THE FUTURE HISTORY OF THE MASCULISTING OF MEN Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ do most men do when confronted face to face with feminists who attack men for the ways that men oppress women? In most cases, they simply shy away, feeling defenseless to answer back, and certainly do not attack these feminists with the male equivalent of their own game.Most men are as monoconscious as most feminists, i.e. they have heard a lot about feminist ideas over the past few decades, as feminists take ever greater control of the media, but know nothing about masculist ideas, so feel impotent in face of a concerted feminist attack on men, so usually, they just sheepishly slink away, not knowing how to respond to such a feminist onslaught.Feminists feel emboldened by this almost universal monoconsciousness, feeling justified that gender oppression is a one way street, so feel motivated to publicly lash out at men for the ways that men oppress women.Of course, over time, this feminist monoconsciousness will dissipate, as masculist ideas spread throughout the culture, which is only a question of time, particularly once the journalists and media people catch on to the very exciting idea, that feminism is only half the story, and that there is another half, called masculism, that will change society as profoundly as did feminism, which effectively pushed women into careers, adopting the traditional male role of being a paid worker, who worked outside the house for a wage.I see the empowerment of men via masculist ideas, i.e. the masculisting of men, going through several historical phases, which I label - The Masculist Educational PhaseThe Masculist Media PhaseThe Feminist Resistance PhaseThe Female Masculist PhaseThe Biconscious-Monoconscious Feminist Split PhaseThe Feminist-Masculist Resolution PhaseThe Post Gender Politics PhaseI now elaborate on each of these historical phases, one by one.The Masculist Educational PhaseThe seven phases listed above will probably take decades to unfold. Second and third wave feminism has been with us for over half a century now, and still many millions of women around the world have yet to be influenced by feminist ideas, that women should be given the same legal rights as men, that women should be free to follow their careers, control their own bodies, etc. Similarly, I will be very surprised if the above seven phases have been completed before I die, and I’m currently 73. My father reached 100, and I’m aiming to do the same, so I’m saying that it is unlikely that the above 7 masculist phases will be completed within a mere three decades.Why do I say this? Because, the whole masculist cause is only at the very beginning of phase a) i.e. the masculist educational phase. It is only recently that masculist ideas themselves have been largely crystallized, and formulated well enough for masculist theorists, like myself, to be in a fit state to present them to the world public, via the internet. So we have a long, long way to go. Now that the masculist ideas have been formulated, the time is now ripe for them to be spread, which is why I and many others are putting up videos on masculist and MGTOW (men going their own way) websites on a regular basis, aiming to educate millions of men that men too are gender politically oppressed, by women, and that women’s oppression of men is far worse than vice versa, since women have always been such parasites off men, living off men’s labor and money, so that women can raise HER kids in a middle class house that HE pays for.It was the pill, the contraceptive pill, that changed everything. It allowed women to reliably control the number of kids they wanted, and they wanted zero, one or two, in most cases. Men not only gave women the pill, but also household gadgets, science based medicine, so that women’s life expectancy is now well into the 80s, so that even those women who have their two kids, and stay home to raise them for 6 years, until the second child goes to kindergarten, still have a career window of half a century.This careering of women, a.k.a. women’ lib, then enabled men to stop paying the heavy traditional price of being a manslave to a woman, working for her, in exchange for getting a bit of sex from her from time to time. Thus feminism, i.e. women’s lib, liberated men from manslavery.This in turn resulted in the formation of the masculist movement, which started saying to women, “Now that women CAN work, they MUST work. Anything else is manslavery!”In the early decades of feminism, there was no effective masculist movement, so women remained monoconscious, i.e. they knew nothing about masculist ideas, so kept their traditional expectations of men, seeing men as cash machines, to pay for women to have babies, which was the traditional role of men in the era when nuclear families often had a dozen kids, so that the role of the stay at home mother was a full time job, and the role of the father was to be the manslave, working outside the home to earn the money that kept the whole family alive. If he failed in his job of bringing home the bacon, then the whole family starved.However, those days are over, thank god, so now women with their two kids or less, are routinely entering the workforce, and earning good money, so that they have become much less financially dependent on men. They have become what the masculists call FIPs (financially independent persons). This FIPping of women, has had a dramatic effect on men, liberating them from manslavery.Unfortunately, even in today’s age, 80% of young women, at the critical age of 16, in high school, choose to become what the masculists call “fluffie crappers” i.e. choosing fluffie crap majors, i.e. the “soft option” of memory based majors, such as English literature, history, languages, etc. and not the “hard option” where you have to think, such as math and the sciences.The fact that 80% of young women today still expect to be fluffie parasites off men’s money in a historical era in which women CAN work, motivates masculists to put real moral pressure on women to FIP up, or be punished by being totally ignored, not even pumped and dumped, so that their fluffie parasite genes are removed from the gene pool. (A fluffie, based on the word “fluff” is a masculist label for a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money and labor of a man.) To masculists, fluffies are manslavers, hence slavers, and hence are hated, and hence severely punished by masculists.The above is the gist of masculist thinking, but in 2021, almost all feminists have never heard of such masculist ideas, partly because the media is largely controlled by feminists now, who see men who complain about women, even if those women are fluffies, as misogynists, and are therefore to be opposed, so masculists are having a hard time, getting their message across to the general public, to educate the masses, the millions, into masculist ideas. (End of part 1.)The Masculist Media PhaseThe second phase of the empowerment of men with masculist ideas has not yet really begun (Feb 2021). The real breakthrough in the media has yet to occur, largely for the reasons given above, i.e. the existence of a real feminazi bias against the idea that gender politics is a two way street. Virtually all feminists are monoconscious (i.e. they have only had their feminist consciousness raised, and know nothing about how women oppress men with their financial parasitism, their manslavery, their fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts that they control, women’s many decades lasting gender crimes against men, e.g. paternity fraud, pill lying, resistance to the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right), their misandry, etc. etc.But, there are now dozens of masculist and MGTOW content makers, who are putting up regular videos on masculist and MGTOW themes, which are penetrating male minds in the millions. It is only a question of time before the media people and journalists wake up to the fact of the existence of the masculists, and take them seriously, realizing that there is a gender politics for men too, and not only that, but that women oppress men worse than vice versa, so things have to change.Journalists are timid. They are afraid to rock the boat, because it can be very costly to them in terms of their livelihood. After half a century of second and third wave feminism, most journalistic management positions that deal with gender politics are in the hands of monoconscious feminists, who are actively hostile to the idea of men complaining about women, and scoff at the idea that men have a gender political case.But men are half the population, so the feminist dam will break sooner or later, as the masculist floodtide keeps mounting, as more and more millions of men become influenced by masculist and MGTOW ideas. Sooner or later, this feminist dam will burst, and then a flood of masculist ideas will pour out to the public, further spreading the masculist virus, infecting the minds of millions and later several billions, of men.Once the dam has broken, the timid journalists will feel a lot safer to write and report on masculist and MGTOW ideas, so that the general public, of both sexes, is exposed to them, so that the masculist ideas of a handful of intellectuals (sages) can then be broadcast to the trendy upper middle class, who then influence the middle middle class, who then, after several decades (since the working class are too dumb to read books) influence the working class. It took feminism half a century to reach the female working class. The dumbest third of women don’t even read magazines, since reading to them is a chore, taxing their brains too much. Similarly with men, so to be realistic, it will take decades for masculist ideas to reach the bottom class.The initial mass spread of masculist ideas will almost certainly occur in the universities, that hotbed of ideas, where so many of society’s new ideas get propagated for the first time. It is one of the main aims of the masculists to set up a masculist group in every high school and on every campus. Once masculist ideas have spread throughout the campuses, at the same time, the journalists will be attending masculist talks at universities and reporting on them, spreading the ideas to a much broader public. University masculist groups can then help set up masculist groups in the high schools, where the real fluffie crapper damage is done, since it is in the high schools where most young women choose to become fluffie crappers, expecting in their 30s to be able to parasite off the labor and money of a man. Young women need to be morally pressured by their male class mates, that fluffies “rot on the shelf” seen by young masculist male class mates as immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin, to be spat at, to be rejected both socially and sexually.As millions of young women are rejected by their male class mates for being fluffie parasites, due to their choice of studying fluffie crap majors in their final two years of high school, there will be a strong demand coming from these millions of young women to be able to read about their rejections at the hands of masculisted young men, in their women’s magazines, so many female journalists will be writing about the impact of masculist ideas on young women, so naturally enough, there will be growing interest amongst young women in the core ideas of the masculists, since two of the most basic aims of young women is, one) to find some male partner to father her kids, and two) to grow and raise the next generation, so if there is a gender political ideology that men have, that strongly influences her chances of attracting a quality man, then she will be strongly motivated to learn what that men oriented ideology is. She will become a female masculist to some extent. She will become familiar with the idea that masculists piss on fluffies, and refuse to marry them, refuse to give them their sperm, and generally treat them with contempt and hatred. Thus she thinks that she had better not be a fluffie, or she will be manless, and hence loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, and spat at. A few years from now, as masculist ideas get off the ground, there will be a flood of articles in women’s magazines, about masculist ideas, and how young women can cope with them, how young women can adapt to the growing moral pressure coming from young masculist men applied to young women to FIP up or rot on the shelf. These young women will quickly learn that if they behave as misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitches, then that will be the kiss of death for them in ever hoping to get a man, because they will learn that such women are the first category of women that masculists reject, punishing them severely, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, so that their fluffie feminist hypocrite bitch genes are removed from the gene pool. The prospect of rotting on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and rejected from society, horrifies most young women, so they will be strongly motivated to become biconscious, so that at least young men will be motivated enough to pay them some interest and attention.So, in time, the second phase of masculist empowerment of men will become well established, so that men can move on to the third phase.The Feminist Resistance PhaseMost people are not strongly open minded to new ideas and quick on their uptake. Most people are rather slow at such things, which includes many feminists. Feminists have had a monopoly on gender politics for half a century, so it will come as a real shock to them to see the rise of masculism, amongst their female friends, at work, and in the media. Many of them will resist it. They will initially sneer at the idea that women oppress men, and will sneer even more at the absurd idea that women oppress men more than vice versa, which runs totally counter to everything they have been taught by feminists all their lives (unless they are as old as I am, who can remember the rise of second wave feminism, when I was a young man in my 20s.)As the masculist bandwagon continues to gain momentum, feminist resistance will become more organized. There will be feminist counter attacks in the media, and heated, vitriolic battles between feminists and masculists in public talks, as the most articulate feminists and masculists castigate each other. However, for the feminists, it will be a losing battle, due to women’s genetic inferiorities. Women have 10% smaller brains than men, are dumber than men by 4 IQ points on average, have a 10% lower IQ variance than men, so lack male genius, and have ten times less testosterone in their blood, so lack male aggressiveness, ambition, doggedness, so when the best of the masculists compete against the best of the feminists, the masculist genii will obviously win. The outcome of the gender political wars between the feminists and the masculist is a foregone conclusion. Women cant compete with men at the top end of the performance scale. As the more conservative feminists start seeing the writing on the wall, i.e. they see that the masculists are outdebating the best of the feminists in the media, in academic journals, etc., then they will become alarmed and double their efforts to resist the rise and rise of masculist ideas in society, telling women that masculists are merely ultra-misogynists, who should be resisted vigorously by women, and by feministed men.As awareness of masculist ideas rises in society, so will the resistance of the feminists, until a crescendo is reached, where the monoconsciousness of the conservative feminists becomes obvious to most people, of both sexes, leading to a gradual rise in public cynicism towards such feminists, and a greater openness and sympathy to what the masculists are saying. (End of part 2.)The Female Masculist PhaseWhen there is a flood of masculist articles and programs on the mass media, it is inevitable that the smarter and more mentally agile of women will be influenced by masculist ideas, which after all, have been dreamt up by very smart men. These women will be told by the masculists, that it is in these more progressive women’s self interest to become biconscious, i.e. to have both their feminist AND their masculist consciousnesses raised, so that they lose their monoconscious feminazi bitchiness, believing that gender oppression is a one way street, and that it is only women who are oppressed, and by men, so that it is only reasonable for women to lash out at men for the way that men oppress women. To many women, this core feminist belief is like a religion to them. To hear that women oppress men worse than vice versa, will cause severe cognitive dissonance with them, rather like going up to a priest and telling him that there is no god, that gods are human fictions, and that he has wasted his whole life. Such women will reject masculism with revulsion, Their reaction will be hefty and vitriolic. This in turn will only cause the more militant of masculists to attack them all the more vociferously, and use such women as anti-models to young women, pointing out to these young women, that if they end up like these dogmatic monoconscious feminazis, then they will pay the same heavy price as these feminazi dogmatists pay, i.e. that they are rejected by men, and are forced to rot on the shelf, spat at, for being profound misandrists.Over time, the number of female masculists will rise, and to such a point, that there will be as many female-masculist feminists, i.e. biconscious feminists as monoconscious feminists, which will cause a real schism within the feminist movement, so that the next phase in the masculist empowerment of men can get off the ground.The Biconscious-Monoconscious Feminist Split PhaseOnce there are large numbers of biconscious feminists, they will challenge the monoconscious orthodoxy of traditional feminism, taking an attitude that monoconscious feminists are less likely to have boyfriends, since monoconscious feminists tend to be rather feminazi bitchy, lashing out at men for being oppressors of women, and rejecting the idea that it is monoconscious feminists who are massacring one father in four in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, who fail to FIP up, then expect to parasite off the money and labor of a man, who resist the passage of the Parer, with all the sexist hypocrisy that that implies, given than women have the Marer, etc.The biconscious feminists will increasingly see the monoconscious feminists as bigots, using the masculist term MFB (monoconscious feminazi bigot.) The biconscious feminists will see the monoconscious feminists as fools, who remain blind to how women oppress men, and hence suffer as a result, not having the common sense to see that a monoconscious feminazi is repulsive to a man, so not surprisingly, monoconscious feminists have much greater difficulty in finding a boyfriend, so are much more likely to not have a boyfriend, so live rather miserable lives, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and increasingly rejected by both sexes as outdated, bigoted, and dumb. The Feminist-Masculist Resolution PhaseAs the decades pass, there will be fewer and fewer monoconscious feminists, since most of them will have converted themselves into biconscious feminists, admitting that women oppress men too, and that women have a powerful moral obligation to FIP up, and not expect to parasite off the money and labor of a man. In time, both sexes will have an equal knowledge of both feminism and masculism, so that governments and society will take steps so that sex based discrimination will no longer exist. The feminists have already had this happen to them for the most part, e.g. women have been given equal pay for equal work, fault free divorce, the abortion right (a.k.a. the Marer), equal access to the professions, anti-rape laws, protection against sexual harassment etc. An equivalent bout of such legislation for men has yet to occur, e.g. the menfairing of the gender laws in the divorce courts, the legislation of the Parer, the equalization of the sex ratio in primary and secondary schools, so that boys have male role models, etc.Once the gender laws have been both women and men faired, society will then be as feminist conscious as masculist conscious so that both the feminist and masculist movements can afford to throttle back, and eventually to die out, due to lack of interest, since the pain of gender political discrimination will have subsided, due to the passage of legislation that solves the problems that motivated the formation of the feminist and masculist movements in the first place.The Post Gender Politics PhaseOnce all women are FIPs, pulling their own financial weight, living responsible adult lives, not depending on men to parasite on, once the divorce courts have been men faired, with custody of kids given jointly by default, with alimony thrown out, etc., with the Parer legislated, with the many laws that discriminate against men removed, etc., then the masculists can forget about masculism, since there will be no further need for such a political movement. Nearly all of the problems addressed by the masculists will have been solved. A similar story holds for the feminists, so when both sets of problems have been solved, we can live in a post gender politics phase. This final phase is probably some decades away, since fundamental changes in gender roles usually takes that long. At the present time, we masculists are only at the very beginning of the first phase, i.e. at the “intellectuals crying in the wilderness” phase, which is just the first part of the Masculist Education phase. But there are now dozens of masculist and MGTOW content makers on the internet, so the masculist and MGTOW movements are now well launched, so that we can confidently expect that the following six phases will inevitably follow. I hope I will see most of these phases unfold in my remaining lifetime, which I hope to be another three decades, but only a small minority of men reach 100. My father did it, and I hope to, too.Cheers,Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garisprofhugodegaris@ of the book “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion Against Being Manslaves to Women, An e-Textbook of 410+ Masculist Flyers for Men’s Studies Courses” freely downloadable in MS Word format, from my website. ................
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