Citizens Help Shape the Local Community

|Lesson Synopsis: |

In this lesson, students begin to understand the traits ordinary people may possess that enable them to contribute to their local community. It will focus on the character traits of a good leader and how those traits contribute to the success of the local community.


|K.2 |History. The student understands how historical figures, patriots, and good citizens helped shape the community, state, and nation. |

| |The student is expected to: |

|K.2B |Identify contributions of patriots and good citizens who have shaped the community. |

Social Studies Skills TEKS:

|K.15 |Social studies skills. The student communicates in oral and visual forms. The student is expected to: |

|K.15A |Express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences. |

|K.15B |Create and interpret visuals, including pictures and maps. |

|Getting Ready for Instruction |

|Performance Indicator(s): |

• Draw a picture of a patriot or good citizen from the local community who helped shape the local community.

Write a sentence that tells about one contribution he/she made to the community. (K.2B, K.15A, K.15B)

• 5A

|Key Understandings and Guiding Questions: |

• Las personas dan forma a las comunidades a través de sus contribuciones y actos de civismo.

— ¿Quiénes son los líderes de nuestra comunidad local, del pasado y del presente?

— ¿Cómo contribuyen y dan forma a nuestra comunidad las personas?

— ¿Qué son los actos de civismo?

— ¿Cómo honramos y reconocemos a nuestros líderes de la comunidad local

— ¿En qué se parecen los líderes de la comunidad local a los líderes del estado?

|Vocabulary of Instruction: |

• comunidad

• líderes de la comunidad

• ciudadano ejemplo

• contribución

|Materials: |

|Refer to Notes for Teacher section for materials. |


• None Identified

|Resources and References: |

• About Bob Bullock. August 27, 2012. The Story of Texas. Retrieved from:

|Advance Preparation: |

1. Become familiar with content and procedures for the lesson, including the understanding that ordinary people can make a difference in their community.

2. Refer to the Instructional Focus Document for specific content to include in the lesson.

3. Select appropriate sections of the textbook and other classroom materials that support the learning for this lesson.

4. Preview websites according to district guidelines.

5. Invite a community leader to the classroom to speak to students.

|Background Information: |

People associated with past happenings who achieve some notability are known as historical figures.

|Getting Ready for Instruction Supplemental Planning Document |

Instructors are encouraged to supplement and substitute resources, materials, and activities to differentiate instruction to address the needs of learners. The Exemplar Lessons are one approach to teaching and reaching the Performance Indicators and Specificity in the Instructional Focus Document for this unit. Instructors are encouraged to create original lessons using the Content Creator in the Tools Tab located at the top of the page. All originally authored lessons can be saved in the “My CSCOPE” Tab within the “My Content” area.

|Instructional Procedures |

|Instructional Procedures |Notes for Teacher |

|ENGAGE – Introduce photographs from community |NOTE: 1 Day = 30 minutes |

| |Suggested Day 1 ‒ 8 minutes |

|Display photographs from the local community that show signs and/or buildings, parks, |Materials: |

|ball fields, roadways, etc. that are named after local community leaders, past and |photographs of the local community |

|present. | |

| |Purpose: |

| |Students focus on the names of local citizens who have been honored for |

| |their contributions to the local community. |

| | |

| |TEKS: |

| |K.2B, K.15A, K.15B |

| | |

| |Instructional Note: |

| |Photographs should be taken (or located) ahead of time and printed or |

| |placed into a digital display such as a PowerPoint presentation. |

| |Background information about the person for whom the street, park, |

| |building, etc. was named should also be obtained so a discussion can be |

| |facilitated regarding the person and the traits that person possessed. |

|EXPLORE – Background information about local citizens |Suggested Day 1 (continued) –10 minutes |

|1.Discussion will be specific to the buildings, signs, and roadways in the local |Materials: |

|community. The following discussion is to be used as an example. Substitute a building, |photographs of the local community |

|park, museum, street, or other location from your local community around which to center a| |

|discussion. |Purpose: |

| |Students will analyze information and history about local citizens for |

|2.Questions or comments such as the following (specific to the Bob Bullock Texas State |whom buildings, parks, roadways, museums, etc. are named after |

|History Museum) will guide students to understand the history behind the names of | |

|buildings, museums, streets, parks, etc. Create questions based on the local place being |TEKS: |

|examined. |K.2B, K.15A, K.15B |

|Who has been to the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum? | |

|Did you know there was a man named Bob Bullock for whom the museum is named? |Instructional Note: |

|Who was Bob Bullock? Bob Bullock was Texas' 38th Lieutenant Governor. He served two terms |As time allows, lead discussions about as many buildings, roadways, |

|- from January 1991 to January 1999, when he retired and left public office. He thought a |parks, etc. named after local community leaders. By examining multiple |

|museum that taught Texas History to the people of Texas was important. He was an ordinary |examples, students should begin to see a pattern emerge of the common |

|citizen who lived and worked in Austin, the capital of Texas. He worked to make Texas a |characteristics of community leaders. Community leaders often have a |

|better place to live. |genuine concern for the common good and feel their contributions to a |

| |community can help people lead happier and more satisfying lives. |

|3.Facilitate a discussion around some “ordinary citizens” - such as the citizen discussed | |

|- became famous after, or because they contributed to the local community. In many |Biographical information about Bob Bullock: |

|instances it was because of their good qualities - such dependability, concern for others,|

|desire to make the community a better place to live - that they became well known or |html |

|famous within the community. | |

|EXPLAIN – Graphic Organizer |Suggested Day 1 (continued) – 12 minutes |

|Students tell a partner the name of a building, park, ball field, roadway, or other |Purpose: |

|location in their local community that was named after a community leader, past or |Students express what they have learned about local community leaders. |

|present. | |

| |TEKS: |

|Students explain why it was named after that community leader. Because that person |K.2B, K.15A, K.15B |

|contributed to the local community in a positive way. Answers should be specific to that | |

|person. |Instructional Note: |

| |Character |

|After students have had an opportunity to share with a partner, display a graphic |Name of Place Name of person Traits or Qualities |

|organizer to help organize the acquired information about local citizens who have been | |

|honored. Prompt students with questions to obtain their help in filling out the graphic | |

|organizer. | |

| | |

| | |

|ENGAGE – Visit from a community leader |Suggested Day 2 – 15 minutes |

|Invite a community leader to the classroom to share his/her life experiences and explain |Purpose: |

|to students his/her role in the community. Encourage the leader to discuss childhood |Students observe and listen to a local community leader explain his/her |

|interests, experiences, etc., that would have led him/her to this position. |history and the reason he/she felt compelled to contribute to the |

| |community in a positive way. |

|Suggestions for questions to provide to the speaker to guide information to be shared: | |

|Where did you grow up? |TEKS: K.2B, K.15A, K.15B |

|What was your favorite activity as a child? | |

|How long have you lived in the local community? |Instructional Note: |

|What character traits were you taught as a child? Honesty, responsibility, perseverance, |The speaker might be given questions in advance to guide his/her speech |

|etc. |to students. |

|Explain what you do in your job now that you are grown. | |

|Is there a famous person from history who influenced you? | |

|How have you helped the local community? | |

|EXPLORE – Bringing it together: Students interact with speaker |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 10 minutes |

|After the speaker has finished speaking to students, facilitate a discussion with students|Materials: |

|and the visitor. Sample questions to guide the discussion might include: |sample questions for guest speaker prepared in advance |

|What values was the visitor taught as a child? Responsibility, honesty, loyalty, work | |

|ethic, problem solver, etc. |Purpose: |

|How are these traits used in his/her role as a community leader? |Students gather information by asking questions of the speaker and |

|Why are they important? |making comments. |

| |Students make connections that this person is/was an ordinary citizen |

|At the conclusion of the discussion, help students understand that our community, and |who made a conscious decision to contribute to the common good of the |

|society, depends on the contributions of its local people or citizens. It is the |community. |

|responsibility of all of us to contribute and/or become leaders in our community. | |

| |TEKS: |

| |K.2B, K.15A, K.15B |

| | |

| |Instructional Note: |

| |Sample questions are given to assist in guiding the discussion. |

| |Although questions that have only one answer are often a necessary part |

| |of the discussion, be sure to include questions that require higher |

| |level thinking. |

|ELABORATE – Applying information to our classroom community |Suggested Day 2 (continued) – 5 minutes |

|Facilitate a discussion that focuses on the classroom as the local community. | |

|If the local community is our classroom, what can each of us do to contribute to our | |

|community? | |

|If your responsibility is line leader, what should you do to set a good example for | |

|others? Walk appropriately while moving from one school location to another. | |

|If your job is taking lunch count in the cafeteria, what would you have to do to complete | |

|the job? Exhibit dependability by taking the lunch count everyday so your classmates would| |

|have lunch. | |

| | |

|Have each child name a job and tell a leadership characteristic he/she would have to | |

|exhibit to complete the task. As the students explain their answers, the teacher will list| |

|the jobs and write the leadership characteristics for each. | |

|ENGAGE – Graphic organizer |Suggested Day 3 – 5 minutes |

|Display graphic organizer completed on Day1. Facilitate a discussion that will encourage |Materials: |

|students to access prior learning. This will lead into the Evaluate piece of the lesson |graphic organizer completed in Day 01 |

|EVALUATE – Determine mastery |Suggested Day 3 (continued) – 25 minutes |

|Draw a picture of a patriot or good citizen from the local community who helped shape the |Materials: |

|local community. Write a sentence that tells about one contribution he/she made to the |paper cut to appropriate size (approximately 8 ½ X 11) |

|community. (K.2B; K.15A, K.15B) | |

|5A | |

| | |

|Distribute paper to students. Instruct students to reflect on the lessons from the past | |

|two days. | |

| | |

|Students choose a patriot or good citizen from the local community who helped shape the | |

|local community. | |

| | |

|Students write a sentence that tells about one contribution he/she made to the local | |

|community. | |



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