah.

What do we do? First, we do energy distribution. We’re gonna find out where we are, how much energy is used, and where it is going. And this is where most of the time that we will spend in the plant is gonna be to find out where energy is used and how much energy is used, and we’re trying to cover all these ten elements. In most cases, we end up covering maybe four or five or six because some of them are difficult. Some of them are not existing, so on and so forth. The very first thing we do is look at the energy distribution and see where the energy is going.

Then we’ll look at the areas where energy losses are taking place and then next thing we do is estimate the energy loss. We make some measurements. We have a bunch of instruments that we will see. If we collect the data and we analyze by using some of the tools that Sachin will discuss, then we can find out how much energy is being lost at – in each of these ten or five or six components there. Then we look at it and say, oh, my god, this is how much energy is going where. Now what can we do? What is practical to reduce this energy loss or recover part of the energy?

And if we select six things that we think we can do, then we gotta find out how much energy can we save. In some cases, we can save 1 percent and in some cases, we can save 25 percent. Obviously we are going to go after the one which gives the most bang for our bucks. We fill out those. We find out those and then we look at those and have discussions. Say are these practical things? Will they have any other problems if we do something? Is it gonna screw up something else? Will this be cost effective, so on and so forth?

And then based on that, we select what we can do and what we should do because ultimately the people who control the money, the people who control the final decisions, are gonna look at the cost effectiveness and say is it worth doing. Not only from cost point of view, but from safety point of view, from government regulations point of view, so on and so forth. This is the methodology. These are the steps that we use in this plant assessment that we are gonna go through.

Then, as I said, we need to get the data collection. We have to collect the data and then we have to knock down that data. There are some data collection forms and it says yes/no, yes/no, but that’s okay. This is what we do. Sachin will show you the data collection forms also and see what kind of data is required. Next slide, Sachin.

Now I’m gonna show you. Sorry. These are the data collection forms. I guess I’m gonna show you the picture. He’s gonna show you the actual items, but you probably can see or cannot see those things. The next thing here is we need to make some measurements. We have to collect some data and we just can't point your finger and say okay, it looks like two inches or so. Can’t do that, so you’ve gotta have some correct measurement for a bunch of instruments. And this shows the pressure and flow. Some of them, you already know.

You start with the manometer, which on the left side. You’ve gotta be at least 40 years old or 50 years old to know how to use the manometer because today’s generation will use digital manometer, which is diametrically opposite, but remember even those instruments need to be calibrated. And the only way you’re gonna be able to calibrate that is use the old fashioned manometer. We bring manometers as well as we bring the digital instruments for measuring the pressures and flows, particularly pressures built up also. The one on the top left side middle is incline tube manometer. That is used for draft measurements.

If you look at the furnace pressures, they’re not gonna be in terms of 2 inches water column or two PSI, but they’re gonna be in terms of .5 each water column or .2 each water column. And you need these incline tubes, top and bottom. You will either have two different types of things. The digital instruments have a label, but again, you need to have proper calibration means to do that and inclined tube manometers are used for low pressures also. The one in the middle top is the orifice meter. I’m sure each one of you know that. The other one on the side is the flow meter, which people use for measuring the gas flows and this is particularly used for measuring the atmosphere, such as DX gas _____. Also these are glass tube of flow meters.

At the bottom is the pitot tube, which is used for measuring the static pressure differential, which gives us some idea about the velocity of the gasses and we can measure the velocity of the gasses by measuring the delta p inside of the pipe, so on and so forth. These are the pressure and flow type of instruments. Next one, Sachin.

Another one which is really important is temperature and flue gasses. The left side on the top is a flue gas monitoring instrument, which allows us to measure two important parameters. One is temperature of the flue gasses and the other one is the oxygen. In addition to that, there are other things that this meter will measure, which is called combustible CO or in some cases, nitrogen oxides and other combustible gasses. There are many different types of instruments. The one we bring in for assessment is gonna be the oxygen measurement and temperature measurement.

Next to that on the top is a whole bunch of thermocouples, which you have seen many, many, many times. Next to that is a multimeter, which is used for measuring multivolts or high voltages, and multimeters are important if you are using the thermocouples. Starting from the left side bottom is a infrared instrument which allows us to sight the thing – the light beam, laser beam, or infrared beam and measure the actual spot temperature. Next to that is another temperature measurement device, which we connect to thermocouples, and next to there is a really important and interesting device is the actual photograph or the thermograph to take a look at the surface and find out the hot spot and cold spot.

For use in here, we will – we could not afford to have these kind of instruments because they were very expensive, $20,000, $30,000. Now they are coming to a reasonable level, somewhere between $5,000 to $10,000, but they are extremely important for measuring temperature profile and leaks, so on and so forth. Next slide, Sachin.

Sachin Nimbalkar Arvind, I think maybe let me present the next three or four slides. That way you’ll get some break and then you come back again. Is that okay?

Arvind Thekdi: Okay.

Sachin Nimbalkar Yes, all right, okay. These are basically different equipment, diagnostic equipment for temperature and fuel gas measurement. And we are going to ship this equipment to Saukville plant very – at least three or four days in advance. In plant training, you will actually get to use this equipment in actual – in the plant and you will actually collect data and you will use this equipment in person. On next slide, now data analysis. For data analysis, we are going to make things easy for you. What we’re going to do is we are going to use process heating assessment and survey tool. We call it PHAST tool and so this tool actually helps you to estimate annual energy used as well as annual energy cost for different process heating equipment.

During in plant training, we are going to create a PHAST file or roughly four or five process heating equipment, and so based on data, we are going to enter in PHAST tool. It will actually show us estimated annual energy cost, annual energy use for different furnaces in this plant. Then this tool will also help us to perform detailed heat balance analysis, so different types of losses, how actually – whatever energy we are consuming there, whatever fuels we are burning. That’s your total natural gas we are burning. How that energy is actually used, so that second item, heat energy for heating steel or whatever material we are heating or melting, and then different types of looses, like opening losses, what/if losses, exhaust gas losses. This tool, PHAST tool, will help us to perform that detailed heat balance analysis also.

Now after that heat balance analysis, we will perform what/if analysis for possible energy reduction and efficiency improvements. In this PHAST tool, we’ll have current conditions as well as modified conditions, and so a comparison between current conditions and modified conditions will give us what/if analysis. And then also we’ll – this tool, in our analysis, will help us in obtaining information on energy saving matters and define additional resources. This is just a screen, PHAST 3.0, process heating assessment survey tool. If you look at this tool, and we are going to give you demo on PHAST tool at the end of this webinar, but if you look at it, you have different calculators for easy and fast calculation.

Then you have plant or group information. This is where you create equipment entries. Let’s say there are four or five process heating equipment in your plant. You enter a high level data for those equipment in this particular tab right here and then each individual process heating equipment, you will be able to do heat balance analysis using this third tab on right hand side, top right hand side. And then you will be able to create different types of reports using report button, and then import and export functionality. Those functionalities right now, if you are using Microsoft Access, after 2010, you won't be able to use this tool function, but eventually, maybe next – this year or next year, we are planning to completely update this tool. We will have a newer version of PHAST tool. We will fix those issues, but mostly for our in plant training analysis, we will use these four different buttons and those are important for functionalities.

And now access and requirements. PHAST 3.0 tool is actually no longer available on DOE website because we are trying to replace. We are basically replacing it with process heating model or tool. Process heating model or tool is available on the DOE website, but it’s going through basically ____ and beta testing. There are a couple of issues with that tool and we are going to fix those tools in next couple of months, next – maybe two or three months. Basically we have plans to – in short, we have planned to update this PHAST tool and make it more modern and even much easy to use. But PHAST 3.0 is still through an analysis point of view and in plant training point of view, you will not pass any issues.

And I think we shared this particular link to you and if you download this tool, you will get a zip folder. And if you unzip that folder, you will be able to install PHAST 3.0 on your computer. Okay, so – and definitely will discuss more on PHAST tool later, but I think most important part of today’s webinar, we need to understand how this heat balance analysis is done. If you look at PHAST tool, the heart of PHAST tool, you have this kind of Sankey diagram. And if you look at this is your furnace heat input or whatever natural gas or electricity, total electricity you are consuming, or maybe in some cases, you are using coal or ____ fuel oil. That’s your total furnace heat input and then if you subtract basically exhaust heat, heat lost in the form of fuel gasses, exhaust gas loss, if you subtract that from your gross fuel input, you’ll get available heat.

Now that available heat is available for you to do useful work and this – right here, this is basically theoretical heat energy needed to either heat or melt whatever material you are dealing with. That’s heat needed, theoretical amount of heat energy needed to do useful work, but what happens is – if you’re using 400, 500 MMBtu per pound, in reality, you are consuming almost 2,000, 2,500 MMBtu per pound. I’m giving you example of aluminum, for example, aluminum melting. You just need 400 MMBtu per pound to melt one pound of aluminum, but in reality, you end up consuming 2,000, 2,500 MMBtu, depending upon type of and age of melting furnace. If you subtract roughly 1,500 MMBtu’s, it is actually lost.

And what kind of losses are there? You have opening losses. If you have fixed opening or valuable openings to your furnace, you’re losing heat energy due to radiation convection through those openings and that’s basically opening loss. Then you also have cooling water loss ______ losses. That’s also a kind of heat loss you need to deal with. Then if your operation is batch kind of operation, you will basically start furnace. You run furnace. You stop it for a few hours, maybe 8, 9, 10 hours or something like that. And depending upon size of furnace, then you will be dealing – you are basically dealing with heat storage losses because when you start that furnace, you are also heating a wall or mass of all that furnace. You are losing heat energy there, too.

For continuous furnaces, this storage loss is not that relevant. Then you also have wall losses and then you also have fuel gas losses. Basically PHAST tool helps us to identify different losses and it also helps us quantify how much you’ve lost – different type of loss. Basically it helps you create this kind of Sankey diagram. Here is typical heat balance for a walking beam furnace and this is walking beam steel reheating furnace. And you can see – good thing is – this, along with second diagram, PHAST tool also provides you this kind of pie chart. So 61.2 percent of total heat energy is actually going here to basically reheat your steel material, but then you are losing almost six percent in the form of water cooling losses as this is walking beam furnace, so you are actually using water cooling.

And then there are wall losses up to 3 percent, and then you have flue gas losses, almost 30 percent. And then energy used, so theoretical energy used is .68 MMBtu per ton. This much is needed, 0.68 MMBtu per ton, but in reality, you end up consuming 1.67 MMBtu per ton. Because of the losses, you basically are consuming more heat energy. Again, now heat supply demand and losses and in this diagram, what we are showing, this is again Sankey diagram. Along with Sankey diagram, what PHAST tool is doing is it’s also giving you before and after energy savings analysis. You can see in – right next to these arrows, there are two numbers.

For example, flue gas losses in this case. This is a reheat furnace in steel plant and flue gas losses. If you look at the current operation, the flue gas losses are almost 10 MMBtu per hour. Basically 1.8 MMBtu per hour is needed to reheat the steel material. That’s useful heat, but then when you are doing that, you’re almost losing 100 MMBtu per hour. That’s current operation. Now modified is basically what/if analysis. What if we installed recuperator or we basically recover or recycle waste heat from these flue gasses and use it for some useful purpose? In that case, what’s happening is now you are going from 10 MMBtu per hour to 3.6 MMBtu. Basically our point is, along with the Sankey diagram, different types of losses, this tool is also giving you current and modified operations. I think this is where, I think Arvind, you should come back because your experience is important. Arvind, this is slide number 26, process heating system revisited.

Arvind Thekdi: Yeah, I’m here Sachin. Yeah, no problem. So we go back and look at this diagram and we will use that as a guide for discussing the energy saving potential or the kind of things that one can do in saving energy. Next slide, Sachin.

We start with number one, which is called lower charge preheating. Obviously there are many different things one can do and some of them can be applied in your case or in anyone else’s case, and not all of them can be applied. This is a menu and things that we can think about for your own situation. We’ll start with the big ones, whether it’s electric arc furnace or it is a reheat furnace. Number one is the hot charging of the load. If we can hot charge the material or we could preheat the material, for example, scrap reheating in case of arc furnaces or hot charging directly from the gas to the furnace itself, or even feeding it by external source heat, one of the most commonly used and recommended methods. The final load temperature.

You may be bringing the slabs or billets out at 2,250. The billet temperature measurement is extremely difficult because of the presence of slabs and stuff like that. Why 2,250? Why not 2,200? The proof in the pudding is gonna come in the rolling billet. If you break the roll, you’re in trouble and – because you reduce the temperature too low or the vents are going very high. Some people have actual controls of the final temperature by using the feedback from the rolling area also. Moisture content, several of you don’t have any moisture going into the reheat furnaces. There may be some going into arc furnaces and what I mean by moisture, it doesn’t necessarily mean water. It could be hydrocarbon vapors or oils or those kind of things also. Reduce the load reaction, so that’s reducing the oxidation.

It helps us in two ways. Obviously it reduced the material losses, but at the same time, it improves the heating process also. Reducing the load reactions by using methods such as skills reheating would be another example. And what is partial loadings? This is one of the most important things. A furnace is designed, like in your case, 110 tons an hour and you run it only at 60 tons an hour. You probably have a penalty for that and actually the PHAST program can help you to see what kind of penalty you pay if you run the furnace at partial loading or so. Then the next one – area is the material handling. This is more or less used for heat treating kind of operations where you reduce the ____ rate and ____ rate.

For example, in case of batch annealing furnaces, how do you reduce the inner cover weight, all those kind of things? Return to ___ strictures and conveyors. Very few of these are applicable to your plants directly at this point. The next one is the combustion system itself. A whole bunch of things people can take a look at it. Number one is the air fuel ratio control. Making sure that the buttons are operating properly, they have proper air and proper fuel going in there, and the ultimate goal – ultimate test is gonna be the oxygen in – coming out of the stack itself. Often times what happens is that people will call the burner suppliers or somebody and say hey, check my burners control ratio _______. The problem is that once you put it in, it doesn’t matter. What goes out is what matters.

Then we gotta take a look at what's going on and adjust the issues accordingly. Change from constant air to ratio buttoners. Number three, which is really important, is use of preheated combustion air. Most people try to do that as much as possible, not – but not enough. With the gas prices down, people kind of take a look at it and say why do I spend money on recuperator. More than one reasons and we’ll discuss those in the classroom itself. Outdoor, being in Saukville, Wisconsin, unfortunately probably the data when we are there, the temperature is gonna be 10 degrees Fahrenheit, high temperature. We close the building and we have a lot of makeup air going through there, and then we shut the air from the plant itself as a combustion air. No good. It creates problems.

We look – take a look at those kind of things. In some cases, using turbine exhaust gasses for combustion air. This is something we are taking a look at it very, very rigorously and see what can we do. Use of alternate fuels, not an option for you. Direct gas firing to replace the supplemental electric heating, not an option for you. Oh, yes, you do, particularly in the arc furnaces that you can get by using oxy fuel burners or carbon injections or oxygen injections, those kind of things. Electricity is very expensive compared to the gas prices today. That’s another area we are still going to take a look at it. Oxygen enrichment or using oxygen or special oxygen, higher than 21 percent, is another area we can take a look at it. Next slide, Sachin.

Flue gas and exhaust gasses, there are a whole bunch of things that can be done and we don’t have enough time. I’m already at 1:50 p.m. I’m just gonna say reducing the excess air, combustion air preheating, load preheating, makeup air heating, these are whole bunch of things that we will discuss and the number 10, use of waste heat for absorption cooling or steam is another area. Electric power generation is another area. There are a whole bunch of things and out of these 12, maybe 3 or 4 are practically applicable to steel plants like yours. Next one is the – previous slide, Sachin, for a second. Okay, again, reduce the wall losses, reduce the wind velocity, shut down the furnace. These are some of the things, but the only thing that can be done is while you are rebuilding the furnace, use the lighter and better insulation. Next, Sachin, next.

Opening losses. This is one of the major areas where people had no idea how much heat they are losing by direct radiation, but it’s amazing how much heat goes out on radiation. And we’ll talk about that in the – by the way, for each of these areas, the PHAST tool can help you estimate how much energy you can save by taking actions on any one of these items or most of the items. Let’s put it that way. That’s another advantage of using PHAST that you know whether it’s worthwhile doing something or not, and that’s why there are control systems, auxiliary systems, and other methods of reducing energy losses. These are some of the things that we will discuss in detail and also analyze this to see whether you can use any one of these and if you use, how much energy can actually be saved. Next slide, Sachin.

This gives you a ballpark number. Don’t even spend time on that because we will actually look at your own furnaces and see what you can save in each one of these areas. In your case, this is what we figured out at this point is that you have ____ furnaces where energy is used, refining is used, ladle and thunder sheeting. Not much energy used in continuous casting. Actually it’s a negative energy use with you take away a lot of heat. Reheating obviously is one big one. Not much energy used in cold rolling. Lots of energy used in annealing and heat treating, and some of them may be in the finishing operation. We will mark up each one of these and then between David and Tari, they – we have made some ______ on the ____ treatment we are going to use for making measurements. Next slide, Sachin.

This is the plant. I don’t have to tell you that, but what we are looking at is melt shop, rolling shop, rolling mill, and the processing area. These are the three areas we’re going to look at. Next one. Sachin, yeah.

_____, as far as I can tell, and I was there, I believe, in 2003 or something, 118 million BTUs per hour, about 180 tons per hour capacity. I think that’s changed since then. We’ll find out and the fuel is natural gas, by far the largest energy user. Next slide.

This one is the finishing area plant layout. David has helped us marking up this, but we’ll take a look at it when we get there and see what furnaces are and where they are located, but it seems there’s a whole bunch of distance between number 42 and number 5. It’s gonna be a long walk, I guess, yeah. We have to be careful in seeing when and where we schedule this data collection things. Next slide, Sachin.

Continuous annealing furnaces look like they’re a whole bunch of ____ and they’re – and we will take a look at these also and see what’s going on in these furnaces. Because there are so many radiant tubes, the data collection, it’d be interesting to see how we can collect the data, how fast, and what _____ radiant tubes and other data we can get. On day one, we are actually going to go out in the plant and take a look at each one of these furnaces to see where and how we can collect the data, whether it’s practical to collect the data. If it’s not practical, what is the back door side to get some of the numbers, those kind of things? So we will take a look at this when we actually are present. You can see here, 17.6 million BTU per hour versus 118 million BTU. It’s a huge difference in energy used and efficiency also. Next, Sachin.

Okay, this one looked like a batch furnace, annealing furnace again. I assume it’s radiant heat fired and we’ll take a look at this furnace also, number five. Next, Sachin. Then again, number two furnace. It’s a ___ like 10 million BTU per hour. Last and yet relatively small. Next, Sachin. Forty one is another furnace. We’ll take a look at that. Looks like it is a fiber insulation with radiant tubes, I can see. We can take a look at these furnaces. One direct fired furnace, three or four indirect fired furnaces. I have promised you a lot in terms of what we will do and what we can do. Now Sachin is gonna give you actual demonstration of PHAST 3.0. Sachin, you’ve got 32 minutes.

Sachin Nimbalkar All right, perfect. I thought we’ll do, we’ll use maybe 15 minutes and then maybe 15 to 20 minutes, and then we’ll go for a question and answers. I’m sure participants, they have probably at least few questions. Okay, so once you install PHAST 3.0 on your computer, you will see this kind of shortcut on your desktop, so PHAST 3.0. Once you double click on that, you will see that previous screen. I think I already showed you that screen.

Okay, so you get basically two options. When you start PHAST, you get option one is select heating system. So select heating system, either you will be dealing with electro technology or you are most likely dealing with fuel fired system. So electro technology is basically electric arc furnace, ____, induction building furnaces. Whatever electro technologies are there, those are covered under electro technology section of PHAST tool. And then fuel fired furnaces, like reheat furnace, whenever you are using natural gas or fuel oil or coal, basically go with fuel fired furnace. You click okay.

Then again, that second question, select units for your analysis – data analysis. Basically two options. U.S. units, imperial unit or you basically go with international units. In this case, let’s go ahead with U.S. Once you answer those two questions, now you see this main screen, PHAST 3.0 main screen. You have calculators. You have plant or equipment information. Then you have furnace analysis, heat balance button right here, and then you have different reports, import plant information, and export plant information.

At the same time, along with these buttons, top left corner, you have other options. Under information, you have unit converter. If you click on that, it shows you unit converter, so area, density, energy. Different types of units you will be able to convert from BTU to joules or kilowatt hours to BTUs, those kind of things. Then you also have fuel to emissions factors. For different fuels, whatever emission factors are there. Basically pounds of CO2 per MMBtu, that information is also there. Then you have user menu. User menu is basically step by step a guidebook how to use PHAST tool.

And then as Arvind mentioned during his presentation, you also have data collection forms available inside this tool. We are planning to share with you Excel version of data collection form, but inside this tool, you have PDF version of data collection forms. What you can do is before you go out in the plant to collect data specific to different furnaces, what you can do is you can print data collection form and take it with you. Because whatever data you are going to collect using this data collection form, same data is actually used inside PHAST tool to do heat balance analysis. We’re trying to make things easy for you.

With that, now if you look at calculators, you can click on calculator. There are four different calculators available inside PHAST tool. Number one is energy equivalency calculator. If you are switching from fuel fired process heating equipment to electricity driven process heating equipment, you want to see what kind of differences there are basically energy wise or what kind of savings possible. You can use this calculator to do that analysis or at the same time, if you are switching from electricity – from electro technology to pure fired system, in that case also, you can use this calculator. It’s basically easy to use calculator without spending a lot of time.

Next one is efficiency improvement calculator. Efficiency improvement calculator is basically if you – let’s say reheat furnace. If you know at present, it’s six percent oxygen in exhaust gasses. Fuel gas temperature is less than 600 degrees Fahrenheit and then excess – so this calculator actually helps you quantify how much fuel savings is possible if you go from six percent oxygen level in exhaust gas to two percent oxygen or if you go from fuel gas temperature 600 degrees Fahrenheit to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Very easy to use, handy calculator. Same thing with oxygen enrichment calculator. If you want to enrich combustion air with oxygen, rather than just 21 percent oxygen, if you want to go about maybe 100 percent oxygen or 80 percent oxygen, you can actually use this calculator and see what kind of fuel savings is possible.

And then last one is flow calculations energy use. If you are using or if it’s featured in your plant, and you basically – you know some – you have data regarding orifice meter. You are collecting pressure before, after orifice meter and you know what kind of gas you are dealing with. Then you can use this calculator to figure out energy flow and flow basically in standard cubic feet per hour for whatever gas you are dealing with there. These are easy to use full calculators and then now after this particular button, if you go for ____ information, you will see we are asking a little bit high level information to start actual analysis – data analysis.

Before you go to furnace or heat balance analysis, make sure you first go here under plant or equipment information tab and then you enter all different process heating equipment and data associate with those equipment in this particular tab. And then go to furnace analysis, heat balance tab. Because without that, if you directly go for heat balance, you will not see your equipment under this tab. You first need to create those process heating equipment in this second tab, plant or equipment information tab, and I’m going to show you where exactly and how exactly you are going to create equipment files inside PHAST tool.

Once you click that plant information or equipment information tab, you will see there are three basic tabs, kind of sub tabs. One is general information. Second is energy source related information, and then third one is partner information. General information is company name, plant name, plant description. Then basically what currency you would like to use. You can use different currencies. We used actually this tool in different countries, so China, Brazil, and there – even India. We were able to use this particular part to quantify energy cost savings in local currency. In this case, we will just go ahead and use U.S. dollar, and then plant address and then contact information. Then click next.

You will go to energy source tab and energy source tab, whatever energy sources you are using in this plant, we make sure we enter heating value related data and then cost, unit cost of those different sources. By default, you will see you have electricity, natural gas, steam, but let’s say you’re fuel is missing in this list. What you need to do is create new energy source. You click on new energy source and then you enter is this energy source is a fuel or electricity or steam. You select that and then you enter name for your energy source. Then heating value, whatever unit you want to use, BTU per cubic feet, BTU per gallon, BTU per pound, and then you enter cost, unit cost data, a unit for unit cost. U.S. dollars for MMBtu or U.S. dollar per pound and then you basically save and then with that, then you will see in this dropdown menu, you – whatever new source, new energy source you created. You will see that in this dropdown menu.

Let’s say we entered a coke. Now you select coke in – under energy source and then you enter heating value in BTU per pound, and then unit cost, cost per unit, like dollars per pound. And then if you click save, it will basically save. Let’s say basically $8 per – let’s say $80 per pound. And if you just save, you will create a new energy source in this list. Heating value is there and dollars per ton value is also there. That’s how you enter new energy sources. One, you created – you added general information regarding your plant. Second, you added information regarding different energy sources.

Now next one is, and this is most important one, furnace information. Now let’s say I’m going to – I’m just going to show you one example. This is actually steel plant, test steel plant somewhere in Ohio, and for this plant, we already have different types of energy sources there. And now in third tab, right here, we have furnace information. For this plant, we already added different equipment. We have electric arc furnace. Then we have ladle heater one, ladle heater number two, reheat furnace, steam boiler, _____ two, water heater. Now this is just example.

Now in Saukville, Wisconsin plant, when you will start creating plant file for that specific plant, you will not have anything here under furnace information, blank, nothing. What you will be required to do is click on new furnace and then enter information regarding new furnace in different tabs. Again, let me go back here. Once you click on new furnace, this new window will pop out and now here you need to enter furnace name, furnace description, now operating hour’s information, then heat zones. Let me actually close this and let’s open existing furnace so that we’ll be able to see all different tabs. Operating hours, so you enter operating hours for this particular reheat furnace. This is walking beam reheat furnace.

Now next one is heat zones. In this walking beam reheat furnace, there are five different zones: heat zone bottom, heat zone top, preheat zone, top zone, bottom, soak zone top. We are basically – we are adding high level information regarding reheat furnace in this particular tab. So operating hours, then data regarding heat zones, and what kind of data we need to enter in heat zones for different heat zones. For example, heating zone bottom. What we need to enter is what kind of fuel is used in that zone. Then how many burners in that zone. Maybe in this case, there are six burners in that zone and then what’s my total burner rating product zone. If you add burner ratings for those six burners, MMBtu per hour, what’s total MMBtu per hour for that specific zone and that’s 40 MMBtu per hour. Now next two fields are percent of rated capacity used and then percent loading factor.

Now if you do not understand what these terms – definitions. If you want to understand, if you want to know definition for these terms, here is actually question mark. If you click on this help, it will actually list – it will – all different terms we’re using in that specific calculator or whatever screen you are right now on, and then these definitions. So term and then description. For example, percent of rated capacity used. What that means is given a number that represent percentage of the rated heat input used in the zone. This is percentage of the rated value given in zone burner rating for all burners above. And then percent loading factor is this is percent of operating hours or time the burners are fired or used. Basically if you have any questions regarding any of these fields, these actually help a little bit. That’s it.

In this zone, we have six burners, total burner rating – zone burner rating for all burners is 40 MMBtu per hour, 60 percent of rated capacity used, and then 50 percent of time those burners are actually running. And electric heating, steam heating is not needed. We don’t need to worry about these two fields. That’s it. Same thing with other zones also. We enter data for heating zone top, preheat zone, soak zone bottom, soak zone top. And once that is done, then we enter data regarding auxiliary equipment.

In this case, there are a total of four bumps associated with this walking beam reheat furnace and then four pans or blowers are associate with this walking beam reheat furnace, and then there are five other motors. And what we need to know is basically total connected power, horsepower for those motors, and then duty cycle and rated capacity. And then so tool quantifies total energy used by those auxiliary equipment.

And then last tab is notes. Whatever notes you would like to enter regarding this particular equipment, you enter all those notes here. In this case, I’m saying this is for a walking beam furnace. Data collected from the supplier proposal and operator input. Done. That is actually a reheat furnace.

What we did here, we actually – let me quickly go back again. What we did here, we went in plant or equipment information. We collected general information, quality spread of the plant. We collected energy source information for this particular plant and then we basically added all this different processing equipment, and then we also entered data specific to, for example, reheat furnace or ladle heater one, ladle heater number two. We entered operating hour’s information, then heating zone related information, and the auxiliary equipment information, and then we also added notes. Once that part is done, we are done with this particular tab. Plant or equipment information tab is complete. Now we are good to go to the next tab.

Let’s click on furnace analysis heat balance tab. Once you click that tab, you will see this screen and tool will ask you what specific plant, and then you will see your plant. For example, on first day of our training, we will create a plant file for Saukville, Wisconsin plant and you will – we will see that plant in this dropdown menu. Now let’s select, in this case, test steel plant and then once you select that, you will see process heating equipment associated with that steel plant. See all these equipment’s available because we already created high level information for all this equipment in plant information tab.

Now let’s select the heat furnace because we want to start – we want to do heat balance analysis on our reheat furnace. Now once you click that, once you select reheat furnace, you will see a total nine different tabs. Arvind actually went over all these different types of losses. For each loss, now we have separate calculator. First one is theoretical amount of heat energy needed to heat or melt your charge material. This is load or charge material. In here, you are seeing heat required, BTU per hour needed. This is basically theoretical heat energy needed to heat or melt your charge material and the next one is picture or create losses. Then you have more steel losses. Then opening losses, wall losses, water opening losses, then you have heat storage losses, particularly for batch kind of furnaces, and then you have flue gas losses.

This is very important. Most cases you will be dealing with flue gas losses. And then you have other losses. Other losses basically exposed hard fires, extended hard surfaces, and then whatever loss we haven’t accounted using these different types of losses, you can just enter some data here, BTU per hour. That’s it. Basically the idea here is you use data collection form to collect whatever data needed to do these calculations and you come back, and then you start entering this data one by one. You have current operation. You have modified operation. You enter data and then you basically quantify different types of losses.

Very quickly, let’s look at, for example, what kind of data is needed to quantify theoretical heat energy needed to, for example, heat steel or melt aluminum or reheat steel material. If you look at what we are asking here, it’s select type of material. Is it solid material? Is it liquid material or gaseous material? Let’s say we want to do calculations for steel material. That is actually solid. From dropdown menu, we are going to select – let’s say it’s carbon steel. Carbon steel and then we are asking you charge period, pounds per hour. In most cases, I think if you look at whatever furnace we’ll be dealing with at Saukville plant, we will get this information.

Maybe annual production data or maybe monthly production data or maybe we’ll also – if we are lucky, we may get pounds per hour data also. We just enter that. In this case, it’s 6,000 pound per hour of carbon steel. Water contained as charge. If there’s moisture or ice or whatever water contained, in this case, let’s say it’s zero percent. Water contained as discharge. Now again, if you do not understand any of these terms, you can always click on this question mark and you will see explanation for all these different things. Water contained as charge, water contained as discharge, initial temperature.

Now initial temperature is initial temperature of carbon steel. Let’s say initial temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is coil charging. This is reheat furnace. Let’s say it’s going in at 70 degree Fahrenheit. Water discharge temperature, let’s not worry about it. Discharge temperature, now discharge temperature is discharge temperature for this carbon steel. Let’s say it is actually – are discharging it at 1,000 degree Fahrenheit. No, I don’t like that temperature there, but let’s just 1,000 degree Fahrenheit and charge melted. In this case, we are not melting anything. We are just reheating carbon steel from 70 degree Fahrenheit to 1,000 degree Fahrenheit. Then charge reacted, this is basically oxidation.

Arvind actually mentioned, during his presentation, that in this furnace, we may need to deal with oxidation, particularly top layers, you lose some material due to oxidation. You can actually enter – if you have data regarding that, how much charge you’re actually reacting and so what – how much basically oxidation taking place. Is it .5 percent, .8 percent, or 1 percent? And then if you entered this information, then you need to also enter heat of reaction. That means BTU per pound because oxidation is exothermic reaction. In that case, you are going to generate some heat energy, so BTU per pound when one percent of steel is left unreacted.

Again, you enter all that data here and then additional hit required, and that’s it. Now in this case, what I did, I only used 6,000 pounds per hour and then our initial temperature is 70. Our discharge temperature is 1,000 and this tool is giving me how much heat energy, theoretically how much heat energy is needed to reheat carbon steel from 70 to 1,000 degree Fahrenheit, and it is actually 837,000 BTU per hour. That’s it and now this is current conditions. And once we enter data for all different types of losses in this current condition, current operation pump, then we can actually switch to modified part.

To do that, there’s actually a button called enter or edit/modify data. Now you can actually modify basically what/if analysis. In this case, let’s say 6,000 pounds per hour. Then let’s say rather than coil charging, let’s say – let’s actually – these billets, let’s say going in at 200 degree Fahrenheit. You basically say 200 degrees Fahrenheit here and then shows temperature. Let’s keep it 1,000. What happened here, by just going from 70 degree Fahrenheit to 200 degree Fahrenheit, you are actually reducing energy consumption from 837,000 BTU per hour to 720,000 BTU per hour. That’s basically the kind of analysis will be doing in this plant during our in plant training.

So current conditions, modified operation, what/if analysis, and then difference between these two numbers and energy savings. Now if you look at – if you click on plant summary button, you will see that similar kind of Sankey diagram is generated. This is basically useful output, so the theoretical amount of heat energy needed, 837,000 BTU per hour, and current numbers are in blue color. Modified operation are in red color. These are different types of losses and what it’s showing – what it’s saying is basically thermal efficiency of this furnace is just 11 or 12 percent. And under modified condition, you are going from 11.3 percent to roughly 15.6 percent.

This tool also gives you BTU per pound. This is basically – these numbers are energy intensity numbers. So current condition, you are at 1,238 BTU per pound. This is the amount of heat energy you are consuming per pound, material processed. And under modified conditions, you are consuming less energy and now you can use BTU per pound numbers to benchmark your reheat furnace with other reheat furnaces. There is actually a lot of reports out there that provide reheat furnace energy intensity numbers and now you can compare and these numbers, you can compare with state of the art or average energy intensity numbers for reheating operation.

Once you complete heat balance analysis for reheat furnace, you close this and again you go back and you do something similar for a little heater one or Tundish heater two, electric arc furnace. And then once your analysis is done, you basically close and now you are ready for reports button.

Now reports, there are four different types of reports: plant summary report, then furnace analysis report, furnace summary report, and then input data report. Plant summary report, if you click on that, it shows basically plant level information, whatever information you provided, location and currency and all that information. Then summary of energy sources used. Then this report, plant summary report, also shows you this pie chart. This pie chart is showing how energy is used, energy cost distribution by equipment.

In this case, electric arc furnace is consuming – basically 62 percent of energy cost is associated with electric arc furnace. Then 14.1 percent is associated with reheat furnace and then remaining equipment. Then same information in table format. Now you can use this report to submit – after your energy assessment, now if you want to get funding while implementing an energy efficiency initiative, you can actually use this report to convince your upper management. Now that is plant summary report.

Now if you look at furnace analysis report, let’s just look at only the heat furnace report. Now the business furnace analysis report for only heat furnace, what it’s showing is how heat energy is used in that reheat furnace, so water losses, wall losses, different types of losses. If you click next, so this is basically current condition, heat consumption, and this is basically how it goes, heat consumption data. What it’s showing is for this reheat furnace, almost 40 percent of heat energy is lost in the form flue gasses. Then 27 percent heat loss is water losses, wall losses. So different types of losses are actually showed here.

And then modified conditions and then in the end, you will see comparison between current and modified operations. So flue gas losses, current conditions, and then flue gas losses modified. And difference between those two, end up energy savings. And then end, whatever notes we added when we actually did energy assessment on individual equipment. That’s pretty much. Sorry, we didn’t – actually we don’t have a lot of time to go over a lot of details during this webinar, but we just wanted to give you just high level flavor so that you are prepared for actual in plant training. Arvind, you have additional comments at this point?

Arvind Thekdi: No, we don’t. I only say that most of the people that are going to attend would have access to the actual schedule. I think we – either we already send them or we will. Somehow they will know what’s happening on day one, what’s happening on day two. If you _____, I can talk about it for two minutes. If not, then we will request David and Tari to inform the people on what’s going on. It’s already 2:39. Let them say whether we wanna spend a couple of more minutes or not.

Sachin Nimbalkar Right, okay. Let me actually make sure that they are not on mute. Okay, hi, Dave, are you there?

David: Hi, yes, I’m here.

Sachin Nimbalkar All right, so how you like us to proceed?

David: If you wanna spend another five minutes going through the agenda, that would be fine and for – just to excuse those who have another meeting or conflict to go ahead with that. We did include the agenda with meeting – the main meeting invitation. If you wanna go ahead and spend a few minutes on that, that would be fine.

Arvind Thekdi: Okay, so what we’ll do is we’ll just spend no more than three minutes. That’ll be a total of four days. Number one, day one, we are gonna have some safety. Then we’re gonna have the presentations in the classroom and then they’re going to be explanation of instruments, actual demonstrations of instruments and diagnostic equipment. Then we are gonna talk about the data collection forms so that people understand what – which term means what. And we will go into the plant, look at each of these equipment. We’ll not make any major effort in collecting data or anything like that, but just to find out what data should be collected from where and if there’s any need to do something. We can make that decision and talk to the plant people about doing that. So drilling a whole ________.

Next morning, we come here and we all go to the actual plant and we start working on collecting data for each of these equipment that we have. Come back in the afternoon, start using the PHAST tool, entering the data into PHAST tool, and I think we have a full day doing that if there’s any kind of questions or anything.

Day three is the day when we do a lot of analysis work. We discuss the PHAST results. We meet in a conference room or somewhere and we ask people about their opinion on what should be suggested. Normally we, depending on number of people, we may divide them into three teams and there will be one team leader who will be responsible for managing the process itself. And then at the end of day three, hopefully we have a list which people have discussed and come up with the energy saving measures. And you guys really don’t have much to do on the night of third, but Sachin and I are gonna have a busy evening ‘cause this is when we prepare the actual presentation for the next day. And we discuss that in front of plant management and we show them what we have come up with, and conclude the whole project or the activities by about noontime or so. Hopefully the weather cooperates and there is no snow. Cold we can handle probably, but this is the general outline of what we are going to do. Any comments, Tari, from your side?

Tari: No. I this is an updated version, if I can just get a copy of it, that would be great and I’ll include that in the meeting invitation.

Arvind Thekdi: Sachin?

Sachin Nimbalkar Yes, that’s correct. Yes, I’m actually going to send Arvind’s presentation, today’s presentation, and then updated version of this short presentation to you, Tari, and then you can go ahead and share with all parties.

Tari: Sounds good.

Arvind Thekdi: Tari, how many people we have now registered or expected to be there?

Tari: Originally I think we had close to 35 invited and I’ve had a couple of people that have – notified me today that they won't be able to make it. I’ll take a count of the people that have accepted and declined, and forward that onto you.

Arvind Thekdi: Okay.

Sachin Nimbalkar And then what we’ll do, Tari, as we discussed, the last day, at least wrap up meeting last day of in plant training, we will again – we will maybe try to create webinar. So that if people somehow not able to participate, still they will be able to join us remotely. But generally webinar is tough, particularly from plant and moment because of noise and everything. So, yeah. I think with that, I think this ends our webinar. Thank you so much for joining our – today’s webinar and as I mentioned, we will share our slides from today’s webinar via email in the next day or two, and then Arvind, thank you again. Thank you for your time and all the very useful information and your experience, sharing your experience with us. Tari and Dave, thank you for joining the webinar.

Arvind Thekdi: Thank you everybody. We’ll see you in a couple of weeks.

Tari: Thank you.

Sachin Nimbalkar Thank you.

[End of Audio]


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