
California Colleges worksheet follow the directions from the master worksheetHow many COMMUNITY COLLEGES are there in California? how many Students and Faculty? How many CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY colleges are there? how many Students and Faculty? How many UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA colleges exist? how many Students and Faculty? COMMUNITY COLLEGESCollege NameEnrollmentCityList at least Majors/ Certificates (see Academics)List at least 2 Special Programs (see Academics)1Coastline Community College12,00023Now find the same information for CSU colleges:CALIFORNIA STATE UNVERSITY COLLEGESCollege NameEnrollmentCityList at least 2 Special Programs (see Academics)List at least 2 Majors (see Academics)123Go back to EXPLORE COLLEGES, then go to CAMPUS FACTS and click on UC schools:UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA COLLEGESCollege NameEnrollmentCityList at least 2 Special Programs (see Academics)List at least 2 Majors (see Academics)123Go back to EXPLORE COLLEGES CAMPUS FACTS and click on INDEPENDENT COLLEGES:CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT COLLEGESCollege NameEnrollmentCityList at least 2 Special Programs (see Academics)List at least 2 Majors (see Academics)123Select four colleges of your choice and find the following information:<< Choose from the CSU, UC, or Independent Colleges ONLY – NO Junior Colleges >>(see Academics) College NameAdmission Requirements (see Admissions)SATHigh School GPA123 ................

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