Stasis Grid - Paying College Athletes
|Author Info | Source Type |Categorical Does X |Definitional |Causal |Evaluation |Action |Jurisdiction |
|Up to three names, write|(popular, scholarly, |exist? |Is X a Y? |Does X cause Y? Is Y a |Is it good or bad? Fair or|What should be done |Who is responsible? |
|them all; 4+, write |trade, government) | | |result of X? |unfair? Harmful or |about X? | |
|first name et al. (i.e.,| | | | |beneficial? | | |
|Smith et al.) | | | | | | | |
|1. Beck, Chris - |Blog |Do jersey and video | |Could paying student |Is it fair that schools |We should pay student |NCAA |
|Journalist | |game companies rob | |athletes decrease |bring in millions of |athletes. | |
| | |student athletes by not| |public media scandals |dollars of revenue off | | |
| | |including last names in| |which give sports a bad|athletics, but don’t pay | | |
| | |their products, and | |reputation? |the student athletes | | |
| | |thus not having to pay | | |anything? | | |
| | |the athletes? | | | | | |
|2. Benedict, Jeff - |Scholarly |There is a problem with| |The large profits that |NCAA Division I football |Division I college |NCAA and schools |
|Author | |Division I college | |Division I college |is a billion dollar |football should be | |
| | |football, and it | |football brings in has |business which includes |reevaluated because it| |
| | |promotes bad habits to | |corrupted the sport and|high-priced coaches, giant|funds itself on | |
| | |the exploited students.| |the athletes. |television deals, and paid|exploiting “student” | |
| | | | | |test takers. |athletes. | |
|3. Braun, Michael – |Blog | |Student athletes are |Because of the team, | |Nothing. Many student| |
|Student athlete at James| | |students first. They |student athletes have | |athletes, including | |
|Madison University | | |are NOT professional |to constantly keep | |himself, love the | |
| | | |athletes, so why should|themselves on a short | |student athlete | |
| | | |they get paid as such? |leash, even in the | |experience. | |
| | | | |offseason. | | | |
|4. No Author Given - |Newspaper and news | |The Texas Longhorns are| |Forbes placed a monetary | | |
|Forbes |magazine | |the most valuable | |value on college | | |
| | | |college football team | |football’s major teams. | | |
| | | |with a current value of| | | | |
| | | |$129 million. | | | | |
|5. Cooper, Kenneth – |Scholarly | |Common Law suggests | |It is unfair that college |Division I college |States should enforce |
|Author | | |that Division I college| |athletes can be legally |athletes should be |their labor laws. |
| | | |athletes are legally | |classified as workers, but|paid for their legal | |
| | | |employees for their | |aren’t getting paid as |work. | |
| | | |school. | |such. | | |
|6. Darcy, Kieran - |Newspapers and news |While making a tackle | | |Eric will likely never |Eric was put in | |
|Journalist |magazine |during a football game,| | |walk again, dramatically |emergency surgery, and| |
| | |Eric LeGrand suffered a| | |changing his life, and |will likely require a | |
| | |spinal cord injury, | | |ending his professional |breathing machine for | |
| | |paralyzing him from the| | |football career before it |the rest of his life. | |
| | |neck down. | | |even began. | | |
|7. Farrey, Tom - |Newspaper and news |There is a major | |A greater number of |This is awful. High | | |
|Journalist |magazine |concussion / brain | |concussions are |school football players | | |
| | |injury problem | |happening among |are twice as likely to | | |
| | |happening in high | |children due to high |suffer brain injuries | | |
| | |school football. | |school football. |compared to college | | |
| | | | | |players. New safety | | |
| | | | | |regulations are a must. | | |
|8. Henderson, Daniel – |Scholarly |More than half of | |Are college sports | |Student athletes | |
|Professor (University of| |college athletes earn | |hurting athletes’ | |should be paid more | |
|Alabama) | |less than nonathletes | |academic grades? | |for their time at | |
| | |after graduating and | | | |university or there | |
| | |finding jobs. | | | |should be new programs| |
| | | | | | |installed to help them| |
| | | | | | |perform better | |
| | | | | | |academically. | |
|9. Larsen, E – Author |Scholarly |Is there an injury | |Big football hits have |This is a very troubling | | |
| | |problem in football? | |led to large numbers of|issue. A recent survey | | |
| | | | |knee and ankle |even suggested that over | | |
| | | | |injuries. Football |50% of football players | | |
| | | | |also leads to an |experience significant | | |
| | | | |increased likelihood of|knee injuries throughout | | |
| | | | |developing arthritis in|their career. | | |
| | | | |the future. | | | |
|10. Low, Chris - |Newspapers and news |A.J. Green violated |The NCAA described | |University of Georgia | |The NCAA Committee on |
|Journalist |magazine |NCAA rules by selling a|Chris Hawkins (the | |president Michael Adams | |Student-Athlete |
| | |game-worn jersey for |athlete who purchased | |claimed the university did| |Reinstatement |
| | |$1000. This resulted |the jersey) as an a | |everything it could to | | |
| | |in a four-game |marketer for amateur | |help Green, and that he | | |
| | |suspension. |athletes. | |has no place to criticize | | |
| | | | | |the NCAA. | | |
|11. Mahler, Jonathan - |Blog |There is an unfair | | |Not paying college |There should be open |Schools should offer |
|Journalist | |system in place where | | |athletes is unfair. |market bidding for |their own contracts to |
| | |college athletes are | | | |high school athletes, |athletes and should be |
| | |not paid anything for | | | |similar to how free |responsible for paying |
| | |their hard work. | | | |agency works in |them. |
| | | | | | |professional sports. | |
|12. Mitchell, Horace - |Newspaper editorial | | |A high percentage of |Many student athletes do |We should not pay |Student athletes |
|Journalist | | | |student athletes |get special accommodations|student athletes. |knowingly put |
| | | | |graduate without |including athletic | |themselves through a |
| | | | |student loans, due to |scholarships. | |tough schedule. |
| | | | |their involvement in | | | |
| | | | |athletics. | | | |
|13. Ozanian, Mike – |Newspaper and news | |The Dallas Cowboys are | |Forbes placed monetary | | |
|Journalist |magazine | |the most valuable | |values on every NFL team. | | |
| | | |football team, worth | |The Dallas Cowboys are the| | |
| | | |$2,300 million and | |most valuable, worth | | |
| | | |generating $539 million| |$2,300 million. | | |
| | | |last year. | | | | |
|14. Seidl, Jonathon - |Blog | | | | | | |
|Journalist | | | | | | | |
|15. Suggs, David – | | | | | | | |
|Journalist | | | | | | | |
|16. Van, Rheenen – |Scholarly | |College athletes are | |Division I college |College athletes |NCAA and the athletes’ |
|Teacher (American | | |exploited because of an| |athletes make their |should get paid. |schools for not setting|
|studies and School of | | |unfair financial | |schools and the NCAA a lot| |up a fair exchange |
|Education at Berkley) | | |exchange. | |of money, and should be | | |
| | | | | |paid in account for that. | | |
|17. Whitlock, Jason - |Newspapers and news | |The suggestion of | |Student athletes receive |Student athletes | |
|Journalist |magazines | |paying student athletes| |many benefits such as free|should not be paid. | |
| | | |is “the most idiotic | |educations and exposure to| | |
| | | |suggestion of all | |playing on the national | | |
| | | |time.” | |spotlight. | | |
|18. Woodford-Rodgers, B |Scholarly |Is there an injury |The ACL is the most |A ruptured ACL reduces | | | |
|- Author | |problem in college and |frequently ruptured |the knee’s laxity, | | | |
| | |high school sports? |knee ligament |increasing the risk of | | | |
| | |How do ACL injuries | |another ACL tear | | | |
| | |affect your life in the| | | | | |
| | |long-run? | | | | | |
|19. Zimbalist, Andrew – |Scholarly | |Are student athletes, |The US college sports | | | |
|Professor (Economics at | | |students or athletes |system is detrimental | | | |
|Smith College) | | |first? Student |to an athlete’s | | | |
| | | |athletes are athletes |academic work. | | | |
| | | |first, because the | | | | |
| | | |system favors athletics| | | | |
| | | |over academics. | | | | |
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