Residence Hall Association

April 7th, 2008

I. Call to Order (7:02pm)

a. Rules of Order

b. Roll Call

c. Additions/Changes to the Agenda

d. Approval of the Minutes

i. March 31st Minutes

ii. DD- motions to accept the minutes

iii. Waller-2nds the motion

iv. DD-yield

v. Waller-yield

vi. DD calls consent

e. Media Introductions

f. Guests

i. Residence Life


1. Executives

2. Senate

a. Finals Fest, during the Monday of finals week, locations and

b. Concert pass, when you register for classes

c. Possible new cougar card, two strips on the back on for debt and other for RDA and Cougar Cash

d. Coug feud April 18th 6 pm, Kimbrogh 101

e. Wed CUE 518th 5:30pm

f. Not going to be here next week, UW

g. President- when is you last meeting

h. Last meeting during Dead week

i. Congratulation to Stimson and Rogers for great programs this weekend

3. SEB

a. Rogers had an awesome,

b. Thanking Quinn and Sami for picking next years

c. Tomorrow is the WAZZU film festival

d. I am legend is playing this weekend, at the regular times

e. Mom’s weekend Up all Night

f. Dueling pianos for the main hit

g. Springfest is two weeks away. Looking for volunteers.

h. Gone next week but new Direct here next week

i. Concerts, for more information

iii. Dining

iv. March of Dimes

1. Happened this pass weekend, all of our supporter get shirts. Next break you get

2. Stevens- how much money did you raise

3. We had 210 for the event. We have lots of bears to sell, which we will be selling over couple of weeks. We are doing coin.

4. Anthony Smith-If any one is wanted to help out next year, get in touch with me or Michelle and we will get in touch of

II. Public Testimony

III. On the Ball Award

a. No ball this week

b. Unanimous to Rogers for cougar idol

IV. Budget Update

a. Going through everything for this week and last week. There is 1800 left in PPS

V. Old Business

a. Regents- Rockathon

i. Nothing new to say. We got to a rocky start. Tomorrow is Breast Cancer trivia, and Wednesday we will be at the bookie.

ii. Discussion

1. Report round up

2. DD-move to give regents 500 from PPS

3. Rogers- 2nds motions

4. DD-yield

5. Rogers-yield

6. Stimson-POI- money pass now, does that include the banquet

7. DF- now this money is already factor out.

8. Motion passes

b. American Nihonjin Organization- Cherry Blossom Festival

i. Attendance slightly less

ii. DD- what type of advertisement

iii. We contacted someone for the Daily evergreen, flyer, and facebook group

iv. Honors- how many people attended

v. Not exactly sure, around 100

vi. Discussion-

1. Report Round Up

2. DD- move to give American Nihonjin 1000

3. South- 2nds

4. DD-yield

5. South-yield

6. Motion passes

VI. New Business

a. RHA- RHA Banquet

i. April 19th

ii. Two reps, RED, and 4 government members can attend


iv. DD- where does this money come form

v. This money comes out of PPS and other line items

vi. We would like to move it into second reading

b. Stimson- Green M&M Dance

i. Zack Stimson President

ii. We are asking for money now, because there are no RHA meeting for

iii. 250 will cover us for cougar

iv. We have lots of green M&M and other green

v. VP- have you contacted Cougar Security

vi. No we have not but we as a hall will cover the cost if it goes up

vii. DD-why is it green M&M

viii. It is a traditions

ix. NRHH- green to show go

c. Korean Student Association-Korean Night

i. Bryan Park

ii. We are here to request money for the event that happened Sunday night. We had about 300 people show up. We were expected 500. And we did not get as much money for tickets and other sources. The Daily evergreen gives a details report of what went on. We are now having trouble paying off our debt. This was our flyer that we posted around the residence hall. We did a facebook group. And we were selling tickets of the mall and at the bookie last week

iii. Waller- Money to make up for lost ground

iv. Yes

v. Rogers- biggest sponsor?

vi. Korean embassy to put on. New Ambassador did not honor the agreement with us that we have had with them in the past. Seattle groups

d. WSU Dressage Team- Intercollegiate Dressage Association Championships

i. Kena Mullans

ii. We qualified four people to go to nations. I’m wearing the required dress. You make a set pattern in front of a judge and you have no clue what

iii. Waller- Who are the residents?

iv. They are from Community and Wilmer Davis

e. WSU Mock Trail- Mock Trail Silver Nationals

i. Mock trail we did do fundraising this is what we have done

ii. We raised 30,000 but only 9,000 went to WSU mock trail. Our advisor put the money in an endowment so we could be self sufficient in the coming years. We were unable to work services at Beasley because we did not get the correct insurance in time.

iii. We presented in front of law firms in Seattle in a Federal court. We got about 2.500. They tried to move us to California for regionals. We easily raised 16000 for Mock Trail. We are asking you to fund the two people who did go to nations that live

iv. Honor- where would you get the money if you don’t get if form RHA

v. Out of pocket

vi. Stimson- what is the fundraiser for.

vii. The money form the fundraiser was supposed to go for nationals but it was not able to do so because of the choices our advisor made.

f. Finance recommendations

i. RHA- recommends full amount

ii. Stimson-250 because they are coming now and not asking fro

iii. Korean- full amount

iv. WSU Dressage- we recommend 400 for this event

v. WSU Mock Trail- we recommend 450, split the rest between the to groups

vi. Recess at 7:41pm.

vii. Return at 7:46 pm

g. Constitution Review

i. Everything that is crossed off was in the constitution. Red is changed.

ii. First change-Article 2, Section 5. Dues increase from $10 to $12

iii. Article 5, Section 3 must have a 2.3, if lower that 2.3 you may not run for office

iv. Article 5, Section 5

v. You can now vote yes, abstain, or no confidence

vi. Advisor- Can you please explain the no confidence vote to council?

vii. Abstain, means that you take away your vote. No confidence means that you have a no vote.

viii. We changed the dates on the front of the constitution as well.

ix. By-laws—Article 1, Section 3. Line ten- DAA manages all elections now.

x. Subline A and B are now moved to DPR.

xi. Stimson- In the proposal, line 12 is not there.

xii. Honors- When DPR elects the Webmaster; does it have to be approved by council?

xiii. No.

xiv. Article 1, Section 5, line 17. The NCC may not concurrently serve as a Resident Advisor. This is because PACURH is during the RA selection process. Anyone who is an RA is signed to a contract, and must be at the process sessions, so they cannot attend PACURH. As NCC, you must attend all conferences.

xv. DD- Where is page 4?

xvi. We took out all unneeded pages, the ones without any changes.

xvii. Article 1, Section 6, Line 1. We are changing the duties of DPA. Taking out subline E, and inserting- must take minutes at committee meetings. Taking out subline c and d, and adding line f. They must be present at all RHA events. We also took out the Fall Hall Week because of Homecoming Week.

xviii. Article 1, Section 8. Added line 14 and 15. Appoint webmaster, and maintain webmaster and computers, etc.

xix. We also fixed all of the numbering in the bylaws. There used to be two sections 8’s.

xx. Article 2, Section 4. Took out the “old bidding process” and inserted that bidding down can only occur if there is a position that is open, with no one running. You can also bid down to any day; it does not have to be on the day of.

xxi. DD- Maybe someone would want to run for a position that someone else is running for, and would be a better candidate.

xxii. We didn’t really think of that, but you can vote on whatever you want.

xxiii. Jesse- The bid down procedure can be found in many different areas. This is one option that I have seen that has actually worked really well.

xxiv. NCC- Technically all positions can bid down to the second day.

xxv. Jesse- You could clarify so that the due date of the second day of applications are due, they can bid down. It would just put the candidate in somewhat of a limbo.

xxvi. GG- Next year, there would only be two days, not three days?

xxvii. Yes.

xxviii. GG- It doesn’t state that you can only bid down once. If there are three days, you could bid down more than once.

xxix. NCC- The candidate can bid down as much as they want, but you guys as a council can change it.

xxx. President- Next week, if your hall wants to make changes, have your hall bring it in writing.

xxxi. DPA elect- Can you still bid down on the same day?

xxxii. Yes, but the position you are bidding down to has to be vacant.

xxxiii. Article 3, Section 4. Used to read that all execs have to maintain a 2.3 during office. Failure to do so would force the officer to resign. We would like to change it so that the exec MUST possess a 2.3.

xxxiv. Jesse- This statement makes the Section more clear.

xxxv. DAA- This would be your semester GPA, not your cumulative GPA.

xxxvi. GG- Would you please clarify?

xxxvii. This clarifies between semester and cumulative GPA. Your semester GPA cannot fall below 2.0, and cum lower than 2.3

xxxviii. NCC- Last year, we passed a resolution to increase dues by $2. Which increases the yearly dues to $74? We must put this into the bylaws because it was voted on last year, and will be in effect next year.

xxxix. Article 12, Section 9. Each res hall will get $100 per year for RHA Reps.

xl. Discussion

DD- Can we delete the exception?

1. DAA- it came up that voting procedures wanted to be changed, but what do you guys want? For example, to make all of the votes equal per hall.

2. GG- POI- Where does it state which hall has how many votes?

3. It is in Section 10.

4. DD- What about the Residents at Large?

5. NCC- If they even have ten people, they have the right to two votes.

6. North- It says in the by-laws that DAA checks at semester to re-check the population of the halls.

7. DAA- Jesse checks, and gives me the changes. It is reflected in the ten day count at the beginning of the semester.

8. North- Contracts are the entire year, but what about students that leave per say, their contracts are still in effect, correct?

9. Advisor- Their contract is cancelled and they will pay fees. They would be paying for their apartments and hall dues, etc.

10. GG- Does it state who is supposed to check GPA’s at semester?

11. DAA- it does not state that in the by-laws or constitution. You can add it, if you want.

12. Jesse- I am the only one with access to grades.

13. DAA- We would like as much input as possible.

14. Rogers- I think that it should be stated in the by-laws who is responsible for GPA’s, and we should NOT have equal votes.

15. Stimson- I agree. It does not make sense to have a small and large body to have equal votes.

16. Regents- yield.

17. DD- I also agree with Stimson and Rogers.

18. Stevens- I feel that when things are taken back to government, not the whole hall is there. So it is really just the government’s input, not the whole hall.

19. President- During election, maybe all of the halls could have equal votes because it is not brought back to the halls.

20. Rogers- I disagree with Stevens. Each hall has a different government style. If the reps go back to their halls, each rep is only in charge of 12 people in our hall. If you want to increase student voice, it is up to your own government to maximize that by increasing your reps, etc.

21. Stimson- All residents in our halls pay dues, and the more people you have, the more votes you should have. We also have sections, and each section rep has to bring it back to those residents.

22. GG- If you have more people, you should have a larger voice. I agree with Kyle to having the elections be equal. Maybe we could change how the halls get the numbers of votes.

23. Waller- By stating that your hall should have more votes because you have more money is not fair. We could maybe change it 1-300, and 300-600. We want the small halls to have incentive to be here, and have their votes be heard.

24. DAA- The proportional system represents every student in each res hall. If we go to a senate type vote, we lose that feeling of representing the whole hall.

25. DD- POI- How many residents are in Stevens?

26. Stevens- It houses 75, but there are only 60 current residents.

27. Waller- Could we only have 3 and 4 votes, and Residents at Large could have 1?

28. GG- You are then stating that halls with more people are not as important

29. Waller- yield.

30. Stevens- Just because we live in a small hall, we feel that we don’t have a vote. Last meeting, we were all against a vote, and yet it passed. We are lacking motivation to stay here at RHA. If we only have a certain percentage of a population, we feel that we shouldn’t only have a certain percentage of the vote.

31. Rogers- We should talk to our halls about new ideas because this discussion is getting really heated. Maybe we can come up with a more rational idea.

32. Stimson- It’s hard to think about a hall with 500 residents to only have a small number of votes. Based on statistics and proportions, this is the only fair way to vote.

33. Community- GG and SP can knock off the whole College Hill with just their votes a certain way.

34. DD- POI- Do the Hill Halls have 11 or 9 votes?

35. DAA- There are 13 total votes on the hill.

36. President- At this point we have had a very thorough discussion.

37. Rogers- There is a Bingo and Bunco event on Saturday the 12th. The time is now pushed back to 5-6. Have tea with your mom, and then come play bingo.

VII. Open Forum

a. DD- I move to push the RHA Banquet into second reading.

b. South 2nds the motion

c. DD-yield

d. South-yield

e. DD-call consent

f. DPA- Amy Gibson in charge of catering. We have budget for 3000 for food. We did not originally plan for Rich Deshield is coming, to be our key note speaker. Hope you like the them

g. DD- anything else on

h. DPA-

i. GG- invitations

j. DPA- we have invitations, we will distributed to the Res Life office, so the RED will be handing them out, April 19th from 6:30. You get to invite 4 government

k. North- four people include the RED

l. You have seven totals. One for your RED, two for you RHA reps, and 4 for your government. These four include your president.

m. Discussion

i. Waller- Move to 4,052

ii. South – 2nds

iii. Waller-yield

iv. South-yield

v. DF- we do not have enough money

vi. GG- money out of programming dis.

vii. DF- money will come out of programming dis. And Unallocated

viii. Waller- Amend 4,052, money out of Programming Discretional and Unallocated.

ix. Motion passes

n. Regents- come to the Mum and Me tea,

o. Advisor- Rich Deshields, we would like to help him pay for his expense to come and

p. DD- to move

q. DPR- Bulletin board competition, we need people to help judge the bulletin board. I will email you tomorrow to figure out how to get you into the hall. I would like to have 5 people. The winners get gift basket form USA Today

r. Waller-NCAA title game went into overtime

s. Roger- want to thank Waller for updated us on the form

VIII. Position/Committee Report

a. President

i. Thank you for the procedures changes. It is a tough choice to figure out how to work. This is a tough call to make. Small halls make large contribution to the organization

ii. President meeting a week from this Thursday. Where we will

iii. GG- conflict for people on finance.

iv. DD- will you send out an

v. SP- award presentation at the banquet.

vi. Yes they will

vii. I have a meeting for Move in Pitch in tomorrow. Move information to come

viii. Meeting with President Floyd next week.

ix. This is my last meeting running the meeting

b. Vice President

i. Thank you for passing the resolution

ii. RAC need to see you after the

iii. Final score of game 70-68 Kansas

c. DAA

i. Constitutional review is after this meeting

ii. Next week the new exec will be taking over so give us some slack

d. Director of Finance

i. Scholarships are in, there are more than 4.

ii. Good job on dispersing funds

iii. No finance meeting next week.

iv. Scholarship Meeting this Thursday at 5:30

v. Retreat at 17th at 5:30 send you time

vi. New DF- putting the extra funds into a new line item,

vii. GG- why not just giving the funds

viii. Waller- giving the money back to the hall

ix. Advisor- We could give the money back by making an IRI to the halls

x. Finance Council is open to everyone, 17 5:30

xi. Thanks for having me as DF.

e. NCC

i. Thanks Andy for taking up my time

ii. Got the guidelines for banner and display.

iii. My positions is still open

iv. President- Positions will be open at the begin of the year.

f. DPA and DPO

i. If anyone really want to help, we will be setting up at 3 pm on the 19th in Smith Gym 117. And taking down would be great.

g. DPR

i. Got a tour of the CUB, we are privilege to. Working on getting a couch.

ii. We will most likely be meeting in Butch’s Den.

iii. Office Hours will be ended after

iv. Idea of who is staying on council.

v. Thanks for keeping if professional.

vi. We will have all of the tech info.

vii. DD- I really do not think it is Necessary to for DPR to go through writing up a new funding proposal


i. OTY will be sent out to the Hall Presidents and RED.

ii. Hopefully you all have gotten Hall of Year criteria

iii. Hall of Year, will be due on the 14th at the RHA meeting

iv. Winner will be announced at the Banquet

v. Liter of the Week

1. Tony Montoya

2. Anthony Smith

3. Thomas Chamura

4. Denis Litwith

5. Winner is Denis

vi. Letter bombs

IX. Jesse’s Moment

a. No update from res life. They are all at a potluck. RED candidates are on campus

b. Good luck on dealing with tough topics

c. 12:15 pm on wed there is a test of the emergency

X. Announcements

XI. Adjournment(9:07pm)


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