Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore

Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore

CBES is dedicated to promoting balanced growth, enhancing the quality of life of all our citizens, and preserving our cultural and natural resources.

CBES works to accomplish this through Education, while promoting Open Government and Citizen Engagement.



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All monthly ShoreLine News Journal will be emailed [Save Trees/$] unless you request U.S. Mail. Please send U.S Mail______

Name: ___________________________Email: _______________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

City: ________________________________ St: _______ Zip: ________________

Phone: _________________* CBES does not share your contact information.

FUN! Volunteer for CBES Annual Between the Waters Bike Tour 4th Saturday in October. Support “Pedal to Protect the Eastern Shore.”

____Sign Me Up!

Enclosed is $ ___________ for the following:

• ____ Regular Membership [includes ShoreLine] $ 25

• ____ Life Membership [includes ShoreLine] $ 500

• ____ Optional Additional Contribution $ _______

Donations to CBES are tax deductable

• ____ Gift subscription to ShoreLine for a friend $ 25 Please provide their name, address, and email. ________________________________________________________________

For CBES membership records, tell us how many people 16 yrs & older are in your home._____

Enter Me in the Membership Drive Raffle ___________________________________

I was referred by _________________________________________________________

[Include your name/email if you are purchasing gift subscription] Ends June 1, 2016

MAIL FORM TO: CBES, P.O. Box 882, Eastville, VA 23347

Memberships/Donations can also be done online at


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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