DRAFT 2021 Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan

DRAFT Interregional Transportation Strategic


Caltrans AUGUST 2021

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i ? Table of Contents

Gavin C Newsom Governor

State of California David S Kim Secretary

California State Transportation Agency Toks Omishakin Director

California Department of Transportation Mike Keever

Chief Deputy Director California Department of Transportation

ii ? Table of Contents


This document would not have been possible without the contributions of many people, past and present, from department staff and managers, and partner agencies, to California tribal governments, key stakeholders, advocacy organizations, and the public at large. In particular, the following are acknowledged for their significant contributions and dedication to completion of this effort.

Special thanks to staff who made significant contributions for which we are supremely grateful:

Executive Management

? Jeanie Ward-Waller, Deputy Director, Planning and Modal Programs ? Cory Binns, Deputy Director, Traffic Operations and Maintenance ? Ellen Greenberg, Deputy Director, Sustainability ? Marlon Flournoy, Division Chief, Transportation Planning ? Kyle Gradinger, Division Chief, Rail and Mass Transportation ? James Anderson, Division Chief, Financial Programming Caltrans Project Team

? Frances Dea-Sanchez ? Jason Finley ? Kathryn Canepa ? Patrick Tyner ? Madison Buccola ? Russ Walker ? Joshua Pulverman ? Andrew Cook ? Jeff Morneau ? Vishal Ream-Rao ? Janette Ramirez ? Tony Dang ? Alan Steinberg ? Marina Johansen ? Rambabu Bavrisetty ? Surjit Dhillon ? Scott Sauer Caltrans Districts

Staff from all twelve districts provided considerable input and assistance in the development of the ITSP.

iii ? Table of Contents

Table of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................1 Chapter 1 ? Introduction ...........................................................................................................2

California Overview ................................................................................................................2 Interregional Transportation System......................................................................................3 Implementation ....................................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2 ? Interregional Transportation Vision ......................................................................5 Coordination with Other Plans and Programs .....................................................................9 Chapter 3 ? Strategic Interregional Corridor Summaries and Analysis...............................10

San Diego/Mexico Border ? Inland Empire Connections Corridor .............................. 16 South Coast ? Central Coast Corridor.............................................................................19 Central Coast ? San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area Corridor ........................................ 22 San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area ? North Coast Corridor ........................................... 25 San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area ? Central Valley ? Los Angeles Corridor ............... 28 Sacramento Valley ? Oregon Border Corridor...............................................................32 High Desert ? Eastern Sierra ? Northern Nevada Corridor ............................................. 35 Southern California ? Southern Nevada/Arizona Corridor............................................38 Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley East-West Connections Corridor .................. 41 San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area ? Sacramento ? Northern Nevada Corridor ........ 44 North Coast ? Northern Nevada Connections Corridor ............................................... 49 Appendix A: ITIP Scoring Criteria.............................................................................................52 Appendix B: Supporting Policies and Legislation ..................................................................58 Appendix C: Interregional Corridor Analysis..........................................................................59 Appendix D: Interregional Road System ................................................................................66 Appendix E: ITIP Requirements ................................................................................................71

iv ? Table of Contents

List of Figures Figure 1: Caltrans Modal Plans ..................................................................................................9 Figure 2: Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan ? Regions Map ................................. 11 Figure 3: Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan - Strategic Interregional Corridors .. 12 Figure 4: Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan ? Priority Interregional Facilities.......13 Figure 5: Interregional Road System. ......................................................................................14 Figure 6: San Diego/Mexico Border - Inland Empire Connections Corridor Map..............16 Figure 7: South Coast - Central Coast Corridor Map............................................................19 Figure 8: Central Coast - San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area Corridor Map. ...................... 22 Figure 9: San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area - North Coast Corridor Map .......................... 25 Figure 10: San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area - Central Valley - Los Angeles Corridor Map .................................................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 11: Sacramento Valley - Oregon Border Corridor Map. ........................................... 32 Figure 12: High Desert - Eastern Sierra - Northern Nevada Corridor Map...........................35 Figure 13: Southern California - Southern Nevada/Arizona Corridor Map.........................38 Figure 14: Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley East-West Connections Corridor Map .................................................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 15: San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area - Sacramento - Northern Nevada Corridor Map ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Figure 16: North Coast - Northern Nevada Connections Corridor Map.............................49 Figure 17: Interstate 5 Facility Service Profile .........................................................................60 Figure 18: Highway 101 Facility Service Profile.......................................................................61 Figure 19: Highway 99 Facility Service Profile.........................................................................61 Figure 20: Interstate 580 Facility Service Profile .....................................................................62 Figure 21: Interstate 10 Facility Service Profile .......................................................................62 Figure 22: Interstate 15 Facility Service Profile .......................................................................63 Figure 23: Highway 46 Facility Service Profile.........................................................................63 Figure 24: Route 58 Facility Service Profile .............................................................................64

v ? Table of Contents

List of Tables Table 1: CTP 2050/2021 ITSP Goals and Objectives ................................................................8 Table 2: Strategic Interregional Corridors...............................................................................15 Table 3: San Diego/Mexico Border ? Inland Empire Connections Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies .............................................................18 Table 4: South Coast?Central Coast Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies ...........................................................................................................................21 Table 5: Central Coast?San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies ....................................................................................24 Table 6: San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area?North Coast Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies ....................................................................................27 Table 7: San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area?Central Valley?Los Angeles Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies .............................................................31 Table 8: Sacramento Valley ? Oregon Border Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies .................................................................................................34 Table 9: High Desert ? Eastern Sierra ? Northern Nevada Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies ....................................................................................37 Table 10: Southern California ? Southern Nevada/Arizona Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies ....................................................................................40 Table 11: Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley East-West Connections Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies .............................................................43 Table 12: San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area?Sacramento?Northern Nevada Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies ................................................. 47 Table 13: North Coast?Northern Nevada Connections Corridor Priority Interregional Facility Improvements and Strategies ....................................................................................51 Table 14: ITIP Scoring Criteria...................................................................................................53 Table 15: Average Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled ...................................................................59 Table 16: Average Daily Trips...................................................................................................59

vi ? Table of Contents

Executive Summary

California is the most populous state in the nation and the third largest in terms of size, drawing people from all over the world. The state covers over 160,000 square miles of distinctive landscapes and diverse communities ranging from urban, rural, coastal, mountain, agricultural, and Tribal lands. These communities have their own unique transportation needs and challenges. Ensuring safe, equitable, and efficient connections between geographic regions, communities, and attractions is a priority of the Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan (ITSP). The ITSP provides a policy framework related to interregional travel to guide Caltrans and partner agencies during the development of comprehensive, multimodal corridor plans that lead to the identification of transformative, innovative, and cost-effective projects. The ITSP aligns with the Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI), California Transportation Plan 2050 (CTP 2050), Caltrans Freight Mobility Plan (CFMP), and the Caltrans State Rail Plan (CSRP). It also establishes criteria for prioritizing transportation investments that safely move people and goods between regions. In this plan, eight distinct and unique regions in California have been identify based on a variety of factors including geographic features, location, local economies, specific attractions, and regional industries ? Southern California, Central Coast, Central Valley, Eastern California, San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento Area, North Coast, and North State (Figure 2). Eleven major connections linking these regions were identified as strategic interregional corridors (Figure 3) which are the major interregional travel patterns. The key rail and highway facilities supporting travel between regions within these corridors were identified as priority interregional facilities (Figure 4). General improvements and strategies are identified for each priority interregional facility to be addressed through district corridor planning efforts. The ITSP not only provides direction to programs, districts, and partner agencies on the policies and strategies that should be considered when identifying improvements for the interregional transportation system, but also provides policy direction for the development of the Interregional Transportation Improvement Program (ITIP) through the ITIP scoring criteria (Attachment A).

1 ? Executive Summary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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