Anne Post FifeClaire BagelyHLTH-1020-40131 July 2019SHAPING OF MY MINDMY 2019 HEALTH SIGNATURE REFLECTIONNutrition PerspectivesDiscover different ways of approaching nutrition, how it impacts our daily lives and what choices we can make to improve our health and our world.Learning Outcomes:Demonstrate knowledge of human nutritional needs and the role of nutrition in improving individual health and the societal economic impact of food choices:If you understand the benefits of human nutritional needs and receiving nutrients for your bodies, you will lead a healthy and simple life. The role of nutrition is a big job. Each of the nutrient provides benefits for certain parts of the bodies, and for you to get them, know where to get them. Learn. Find them. Know what you need for your body. Everyone is different, but mostly everyone has the similar nutrient needs. To improve your health, certain foods will help you get there, even some won’t. It’s ok. Try and get as much as healthy food as you can, the fresher the food the better you’d get for your nutrient needs. IF you have a variety of color on your plates, you’d have a variety of nutrients in front of you. As for societal economic impact of food choices – it’d be for those who has food desert. Where there’s the food market so far away and it costs more to get there to get the food you needed, even if you don’t have a vehicle to get there. It’s beneficial to have at least a food market within few miles from you to get what you’d need. Or grow a garden.Relate technological advancements in medicine and food production to the advancement of the science of human nutrition.Technologies has advanced in the past century. More and more people has come to be more dependent on medication for health issues while there are other healthy way to get better. If it out of control, it makes sense to get a prescription and work with your doctor; but you don’t need to go over and over and over for reasons to get medicine for certain remedies. For food production, due to high demand, most people are relying to receive some packaged food already made for them and it is convenience. It is also cheap, but it can be expensive – in cost and in health. Like I mentioned, the past century has seen its advancements in many things, there are many pros and many cons. We all can experiment, and we would need to think the outcome’s consequences, whether good or bad.Explain the impact that the food industry has on human food choices and the subsequent relationship to health and disease at the individual, societal, and environmental level.There’s climate change. There’s environmental change. There’s high demand in certain things. More and more economically industries and farmers and even businesses are taking advantage of lack of people’s mellow lives and hurried time. Providing food already prepackaged or cooked fast hence ‘Fast Food’ ready to eat so they can save time and order to eat. Things are slowing down that sped up yucky stuff like bacteria and infection that can impact our food and health. Provide examples of past and present nutrient and diet trends in modern society and the positive and/or negative implications on human health and the earth’s resources.Lately, the diet trends I could think of are Keto Diet and High Protein and Low Carbs Diet. There are plenty of dieting trends happening everywhere. Some works, some doesn’t. It depends on the person who is doing the diet. The downside is the nutrients are lacking. IT is hard to know what you’d miss out if you are on a certain diet. Even if you are losing weight, which is great, but you’d gain it back. By learning how to maintain what you are eating, certain number of calories a day, be active certain times of the week, and know you’d have enough of nutrients in your body, you can then lose weight that way and maintain the healthier way.Provide examples of positive and negative interactions of humankind with microorganisms regarding sickness, health and food production.Foodborne illnesses are so scary. And it can be not so scary, if you are smart. There’s climate change. There’s environmental change. There’s animal scenery that can be affected. Humans can be affected too. Not appropriate handling of food, any kind of food, can lead to scary results. Even if the foodborne illnesses are from bacteria that lives and thrive somewhere, it can be preventable. Just constant cleaning your hands, making sure you are washing your fruits and vegetables – also before you do that, know where you are getting the fruits and vegetables from. Making sure the meat are fresh and not cross-contaminated and being thoroughly cooked – well done. But as for toxins, just get rid of them. Just know what to find and recognize them.Address diet and nutrient issues and concerns for weight control, disease prevention, physical activity, food availability, and biotechnology.Diets. Health Issues. Nutrients are missing from our body, that caused certain health issues. Weight control is a big problem in our country, United States of America. More people are just taking advantage of having the food ready made for them at fast food chains; they are convenience and they don’t maintain what they are watching of their eating habits, that are costing them both with money and health. As for physical activity, you’d feel that you did something today, but that doesn’t mean, you had already gotten out of your bed, and sit down on the couch with the phone in your hand laughing whatever’s in Facebook. Technology has taken away the physical activity ‘fun’, even there are lots of encouragements of motivations and limitations. Consistency is a problem in many people’s lives. Most would get there while others struggled. Even there are masses of farms that provided food industries, and GMO’s are being too much. Are we really watching what we are putting in our mouth?The AssignmentAnne Post FifeClaire BagleyHLTH-1020-401Understanding Food Packaging: Nutrient Claims, Nutrition Facts, and IngredientsThis worksheet can help you learn how to read food packaging. DO NOT leave any questions unanswered, please put n/a (not applicable) or 0/zero if there is no other answer. Unanswered/blank questions will be marked as incorrect. What you will need:This worksheetA food package that includes: At least ONE nutrient claimNutrition factsList of ingredientsYour textbook The handout/attached document: Nutrient ClaimsFood item: _Monte Bene Garlic Marinara Pasta Sauce_________How many servings are in this package? __About 6 servings per container____What is the measurement used for one serving? (cups, oz., etc.) __Serving Size: ? cup (113 g)___Do you think that this is an amount that most people would eat at one sitting? Explain why or why not. __Yes. The sauce is so thick and delicious. It is enough for me. However, for my husband, he would add a little more maybe to at least ? cups._________________________________________________How many calories are provided in one serving of this food? __Calories 50____How many calories would be provided by consuming this entire product? (hint: number of servings x calories per serving) __it would be approximately about 300 kcal ____What nutrient claim(s) are listed on this food package?___It is Cholesterol Free and No Sugar Added (stated that it’s not a LOW Calorie food, see Nutrition Information for Calorie and Sugar Content); Gluten-Free; No Preservatives and also a NON-GMO Project VERIFIED.____________________________________________________________________List the criteria for each of these claims below:_Cholesterol 0 mg; Total Sugars 5 g (Incl. 0 g Added Sugars 0%); ___________________________________________________________________________________How many grams (g) of total fat is in one serving of this product? _1.5 g (2%)___How many grams of total fat would be provided by consuming this entire product? __9 g____________How many grams saturated fat is in one serving of this product, also name one reason we want to limit saturated fats in our diets? ____0 g (0%)___________ What percentage of total fat is from saturated fat in this product? ______0%_________[hint: (grams of saturated fat/grams of total fat) x 100 = ____%] How many grams trans-fat is listed on the Nutrition Facts label? ____NONE___________What ingredients in this product provide trans-fat? _________NONE_____________________________________________________________________ How many milligrams (mg) of cholesterol is in one serving of this food? ____0 mg___________What ingredient(s) in this product provide cholesterol?_NONE__________________________________________________________________________How many grams of sugar is provided in one serving of this food? ___5 g____/ 0 g________Is there a line listing added sugar? Y/N If so, how many of the grams above are added sugars? .A person eating a 2000-calorie diet should consume no more than 50 grams (or 10% of total calories) of added sugar/day. How many grams of sugar would be provided by consuming this entire product? __0___Reading the ingredient list carefully, which ingredients provide the sugar in this food? For each source of sugar, are they naturally occurring or added sugars?___Tomatoes (Tomatoes, Tomato Puree), Imported Italian San Marzano Tomatoes, Garlic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil__________________________________________________How many grams of fiber is in one serving of this food? ___2 g____________Is this broken down into soluble and insoluble fibers on the nutrition facts label? __No_________If so, list the amounts of each: soluble fiber _____0__________ insoluble fiber ____0___________What percentage of the total daily fiber requirement is provided by this food? __7%__________How many milligrams (mg) of sodium does one serving of this food contain? ___240 mg____How many milligrams (mg) of sodium would be provided by consuming this entire product? _1440 mg____What percentage of your daily sodium allowance is found in one serving this product? __11%___How many grams of protein is provided in one serving of this food? ___2 g________By weight, which three ingredients does this food provide the most of?__Tomatoes, Imported Italian San Marzano Tomatoes, Extra Virgin Olive Oil____________Which micronutrient listed is providing the highest % daily value? ____Potassium 420 mg (10%)______________________________________________________________Do you think that this is a healthful food choice? Explain your answer below using evidence from previous questions:__Yes. We bought two kinds of ‘speghetti sauces’, one for my husband and I and one for our boys (the boys experimented on this one too… they didn’t like it… yet…)… for us, it is more healthier than the one we got for our boys (Ragu Simply Traditional Pasta Sauce) ___________________ReflectionMake connections between what you studied in this nutrition course with what you’ve learned in other courses at SLCC or before. Make specific references to your work in this class and in the other courses. How did what you learn in the other courses enhance what you learned in nutrition, and vice versa?This Health & Nutrition class was one of my 3 Accelerated Classes here at Salt Lake Community College. I also had 3 other classes. So, 6 courses for the Summer Semester, I thought I could do it. I could do it, but I wished I had better planning skills which I do but didn’t use. And it is harder to juggle school, being a full-time momma and doing 2 different part-time jobs during the week and trying to do as much assignments plus reading chapters and prepping papers and studying for tests and trying to hang on for my dearest life. I was kind of a smart momma; I chose one of my classes for Drawing and Kickboxing. Drawing released my stress and pulled my creativity. Kickboxing pulled out my ‘inside anger’ which I usually don’t have, but just tense and stress and to be able to kick and punch the bag constantly felt so dang good. Even the time frames are good for school, but not good for my ‘home and work life’; it was a challenging time. Now, I can check it off for having experienced this already. Nutrients DO help you, especially for your brain, stress, and many other things. You’d be surprised what you’d learn here as I did and never realized how grateful I am for my life.Reflect on how you thought about nutrition before you took this course and how you think about it now that the course is over. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed? Why? What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will you approach (course topic) differently in the future?Before becoming the humble student of a Health & Nutrition Professor, I thought I had a pretty good and simple life. I pretty much know about food, the impacts food has on our lives, what to watch for, what to get and what not to get. Unbeknownst to my ‘momma brain’, I learned a lot that there are a lot to learn! I wished I had learned this in high school, not just a basic Health class that teach the birds and bees and this and that of food cycle. There are nutrients! There are needs in our bodies that get benefited from getting nutrients, from food! And it depends on our daily habits and behavior (either social or mentality – even with health issues) do impact tremendously. The food with nutrient label is a big help! And to learn this and that helps too! Over the past few months, my family have created our own food shopping plans, meal planning, and weekly check=ups. With what I learned here helped me in my Kickboxing class here at Salt Lak Community College. I learned what I need to keep my energy active, not to be exhausted. I learned methods to improve my eating habits, and my family is following my example. If it just says ‘Health’, I’d just scoff at it. Unless it says: Health & Nutrition, now, that’s something to be curious about even if I’d scoff at it but nutrition, it blew my mind and changed my perspectives completely. ................

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