
The Wicked Good

KetogenicCOPY Diet Cookbook




Ketogenic The WickedGood COPY Diet Cookbook W Easy, Whole Food Keto Recipes REVIEfor Any Budget

Y Copyright ? 2016 by Amanda C. Hughes, Providence, Rhode Island.

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ISBN: Print 978-1-1-62315-734-0 | eBook 978-1-62315-735-7

PY To Patrick, my partner in love, life, and ketosis. O And to my goldendoodle Napa, who doesn't mind

C cleaning up our leftovers. REVIEW





The Whole Food Ketogenic Lifestyle 11




Salads, Side Dishes

Y & Zoodles83



OP CHAPTER 6 C Fish & Shellfish101


Rubs, Condiments & Sauces215

W CHAPTER 3 IE Drinks, Shakes

& Smoothies49

EV CHAPTER 4 RSnacks65


Beef & Lamb125



Acknowledgments237 Appendix A:

A 4-Week Meal Plan238 Appendix B:

The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen246 Appendix C:

Conversion Tables247 Resources248 References249

Recipe Index250 Index253


Chicken 171


F or most people, ice cream is the cure-all that can mend a bad day, a broken heart, and a sunburn. While chocolate-chip cookie-dough ice cream has been there for me through thick and thin, it's the ketogenic diet that has saved me from bigger issues, like being overweight, having chronic vertigo, and feeling the type of anxiety where it always feels like the room is spinning.

Y In 2010, my now husband learned about the ketogenic diet through P social media. When he described the diet, where fat and protein are

the primary components, I told him he was crazy. How could anyone

O survive without spaghetti or macaroni and cheese? What about cake?

When he said he was going to try it, I begged him not to and told him

C that I'd never forgive him if he dropped dead from a heart attack from

this crazy bacon and butter diet. Thankfully for both of us, he was patient with my clear over-

W reaction and, instead, started sending me articles on the benefits of

a ketogenic diet for a variety of health issues. When I read the parts

IE about reduced anxiety, I was intrigued. But when I learned how the

reduction of sugar in your body could starve cancer, I willingly did my

V own research. Fast-forward to today, and I've lost almost a hundred

pounds (most of it in the first few years, with more still to go), and my

E vertigo is virtually nonexistent. I sleep great at night, wake up early, R have energy throughout the day, am mentally clear instead of in a

constant brain fog, and feel like a new person. My cholesterol levels are as good as they've ever been, and my triglycerides are cut in half.

The ketogenic diet was and still is the only "diet" I've been on. I like to think of it as more of a lifestyle change because it truly does touch all parts of my life--and changed the way I live.



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