Measurement Notes

The Metric System NAME:

Important Vocabulary DATE:




| | | | |

| | | |Which is larger? |

| | | |A. 1 meter or 105 centimeters |

| | | | |

| | | |B. 4 kilometers or 4400 meters |

| | | | |

| | | |How many millimeters in 1 cm? |

| | | | |

| | | |What is the length of the line in centimeters? |

| | | | |

| | | |What is the length of the line in millimeters? |



| | | | |

| | | |Which is larger? |

| | | |A. 1 kilogram or 1500 grams |

| | | | |

| | | |B. 1200 milligrams or 1 gram |

| | | | |

| | | |What is the mass of the Mountain Dew? |

| | | |___ + ___ + ___ = _____ |



| | | | |

| | | |Which is larger? |

| | | |A. 1 liter or 1500 milliliters |

| | | |B. 200 milliliters or 1.2 liters |

| | | |C. 12 cm3 or 1.2 milliliters* |

| | | | |

| | | |What is the volume of water in the cylinder? _____ |

| | | |mL |



| | | |What is the temperature in Celsius? (C) |

| | | | |

| | | |What is the temperature in Farenheight? (F) |

| | | | |



| | | |If John runs 200 m in 90s, how many minutes did it |

| | | |take him? |

| | | | |

| | | |Ms. Levites spends Sunday afternoon watching a disc |

| | | |of The Big Bang Theory. There are 8 episodes, 22 |

| | | |minutes each. For how many hours was she a couch |

| | | |potato? |

| | | | |

| | | | |

Measurement Notes

How far do you live from school?

To answer this question, you probably wrote an answer in miles or minutes. Am I right? That is because in the United States, we use the English System of measurement. The English System dates back to the 1200’s, and helps us keep track of time, volume, mass, length, and temperature. Can you name some of the units we use for those categories?

Length miles,____________________________________________________

Mass _____________________________________________________________

Temperature ____________________________________________________

Time _____________________________________________________________

Volume __________________________________________________________

In science class, we will be using the Metric System or the International System of Units (SI system). The metric system is a system of measurement that is used by scientists all over the world. This system ensures that science is universally understood. In the metric system, we will be using the following terms: Grams (g), Liters (l), Meters (m), Seconds (s), and Kelvin(K). Complete the following table with the correct SI Unit and measuring tool. Length has been completed for you.

|Type of Measurement |SI Base Units |Tools |

|Length |meters (m) |Ruler |

|Volume | | |

|Mass | | |

|Time | | |

|Temperature | | |

|Why do scientists use the SI system? |

| |

| |

The Metric System also uses Prefixes. The Prefixes table is listed below.

|Prefix (symbol) |Decimal Place |Multiplier |Name |

|Kilo (k) |1,000 |103 |Thousand |

|Hecto (h) |100 |102 |Hundred |

|Deca (da) |10 |101 |Tens |

|SI Base Unit |1 |100 |One |

|Deci (d) |0.1 |10-1 |Tenths |

|Centi (c) |0.01 |10-2 |Hundredths |

|Milli (m) |0.001 |10-3 |Thousandths |

So, for example 1 kilometer = 1,000 meters, and 1 meter = 100 centimeters. Don’t get it? Look at the table!

|What are the two parts of measurement? |

| |

| |

How can we compare measurements in different units?? CONVERT to one unit! (

You have to memorize the following table:


| | | |

|1 L = 1000 mL |1 g = 1000 mg |1 m = 1000 mm |

|1 L = 100 cL |1g = 100 cg |1 m = 100 cm |

|1 kL = 1000 L |1 kg = 1000 g |1 km= 1000 m |

| | | |

When converting among prefixes, try the ladder method. If you are converting to a larger unit, move the decimal to the left. If you are converting to a smaller unit, move the decimal point to the right. The numbers of steps you move on the ladder is the number of spaces you move your decimal.


Example :

Mr. Otero makes Orion run 500 extra meters in gym class. He then tells his class the next person will have to run an extra 2.5 km! How much further than Orion will that person run?

2.5 km = ______ m

1st – Determine your starting point. In this case, start at Kilo!

2nd – Count the “jumps” to your ending point. You should count 3!

3rd – Move the decimal the same number of jumps in the same direction.

Your answer should be 2,500 meters.

2.5 km = ________ m

How much further that Orion will that person run?

Complete 1-10 using the ladder method. In the available space, show your decimal moving.

1) 1 m = ___________________ cm

2) 1 kg = ___________________ g

3) 1 L = ___________________ mL

4) 1 km = ____________________ mm

5) 2 m = __________________ cm

6) 6 cm = _________________ km

7) 3 kg = __________________ g

8) 2 mL = __________________L

9) 58.9 mg = _________________ kg

10) 0.663 L = _________________ mL

1) How many kilometers are in 53 centimeters?

2) How many grams are in 34.7 kilograms?

3) How many liters are in 3000 milliliters?

4) Circle the smallest measurement: 0.3 km 30 m 300 cm

5) Circle the largest measurement: 24.95 g 489, 876 mg 0.88 kg


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