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Myplate Lesson Plan: Behavioral Health Nutrition ClassMaterials:Poster: Reference Myplate Myplate examplesFood ModelsCrayonsPlates to draw/color their own myplatePerson 1: Explain poster, what myplate is.Myplate is a guide to show you how to set up your plate to get the most out of your meals.It’s a good guide to assist you with making better choices at meal times.For example, it is important to make sure half of your plate is vegetables, a quarter of your plate is starch, or whole grains, and the other quarter is protein. The way the plate is set up can help your maintain a healthy weight.How do most of your set up your plates?Person 2: Explain Food GroupsFruits and Vegetables: They contain fiber and key vitamins necessary for fueling your body’s cells. For example carrots contain vitamin A which promotes eye health and deficiency in vitamin A can cause night blindness. Fiber helps keep you full. So a diet high in fruits and vegetables can help you lose weight. Protein: protein can help rebuild cells and muscles and promotes wound healing. Carbohydrates: They fuel your body. Think of carbs as the wood to keep your body’s fire burning so you can keep going. However, too many carbs in your diet can be stored as fat.What are some of your favorite food groups? What foods are your favorite out of those food groups? What is probably a better choice?Person 3: Explain Portion SizesExplain in every day items to show what a portion size is. Grains Group1 ounce. bread or 1 slice of bread1 CD case10 French fries1 deck of cards? cup cooked rice or pasta1 computer mouse or rounded handful? cup of cereal1/2 a baseball1 ounce pretzels1 tennis ball1 cup of air popcorn1 baseball?Vegetables Group1 cup raw leafy vegetables1 baseball? cup vegetables1 computer mouse1 small potato1 computer mouse?Fruit Group1 medium fruit such as an apple or an orange1 tennis ball or the size of your fist1 cup of berries1 tennis ball or the size of your a adult female fist? cup juice6 ounce juice can or carton (1 ? servings)? cup chopped or canned fruit1 computer mouse?Milk and Milk Products Group1 ounce cheese1 pair of dice or the size of your thumb or tube of lipstick1 ounce slice of cheese1 CD case1 ? ounces Cheddar cheese2 (9-volt) batteries1 cup of milk8 ounce carton of milk or a baseball8 ounces yogurt1 baseball or tennis ball??Protein Group1 ounce of meat or chicken1 matchbook3 ounces of meat, fish or poultry1 deck of cards (3 servings) or iPod3 ounces of fish fillet1 checkbook (3 servings)2 tablespoons of peanut butter1 ping–pong ball (2 servings)2 tablespoons of hummus1 ping–pong ball (2 servings)? cup cooked beans1 baseball (2 servings)1/4 cup of nuts1 golf ball?Fats and Condiments1 teaspoon of olive oil1 Die or fingertip1 Tablespoon of ?mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise?ThumbShow what a cup of vegetables, starch, protein looks like via food models.Ask everyone what size their steak/chicken/ Fish etc. usually is? How big is your baked potato?What are some ways you think you could cut down on portion sizes? (give some good tips as well, smaller plates, cut a baked potato in half and split with a friend.)Talk about hands on activity:“We are going to make our own plates with our favorite foods and set it up like the Myplate model. We will walk around and see how you guys are doing. If you have any questions while you are doing it, let us know!” ................

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