Weekly Homework Sheet - OCPS TeacherPress

Name: Weekly Homework Sheet Q3:4 Date:

|Monday |Tuesday |

|What is the VALUE of the underlined digit? |Write 78,930 in each form. |

| | |

|2,384,958 2,384,958 |Word: |

| | |

| |Expanded: |

| | |

| | |

|Find the Difference. |Find the Sum. |

|49,002 – 5,398 |29,450 + 9,999 |

|Find the quotient. |Find the product. |

|3,489 ÷ 6 |492 x 45 |

|Frank exercises 60 minutes |Every year Ethan earns |

|a day. If he does this every |$38,428. Each year he |

|day for 1 year, how many |spends $21,728 on expenses. |

|minutes will he have exercised? |How much money should |

| |he have leftover? |

|Complete the pattern. |Find the factors of 56. |

|33, 44, 55, 66, ___, ___ | |

|Compare the fractions using >, , , ................

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