Pregnancy Name: _________How Sperm Meets Egg When is a woman truly considered to be pregnant? What can occur when two eggs are released during the same menstrual cycle? How many sperm typically reach the egg? How many sperm actually penetrate the egg? How many chromosomes does each sperm and egg contain? How are identical twins formed? Typically, how many days after fertilization does implantation occur? What is the purpose of the placenta? Congratulations, you’re pregnant! What is commonly the first sign that a woman is pregnant? If an at-home pregnancy test is positive on the first day of a woman’s missed period, how many weeks has it been since conception? What is HCG? The Stages of Pregnancy How long does a typical human pregnancy last? What defines “pregnancy” The First Trimester How long does the first trimester last? What is the fertilized egg called at this point? By the end of week six, what can be detected? What has formed by the end of week twelve? The Second Trimester. How long does the second trimester last? What is going on for baby during this phase? The Third Trimester How long does the third trimester last? What is going on for baby during this phase? Vaginal Birth What are contractions? What happens when the water breaks? What part of labour signals that the mother may begin to push? C-Section Birth How is the mother numbed? How many incisions are made? Where are they made? Infertility / Trouble Becoming Pregnant What percentage of Canadian women struggle to become pregnant? Define infertility. Fertility Treatments What do fertility drugs do> What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)? What is In Virto Fertilization? ................

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