Review sheet World History 2B Test 1

Review sheet World History 2B Test 1 name:

How many people died during WW2?

What did the soviet union do to eastern Europe after WW2?

What was the marshall plan?

What is containment?

What is the iron Curtain?

Who were the two hostile countries in the Cold War?



What is Mutually assured Destruction?

What is Globalization?

What is average life expectancy for the world?

What is outsourcing?

What is cultural imperialism?

What happened at the Nuremburg trials?

What is the UN?

What is the Truman Doctrine?

What city was a main cold war battle ground?

What was the Berlin Airlift?

What are superpowers?

Who was Ronald Reagan?

What is ideology?

Who was John F Kennedy?

Who was Fidel castro?

What is NATO?

Name 3 countries of NATO?




What is the Warsaw pact?

What are 3 countries of the Warsaw pact?




Describe what the Arms race was…

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?

What are two differences between communist countries



and Capitalists



What is suburbanization?

What is segregation?

What is the welfare state?

What is Gross Domestic product?

What was an American problem with the economy in the 1970’s in regards to Oil?

What supreme court cases separated public school segregation?

What was Johnsons Great Society?

What was a result of the economic boom in Japan in the 1950 and 1960’s?

Name at least 3 Japanese companies-




What is collectivization?

What was the Great leap forward?

What is the cultural revolution in china?

What is the 38th parallel?

What is the Korean war?

Leader in North Korea and south Korea



What is the Demilitarized zone?

Who is mao Zedong?

Who is Chaing Kai-Shek?

What kind of country was North korea?

What are Guerillas?

Who was Ho Chi Minh?

What is the domino theory?

Who were the Vietcong?

What was the Gulf of Tonkin resolution?

What was the Vietnam war?

Who were the Mujahadin?

Who was Mikail gorbachev?

Was is glasnost?

Where did the Soviet union get involved in a war in 1979?

Name new countries formed after the cold war?







What year did the Berlin wall come down?


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