For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ...

When you live in a culture with very few certainties, isn't it wonderful to know and serve a God Who never breaks a promise?!? In His Word, God has given us more than 3000 Glorious Guarantees! If you are in Christ, and He is in you, every promise God has made is all yours.

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are `Yes' in Christ.

(2 Corinthians 1:20a NIV)

You will find God has not promised us anything the world can give: Not money, not houses, not yachts or luxury cars. What God promises is far more glorious!! You are promised the presence, the power, the purpose, of the eternal God, made known to us in Jesus, and sealed with the Spirit!

Over the next 30 days, we are going to look at 30 (less than 1%) of God's promises-- His Glorious Guarantees. Each day you will: Read "The Passage"-- take a look at God's Word. Write down "The Promise"-- from God in your own words. Learn about "The Particulars"-- a few tidbits about this promise. "The Practicalities" give you ideas about applying the promise. And finally, "The Prayer" allows you space to write words to God in reaction to His promise (thanksgiving, confession, adoration, etc.).

Once God makes a promise, He keeps that promise! Are you ready to say "AMEN" to His promises to you?

And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God.

(2 Corinthians 1:20b NIV)

Day 1

The Passage: 1 John 5:11-13

The Promise: __________________________________


The Particulars: No other promise, given by God to man, has as much value as this one. Think about it--Who else could guarantee eternal life, than God Who is the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen? (1 Timothy 1:17) But, what is eternal life? The answer is in John 17:1-3. What did you find? ____________________________________. Romans 6:23 tells us eternal life is a gift (a promise) of God alone. Titus 1:2 states eternal life was promised before time began! And John 3:16 tells us our promise of eternal life comes through Jesus alone. God's promise of eternal life is yours! It begins the moment you give your life to Him. Have you asked Him to be your Savior? If you aren't sure of your decision, see the back of this book for a clear path to make Christ your Savior.

Without Him, all of God's promises are null and void. With Christ, EVERY PROMISE is YOURS!!

The Practicalities: Read John 3:16 one more time being careful to read the verbs correctly. What is the phrase after "should not perish"? __________________________

____________________________. The verb is "have". It's not will have, should have, is going to have... it's the present-perfect tense "have". This means eternal life starts as soon as you make your choice for Christ. Don't wait to live eternally for Jesus, live fully ALIVE right now!!

The Prayer: You HAVE eternal life! John 10:28 says that nothing can snatch you out of God's hand! Romans 8:38, 39 gives you the glorious guarantee that NOTHING can separate you from God. How do you respond to God today? __________




Day 2

The Passage: Jeremiah 32:17, 27; Luke 1:37, 18:27; Mark 10:27

The Promise: ___________________________________________________


The Particulars: ALL things are possible with God! Take a look at Genesis 18:1-15. (The idea that God can do all things is first mentioned in this passage in verse 14.) Describe what happened: _________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ (See Genesis 21:1-5 to see how God gave the impossible.) God gave a doubting wife, who was FAR along in years, a son! Over and over again, God proved He can be trusted to do the impossible: Parting seas, raising the dead, winning wars with clay pots and torches, healing the sick, calming storms, ending droughts, providing for His people. With God all things are possible!

The Practicalities: What OUTRAGEOUS impossibility are you looking at today? Think beyond what can be explained, or something for which you can plan. Have you thought of one item, maybe two: An unsaved loved one, a financial burden you have NO way to solve, a health issue that is beyond medical help, a sadness you cannot pinpoint, an injustice that has no end? No matter what it is you face, God has already faced it, dealt with it, and solved it. (Remember: God's ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:9). He will make the impossible possible, but it will be according to His plan.)

The Prayer: Take time to give your impossibility to God: ___________________________






___________________________________________ Now trust Him to do it!


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