
Beach Park

Block 3 Homographs and Homophones Assessment


Question #1:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

The _______ and rain made it too dangerous for me to take the watch out of my pocket and _______ it.

Question #2:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

During the hike I was in the _______ ahead of the others, but the pack on my back felt like _______.

Question #3:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

I had to ______ after riding the ______ roller coaster because it made me so sick.

Question #4:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

She always _______ the raking to me when there are too many _______.

Question #5:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

The nurse _______ the long white bandage around the _______ on his left arm.

Question #6:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

The mystical lady put a _______ on the boy, and he could never _______ a word correctly again.

Question #7:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

The clerk had to _______ the sale of the new _______ I bought at the music store.

Question #8:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

He sang out in his low _______ voice when he caught the _______ fish.

Question #9:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

The white _______ spread its wings and _______ down from the roof to the ground.

Question #10:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

My dog will _______ at the ______ on the trees.

Question #11:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

I can't _______ to read the story of this grizzly _______ any longer.

Question #12:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

Ted walked _______ the aisle of the store searching for a _______ comforter.

Question #13:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

He _______ the cold air on his head when he wore his thin _______ hat.

Question #14:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

The lazy man would rather _______ than work for a _______ of bread.

Question #15:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

The senate _______ ran with the _______ of paper.

Question #16:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

Susan had to _______ her hair after she ran through the _______ in the woods.

Question #17:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

You can _______ your watch while the _______ blows.

Question #18:

Write the homograph that could fill both blanks.

Barbara will _______ up the yard with a _______ tree.

Beach Park

Block 3 Homographs and Homophones Assessment

Answer Key

1. wind

2. lead

3. fast

4. leaves

5. wound

6. spell

7. record

8. bass

9. dove

10. bark

11. bear

12. down

13. felt

14. loaf

15. page

16. brush

17. wind

18. spruce


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