Trail of Tears Webquest

Trail of Tears WebQuestFind the Answers at: Who was elected President in 1824?What position did he have prior to running for the Presidency?How was he elected? Why?Find the Answers at: Who was elected President in 1828?Who did he feel he represented?In his first annual message, what did he recommend eliminating? Why?What two political parties emerged during the campaign?Find the Answers at: Looking at the charts, what can be said about voter turnout between the 1824 and 1828 elections?Looking at Massachusetts example, what changed in many states 1821 – 1827?What were the new voting requirements?Find the Answers at: In the view of the settlers, what were the Indian nations doing?Nine of eleven treaties called for the movement of Native American tribes to the ____?The 1823 ruling of the Supreme Court said what for the relationship between Native Americans and land?Early attempts at Native American resistance for the most part were _____?What did the Indian Removal Act permit the President to do?Find the Answers at: Who is Worcester representing or suing on behalf of?What was the ruling in the case?Find the Answer at: How many died?Find the Answers at: What tribe is being moved? How many groups were they originally broken into?What three things led to an unpleasant experience?By November how many groups had made the journey? How far had they traveled?Find the Answers at: What was Andrew Jackson’s response to Worcester v. Georgia?What five tribes of Southeastern Native Americans’ lands were heavily wanted by speculators for their agricultural areas?What made the Northeastern tribes different from the Southeastern tribes? Find the Answers at: Four Questions at the bottom of the page – answer in complete sentences.Extension Activity:Write a poem or short story on what the Native Americans faced during the Trail of Tears. Make sure to include imagery that pertains to why it was referenced (called) the Trail of Tears. ................

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