WEEK 2 - Amazon S3




When God told Jeremiah what He had planned for him, Jeremiah was young. When God told him His plan, was Jeremiah excited? Was he confident? NO way. In fact, Jeremiah started coming up with reasons why he wouldn't be the best choice.

God said, "Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will save you." Because God made Jeremiah for an adventure! And while He never promised this adventure would be easy, God did promise to be with Jeremiah no matter what.

Guess what? God has called you to an adventure too! As you grow and learn to follow God, He will show you the adventure He has planned just for you. And it will be bigger and better than any adventure you could come up with on your own!

Grab a piece of paper and write a short story about an adventure. Name your character, give him an obstacle to face (like a difficult situation) and craft a way for him to come out on the other side.

THANK God for creating you for an adventure.



In the space below, write down all the things you might take on a road trip. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Following God is an adventure too! It's not exactly like a road trip, but there are some things you can pack or take along with you to help you follow God and discover His adventure for your life. Unscramble the words below to see what you might need:

The BLEIB - ________________: God's word to you. This will help you know how to follow God every day.

PERAYR - _________________: Talking to God. Another way to follow God and find out what He wants you to do is to talk to about it!

God has given us His word, the Bible, to show us how to love and follow Him. He promises in His word that we are special treasures, created by Him for an adventure. Through prayer, God will help you see the plan and adventure that lies ahead!

ASK God to show you the adventure He has for you through His word and through prayer.




How many days have you lived on earth so far? Ask an adult to help you find a calculator and complete these math problems below.

______ X 365 = ___________________________


Number of days you've lived

Now, count the number of days since your birthday and add that to the number above to see exactly how many days you've lived so far.

Now, here's a crazy thought. The average person lives about 78 years on earth. So let's figure out how many days that is:

78 X 365 = _________

Here's the really good news. You don't need to get caught up in exactly how many days you will live on this earth because God already knows that. He knows what your tomorrow looks like as clearly as you know what you ate for breakfast. And the adventure God has in store for you will be the most amazing adventure ever. The best thing you can do is ask Him to help you see the day ahead and trust Him to remind you that He is control of the number of your days. God made you for an adventure!

LISTEN to God so that you can see the adventure that lies ahead for you!

READ PSALM 139:5-6

In space below, write down three things you did yesterday. 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________


Now, write three things you think you'll do today. 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________

Guess what? No matter where you go or what you do, God is with you. He knows you better than anyone else. He goes behind you--that means He was with you yesterday. He knows about the things you listed above because He was there too.

But God also goes before you; that means He'll be with you no matter what you face today or tomorrow. Maybe the things you listed will go exactly as you've planned. But maybe, they won't. And when that happens, how will you respond? Will you get all worked up and try to change the circumstances? Or will you remember that the God of the universe is in control? God is behind you and in front of you. He will hold you safe in His hands. You can trust Him because He knows you better than you know yourself. And His God sized adventure is better than anything you can dream up on your own.

KNOW that God uniquely created you for your own adventure!


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