7th Grade Science

SlideQuestionsNotesSlide 9How many muscles does the human body have?Slide 10What are the 3 types of muscles?1.2.3.Slide 10Why are skeletal muscles called skeletal muscles?Slide 10 Are skeletal muscles voluntary or involuntary?Slide 10What does voluntary mean?Slide 10What does a tendon do?Slide 10Where is cardiac muscle found?Slide 10Does the heart get tired?Slide 10Are cardiac muscles voluntary or involuntary?Slide 10What does involuntary mean?Slide 10Where can you find smooth muscle in the body? Give 2 examples.Slide 10Smooth muscles are responsible for what?Slide 10What are 2 examples of how this happens?Slide 10Are smooth muscles voluntary or involuntary?Slide 11True or FalseMuscles can contract (shorten) or relax (lengthen)Slide 11True or FalseMuscles can be found throughout your bodySlide 11What does a flexor muscles do to a joint?Draw a picture.Slide 11What does an extensor muscle do to a joint?Draw a picture.Slide 11True or FalseMuscles work in pairs.Slide 11Which muscle contracts and which muscle relaxes in order to flex (bend) the forearm?The ______________contracts while the ______________ relaxes.Draw a picture and label these muscles.Slide 11Which muscle relaxes and which muscle contracts in order to extend the forearm?The ______________relaxes while the ______________ contracts.Draw a picture and label these muscles.Slide 12The body uses lots of what during aerobic exercise?Slide 12What are some reasons for doing aerobic exercise?Slide 12 What are some examples of aerobic exercise?Slide 12 What are some health benefits of aerobic exercise?Slide 12Anaerobic exercise uses little what?Slide 12Why do anaerobic exercise?Slide 12Give two examples of anaerobic exercise.Slide 12 What are some health benefits of anaerobic exercise?Slide 13List the types of muscles found in your body?1.2.3.Name: _______________________________________Date: ___________________ Per: _________Slide 14How would your life be different if cardiac muscle and smooth muscles were voluntary muscles?Slide 16The skeletal system is made up of …..Bones, ______________, cartilage, and __________________.Slide 16True or FalseThe skeletal and muscular systems work togetherSlide 16True or FalseThe muscular system is made up of muscles and tendonsSlide 16True or FalseMuscles cause the body to moveSlide 16True or FalseThe three types of muscle are skeletal, cardiac, and smooth Which of the following is an example of voluntary muscle movement? A. Breathing B. Pumping blood C. Digesting D. Smiling What is the function of a tendon?A To link bones to bonesB To link muscles to bonesC To link muscles to ligamentsD To bind the cells in compact bone closer togetherWhich muscle pumps blood throughout your body?A SkeletalB SmoothC ValentineD CardiacWhich of the following types of muscles is found in your digestive system?A Rectus abdominusB Cardiac muscleC Smooth muscleD Stomach muscle490728084455003268345844550018059408445500 Identify these 3 types ofmuscles.495300082550331470082550175260082550Identify the Levels of Organization for the Muscular System from smallest (1) to largest (5) using these pictures. -25146052070001. Cell 2. Tissue 3. Organ an System 5. Organism-16065554610000-3474085151765Example00Example1385570259461000-3532505235839000 ................

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